Backyard Butterflies and Animals
(Holland, Bucks County, Pennsylvania 18966 USA)
(most of the photos below can be clicked on to show a more detailed photo)
Click here to see our backyard BIRDS
Click here to see our backyard BUTTERFLIES
Click here to see our backyard megapixel videos (deer, red foxes, raccoons, etc.)
(Deer, Opossum, and Raccoon all eating together)
(actually white/gray in color, the color shifted due to low-light conditions)
Opossum Movie #1 -- Opossum eating at the bird feeder
Opossum Movie #2 -- Opossum eating at the bird feeder
Opossum Movie #3 -- Opossum eating at the bird feeder
The Raccoon wants to know why the Opossum gets to east dinner first?
And we even had both deer and racoon eating at the same time!
Racoon eating sunflowers: close-up #1 (36.2 Megabytes) 70 Seconds
Racoon eating sunflowers: close-up #2 (37.5 Megabytes) 73 Seconds
Racoon eating sunflowers (43.7 Megabytes) 84 Seconds
We had an adult racoon stopping by almost every day, and then we did not see for a while, and now we know why!
She had three baby racoons, and they can be seen in these cute videos, with a deer only a couple feet away eating corn,
while the racoons eat their peanuts and sunflower seeds.
Mom racoon and three baby racoons eating the bird food #1 (27.8 MBytes)
Mom racoon and three baby racoons eating the bird food #2 (15.7 MBytes)
Mom racoon and three baby racoons eating the bird food #3 (48.4 MBytes) -- this one is cute!
Mom racoon and three baby racoons eating the bird food #4 (18.3 MBytes)
Mom racoon and three baby racoons eating the bird food #5 (8.7 MBytes)
The five videos above look better if you save them to your local hard drive, and then play the video "double-size".
Red Fox
Click here to watch 11 Red Fox videos taken during daylight hours
Approximately 15 second Red Fox video:
video download
Approximately 79 second Red Fox video:
video download
Awesome color video of a Red Fox and Opposum eating peanuts together - August 25, 2013
Opposum and Red Fox Sharing - September 7, 2013 (black & white video)
Opposum and Red Fox Sharing = July 29, 2013 (black & white video)
(notice the pair of Mallard Ducks in the lower right photo)
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