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Beautiful Garden Plant Labels

Posted on August 11, 2016 by Tony Patti

I went searching for nice permanent weather-proof labels on stakes I could use in my garden to identify the various plants and trees.

I looked at a variety of websites, and some were very expensive.

I really liked this image from it was exactly the type of engraved label with rounded corners I had in my mind which would complement my plants:

AAA Quality Engravers - Garden Labels on Stakes

I emailed and got a quick reply from Bernie Holliday, the owner of AAA Quality Engravers.

I liked that Bernie understood both engraving AND plants (he registered the daylily you see above).

The day I receive my labels and stakes, and showed my wife, she immediately said “Our garden is going to look like a MUSEUM”, I agree with her, these look like museum-quality plant identification.

I want to point out that the stakes are really nice too — they are 5/32 carbon steel power coated black, and tall too (mine are 25 inches).

I took a couple photos of my plant labels and stakes, below. Wish my photos were better, but I took the photos will my cell phone camera.

AAA Quality Engravers - Garden Labels on Stakes - Tony Patti photo #3

AAA Quality Engravers - Garden Labels on Stakes - Tony Patti photo #5

(My two images above can be clicked on, if you want to see full-size)

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