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Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - "Lots of Dots"

(You can Click on any of the images below to see a full-size photograph) - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots
(front view) - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots
(top view)

Large Footed Bowl - Blue & Yellow Dots, with Yellow Lip wrap
Weight: 8.65 Pounds Height: 11 inches Width: 13 inches - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots
(front view) - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots
(top view) - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots
(close-up of dots)

Large Footed Bowl - Cobalt Blue & White & Blue Dots, with Cobalt Blue Lip wrap
Weight: 3.85 Pounds Height: 7 inches Width: 10 inches - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots
(front view) - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots
(top view)

Footed Bowl - Transparent Ruby Red & White Dots, with transparent ruby red lip wrap
Weight: 5.15 Pounds Height: 6 inches Width: 10 inches - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots
(top view) - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots
(front view)

Footed Vase - Yellow & Orange Dots, with Red Lip wrap - with 15 cuts (fingers) on lip
Weight: 3.15 Pounds Height: 7.25 inches Width: 6.5 inches - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots
(top view) - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots
(front view)

Footed Bowl - Blue & White Dots, with Blue Lip wrap
Weight: 4.55 Pounds Height: 5.5 inches Width: 8 inches - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots
(top view) - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots
(front view)

8-Blade Bowl - Red-to-Orange Transitioning Dots / Spiral Thread, with White Lip wrap
Weight: 2.6 Pounds Height: 6 inches Width: 9 inches - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots
(top view) - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots
(front view)

Tall Fluted Vase with closely spaced White and Light Blue Dots with Red Lip Wrap
Weight: 2.2 Pounds Height: 8 inches Width: 8.5 inches - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots - Yellow Lip - Orange Dots
(top view) - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots - Yellow Lip - Orange Dots
(front view)

Tall Footed Vase with Cut Yellow Lipwrap and Orange Dots
Weight: 2.9 Pounds Height: 9.5 inches Width: 8.0 inches (at top) - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots - Translucent Red Vase - Clear Foot
(front view)

Tanslucent Red Vace with Orange Dots and clear (Sweedish) foot
Weight: 2.95 Pounds Height: 10.0 inches Width: 4.25 inches - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots
(front view) - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots
(top view)

Transparent Cobalt Blue & Opaque White Dots, Transparent Cobalt Blue Lip Wrap, on Footed Bowl
Weight: 1.95 Pounds Height: 7 inches Width: 7 inches - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots
(front view) - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots
(top view)

Transparent Ruby Red & Opaque White Dots, Transparent Cobalt Blue Lip Wrap, on Footed Bowl
Weight: 6.45 Pounds Height: 6.5 inches Width: 11.5 inches - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots
(front view) - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots
(top view) - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots
(close-up of dots)

Transparent Cobalt Blue & Opaque White Dots with Cobalt Blue Lip Wrap, on Footed Bowl
Weight: 3.95 Pounds Height: 6 inches Width: 8.5 inches - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots
(front view) - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots
(top view)

Light Blue & Opaque White Dots, Red Lip Wrap, on Footed Vase
Weight: 2.45 Pounds Height: 8.75 inches Width: 8.5 inches - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots
(front view) - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots
(top view)

Large Blue-and-White Dots Footed Bowl with Blue Lip Wrap
Weight: 6.2 Pounds Height: 6.5 inches Width: 11.5 inches - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots
(top view) - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots
(front view)

Large Green-and-White Dots Footed Bowl with Green Aventurine Lip Wrap
Weight: 3.45 Pounds Height: 7 inches Width: 11 inches - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots
(front view) - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots
(bottom view) - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots
(top view)

Translucent Red/Pink Bowl with Opaque Yellow Dots and White lip wrap
Weight: 2.85 Pounds Height: 5 inches Width: 8 inches - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots
(front view) - Tony Patti 2009 Glass Art - Lots of Dots
(top view)

White and Purple Dots, Lavender lip wrap, on Footed Bowl
Weight: 3.25 Pounds Height: 8 inches Width: 8 inches

At 02:51:02 September 15 2024 displayed this
glassblowing web page at last modified: April 17 2011