[PA-NJ Glassblowers] Digging I-95: Glass from Philadelphia's Buried Past

Tony Patti gaffer at glassblower.info
Wed Mar 23 08:52:06 EDT 2016

This particular presentation by the Art Glass Forum of NY resonates with me, because I provided some assistance to the Archaeological Laboratory Manager for URS Corporation, I wrote about this 

on my Jacob’s Ladder Glassblowing web page at 


which contains a link to 

http://planphilly.com/articles/2012/01/20/penndot-archaeologists-uncover-historic-dyottville-glass-works containing some nice excavation photos.



Tony Patti




From: Art Glass Forum | NY [mailto:artglassforumny=gmail.com at mail53.suw11.mcdlv.net] On Behalf Of Art Glass Forum | NY
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2016 8:31 AM
To: gaffer at glassblower.info
Subject: Our next meeting



Our Next Meeting



Tuesday, April 5, 6:30 PM
Digging I-95: Glass from Philadelphia's Buried Past

Mary Cheek Mills

There is little visible evidence remaining of the several glass furnaces that operated along the Delaware River in Philadelphia from the 1700s to around 1900. As part of the I-95 Improvement Project, however, new archeological investigations are yielding an extraordinary amount of historic glass. Equally exciting are discoveries revealing the working and living conditions of the men employed by such well-known companies as the Dyottville Glass Works and the Union Cut and Plain Glass Works.

Mary Cheek Mills, the Historic Glass Specialist for AECOM, the firm conducting these explorations on behalf of the Federal Highway Administration, will discuss several of her exciting finds, ranging from bottles and whimsies to cut tableware and lighting. She will also shed a light on the men who created those objects. Ms. Mills was previously the Education Programs Manager at the Corning Museum of Glass and currently teaches graduate programs at Sotheby's Institute of Art, Winterthur Museum and the Smithsonian Institute.

The Art Glass Forum | New York meets the first Tuesday of each month (from October through May) at St. Michael’s Church. Annual membership dues range from $25 (for young professionals) to $90 (for a household).  Attendance on a per meeting basis is $15 per person.  We welcome both new members and visitors. 
Our featured speaker’s presentation begins at 7:00 PM and is preceded by a wine and cheese reception at 6:30.  After the meeting, many attendees enjoy dinner with friends and fellow club members in one of the many restaurants in the neighborhood.



     <http://artglassforumny.us8.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=c607e2c8abc70fb75d7287c50&id=4e045e420e&e=4d183fc986> St. Michael’s Church, 225 West 99th Street, New York, NY 10025, is an ideal setting for the Art Glass Forum's meetings.  The Church was designed and decorated by Louis C. Tiffany between 1895 and 1925 and is one of the only extant Tiffany interiors in the New York metropolitan area. We frequently meet in the chapel, part of the sanctuary, which is a wonderful backdrop for our speaker, with its marvelous windows, lamps and mosaics by Tiffany Studios.


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                                                         Contact us at: 
                                                  <mailto:artglassforumny at gmail.com> artglassforumny at gmail.com

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