Bibliography Sequence Number: 300
Author1: Bryan, W. G
Date: 1967
Title: Practical Cryptanalysis, Volume V: Periodic Ciphers
Publisher: The American Cryptogram Association
Bibliography Sequence Number: 301
Author1: Rivest, Ronald L
Date: 1980
Title: "Forwards and Backwards" Encryption
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:30-33
Bibliography Sequence Number: 302
Author1: Pless, Vera
Date: 1977
Title: Cracking a Random Number Generator
Periodical: IEEE Trans. on Computers
Issue & Page numbers: 26:1133-1136
Keywords: RANDOM
Bibliography Sequence Number: 303
Author1: Kruh, Louis
Date: 1980
Title: The Ciphering System for a 19th Century Challenge CIpher
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:34-35
Bibliography Sequence Number: 304
Author1: Kahn, David
Date: 1980
Title: Problems of the Unbreakable Cipher
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:36-40
Bibliography Sequence Number: 305
Author1: Shulman, David
Date: 1980
Title: Another Solution to the Sherlockian Cryptogram
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:41
Bibliography Sequence Number: 306
Author1: Kahn, David
Date: 1980
Title: The Market for Encryption
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:42-44
Keywords: DEVICES
Bibliography Sequence Number: 307
Author1: Kruh, Louis
Date: 1980
Title: Reminiscences of a Master Cryptologist
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:45-50
Comments: interview with Frank B. Rowlett
Bibliography Sequence Number: 308
Author1: Eckler, A. Ross
Date: 1980
Title: Some Comments on the Use of the HP 67/97 as a Cryptograph
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:51-53
Keywords: calculator
Bibliography Sequence Number: 309
Author1: Winkel, Brian J
Date: 1980
Title: There and There
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:54-61
Bibliography Sequence Number: 310
Author1: Kahn, David
Date: 1980
Title: Interviews with Cryptologists
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:65-70
Bibliography Sequence Number: 311
Author1: Levine, Jack
Author2: Hartwig, Robert E
Date: 80
Title: Applications of the Drazin Inverse to the Hill Cryptographic System, Part I
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:71-85
Keywords: GF
Bibliography Sequence Number: 312
Author1: Shulman, David
Date: 1980
Title: A Curious Cryptic Composition
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:86-88
Bibliography Sequence Number: 313
Author1: Outerbridge, Richard
Date: 1980
Title: Some Cryptographic and Computing Applications of the Toshiba LC-836MN Memo Note 30 Pocket Calculator
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:89-94
Keywords: calculator
Bibliography Sequence Number: 314
Author1: Arnold, Philip M
Date: 1980
Title: An Apology for Jacopo Silvestri
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:96-103
Bibliography Sequence Number: 315
Author1: Raven, Francis A
Date: 1980
Title: Memories of the PacifiComments: Book Reviews
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:104-108
Keywords: hist
Bibliography Sequence Number: 316
Author1: Wall, Rajendra S
Date: 1980
Title: Decryption of Simple Substitution Cyphers with Word Divisions using a Content Addressable Memory
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:109-115
Bibliography Sequence Number: 317
Author1: Gillogly, James J
Date: 1980
Title: The Beale Cipher: A Dissenting Opinion
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:116-119
Bibliography Sequence Number: 318
Author1: Kahn, David
Date: 1980
Title: Nuggets from the Archives
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:120-121
Keywords: hist
Bibliography Sequence Number: 319
Author1: Winkel, Brian J
Date: 1980
Title: Solution to Cryptanalysts' Corner Scotch Homophonic
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:122
Bibliography Sequence Number: 320
Author1: Winkel, Brian J
Date: 1980
Title: There and There
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:123-126
Bibliography Sequence Number: 321
Author1: Deavours, Cipher A
Date: 1980
Title: The Black Chamber: A Column How the British Broke Enigma
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:129-132
Keywords: hist
Bibliography Sequence Number: 322
Author1: Bright, Herbert S
Date: 1980
Title: High-Speed Indirect Cryption
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:133-139
Keywords: RANDOM
Comments: text of COMPLAN TN-913-35, 5OCT79 version
Bibliography Sequence Number: 323
Author1: Chaitin, G. J
Date: 1974
Title: Information-Theoretic Limitations of Formal Systems
Periodical: Journal ACM
Issue & Page numbers: 21,3 (July): 403-424
Keywords: RANDOM
Bibliography Sequence Number: 324
Author1: Feistel, Horst
Author2: Notz, W. A
Author3: Smith, J. L
Date: 1975
Title: Some Cryptographic Techniques for Machine-to-Machine Data Communication
Periodical: Proceedings of the IEEE
Issue & Page numbers: 63,1
Author1: 1545-1554
Comments: "These two papers [Refs 324 and 583] describe various ways of building
Comments: block cipher systems and shows their application to a variety of
Comments: privacy and authentication problems in computer systems and networks." (006)
Bibliography Sequence Number: 325
Author1: Pady, Donald S
Author2: Kline, Laura S
Date: 80
Title: Finger Counting and the Identification of James VI's Secret Agents
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:140-149
Keywords: ancient
Bibliography Sequence Number: 326
Author1: Levine, Jack
Author2: Hartwig, Robert E
Date: 80
Title: Applications of the Drazin Inverse to the Hill Cryptographic System, Part II
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:150-168
Bibliography Sequence Number: 327
Author1: Barker, Wayne G
Date: 1980
Title: Opportunities for the Amateur Cryptanalyst can be Anywhere
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:169-172
Bibliography Sequence Number: 328
Author1: Kruh, Louis
Date: 1980
Title: The Work of a DiplomaTitle: A Book Review
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:172
Bibliography Sequence Number: 329
Author1: Kahn, David
Date: 1980
Title: Spy CipherBibliography Sequence Number: A Book Review
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:173-176
Bibliography Sequence Number: 330
Author1: Knight, H. Gary
Date: 1980
Title: Cryptanalysts' Corner
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:177-180
Bibliography Sequence Number: 331
Author1: Bowers, William M
Date: 1959
Title: Practical Cryptanalysis Volume I. Digraphic Substitution
Publisher: Ventura, CA: The American Cryptogram Association
Keywords: 1-24
Bibliography Sequence Number: 332
Author1: Kruh, Louis
Date: 1980
Title: Cipher DeviceBibliography Sequence Number: TRS-80 Data Privacy System
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:181-183
Keywords: device
Comments: have the company's literature for this product
Comments: in my files under "commercially available..."
Bibliography Sequence Number: 333
Author1: Cooper, R. H
Date: 1980
Title: Linear Transformations in Galois Fields and Their Application to Cryptography
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:184-188
Keywords: GF
Comments: EXCELLECT - The starting point for my GF research
Bibliography Sequence Number: 334
Author1: Albert, A. A
Date: 1956
Title: Fundamental Concepts of Higher Algebra
Publisher: Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Keywords: number theory
Keywords: GF
Bibliography Sequence Number: 335
Author1: Cooper, R. H
Date: 1977
Title: An Application of Galois Field Theory to Cryptography
Periodical: Proceedings of the Learned Societies Canadian Information Processing Society
Keywords: GF
Comments: number theory
Comments: Computer Science Association:
Bibliography Sequence Number: 336
Author1: Berlekamp, Elwyn R
Date: 1968
Title: Algebraic Coding Theory
Publisher: NY: McGraw-Hill
Keywords: GF
Bibliography Sequence Number: 337
Author1: Alanen, J. D
Author2: Knuth, Donald E
Date: 64
Title: Tables of Finite Fields
Periodical: Sankhya Calcutta
Issue & Page numbers: 26: 305-328
Keywords: GF
Bibliography Sequence Number: 338
Author1: Ewing, Sir Alfred
Date: 1980
Title: Some Special War Work, Part I
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:193-203
Keywords: hist
Bibliography Sequence Number: 339
Author1: Kochanski, Martin J
Date: 1980
Title: Remarks on Lu and Lee's Proposals for a Public-Key Cryptosystem
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:204-207
Keywords: RSA
Bibliography Sequence Number: 340
Author1: Lu, S. C
Author2: Lee, L. N
Date: 80
Title: A Simple and Effective Public-Key Cryptosystem
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: Comsat Technical Review 9:15-24 1979
Keywords: RSA
Bibliography Sequence Number: 341
Author1: Knight, H. Gary
Date: 1980
Title: Cryptanalyst's Corner
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:208-212
Bibliography Sequence Number: 342
Author1: Nelson, Jim
Date: 1980
Title: The Development of Commercial Cryptosystem Standards
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:213-224
Keywords: DES
Comments: not xrefed
Bibliography Sequence Number: 343
Author1: Kruh, Louis
Date: 1980
Title: Cipher Equipment: TST 1221
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:225-229
Keywords: device
Bibliography Sequence Number: 344
Author1: Makar, Boshra H
Date: 1980
Title: Transfinite Cryptography
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:230-237
Comments: not xrefed
Bibliography Sequence Number: 345
Author1: Kruh, Louis
Date: 1980
Title: Pearl Harbor Revisited: A Book Review
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:237
Bibliography Sequence Number: 346
Author1: Kahn, David
Date: 1980
Title: A Professional's Challenge
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:238-239
Bibliography Sequence Number: 347
Author1: Schuetz, Arthur
Date: 1980
Title: Secret Service Unmasked
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: London: Hutchinson 1950
Bibliography Sequence Number: 348
Author1: Deavours, Cipher A
Date: 1980
Title: La Methode Des Batons
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:240-247
Keywords: hist
Bibliography Sequence Number: 349
Author1: Kruh, Louis
Date: 1980
Title: A Remarkable View of Ancient America: A Book Review
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 4:248-249
Keywords: ancient
Bibliography Sequence Number: 350
Author1: Mellen, Greg
Date: 1981
Title: Graphic Solution of a Linear Transformation Cipher
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 5:1-19
Keywords: GF
Bibliography Sequence Number: 351
Author1: Kahn, David
Date: 1981
Title: The Public's Secrets
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 5:20-26
Keywords: NSA
Bibliography Sequence Number: 352
Author1: Rivest, Ronald L
Date: 1981
Title: Statistical Analysis of the Hagelin Cryptograph
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 5:27-32
Keywords: hist
Bibliography Sequence Number: 353
Author1: Ewing, Sir Alfred
Date: 1981
Title: Some Special War Work, Part II
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 5:33-39
Keywords: hist
Bibliography Sequence Number: 354
Author1: Mellen, Greg
Date: 1981
Title: Cryptanalyst's Corner
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 5:40-42
Bibliography Sequence Number: 355
Author1: Deavours, Cipher A
Date: 1981
Title: Shutting off the Spigot in 1981
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 5:43-45
Keywords: NSA
Bibliography Sequence Number: 356
Author1: Kruh, Louis
Date: 1981
Title: Cipher Equipment: Collins CR-200/220 Data Security Unit
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 5:46-50
Keywords: DES
Keywords: device
Bibliography Sequence Number: 357
Author1: Rubin, Frank
Date: 1981
Title: Decrypting a Stream Cipher Based on J-K Flip-Flops
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 5:51-57
Bibliography Sequence Number: 358
Author1: Kruh, Louis
Date: 1981
Title: From the Ultra Conference: A Book Review
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 5:58
Bibliography Sequence Number: 359
Author1: Fischer, Elliott
Date: 1981
Title: A Theoretical Measure of Cryptographic Performance
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 5:59-62
Bibliography Sequence Number: 360
Author1: Kahn, David
Date: 1981
Title: German Spy Cryptograms
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 5:65-66
Keywords: hist
Bibliography Sequence Number: 361
Author1: Hartwig, Robert E
Author2: Levine, Jack
Date: 81
Title: Applications of the Drazin Inverse to the Hill Cryptographic System, Part III
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 5:67-77
Bibliography Sequence Number: 362
Author1: Kallis Jr., Stephen A
Date: 1981
Title: The Code-O-Graph Cipher Disks
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 5:78-83
Keywords: hist
Keywords: devices
Bibliography Sequence Number: 363
Author1: Sturges, Gerald
Date: 1981
Title: The House Report on Public Cryptography
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 5:84-93
Keywords: NSA
Bibliography Sequence Number: 364
Author1: Costas, John P
Date: 1981
Title: The Hand-Held Calculator as a Cryptographic Machine
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 5:94-117
Keywords: calculator
Bibliography Sequence Number: 365
Author1: Lembart, Lee
Date: 1981
Title: The Public Cryptography Study Group: U.S. and Mathematicians in Code Dispute at Odds on Publishing Research
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 5:118-122
Keywords: NSA
Bibliography Sequence Number: 366
Author1: Mellen, Greg
Date: 1981
Title: Cryptanalysts' Corner
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 5:123
Bibliography Sequence Number: 367
Author1: Adleman, Leonard M
Date: 1980
Title: On Distinguishing Prime Numbers from Composite Numbers
Periodical: Proc. 21st FOCS Conference
Issue & Page numbers: October 1980
Keywords: primes
Comments: copy was mailed to me by Ron Rivest
Bibliography Sequence Number: 368
Author1: Kahn, David
Date: 1979
Title: Cryptology Goes Public
Periodical: Foreign Affairs
Issue & Page numbers: Fall 1979
Bibliography Sequence Number: 369
Author1: Pollard, J. M
Date: 1975
Title: A Monte Carlo Method for Factorization
Periodical: BIT
Issue & Page numbers: 15:
Keywords: primes
Bibliography Sequence Number: 370
Author1: Blakley, G. R
Date: 79
Title: Safeguarding Cryptographic Keys
Periodical: Proc. AFIPS NCC
Issue & Page numbers: 48:313-317
Bibliography Sequence Number: 371
Author1: Berlekamp, Elwyn R
Author2: McElice, Robert J
Author3: Van Tilborg, Henk C. A
Date: 1978
Title: On the Inherent Intractability of Certain Coding Problems
Periodical: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Issue & Page numbers: IT-24, 3 (May):384-386
Comments: Abstract - The fact that the general decoding problem for linear codes
Comments: and the general problem of finding the weights of a linear code are both
Comments: NP-complete is shown. This strongly suggests, but does not rigorously
Comments: imply, that no algorithm for either of these problems which runs in
Comments: polynomial time exists.
Bibliography Sequence Number: 372
Author1: Branstad, Dennis K
Author2: Gait, J
Author3: Katzke, S
Date: 1976
Title: Report of the Workshop on Cryptography in Support of Computer Security
Periodical: NBS Report IR 77-1291
Issue & Page numbers: 21-22
Keywords: DES
Comments: Sept 1976
Bibliography Sequence Number: 373
Author1: Friedman, William F
Date: 1967
Title: Cryptology
Periodical: Encyclopedia Britannica
Issue & Page numbers: 6: 844-851
Keywords: encyclopedia
Bibliography Sequence Number: 374
Author1: Geffe, Philip R
Date: 1973
Title: How to Protect Data With Ciphers that are Really Hard to Break
Periodical: Electronics
Issue & Page numbers: 46, 1 (4 Jan 73): 99-101
Keywords: system design and implementation
Comments: "A scheme for constructing a keystream by using a linear random
Comments: generator to select bits alternately from the streams produced by
Comments: two other linear random number generators." (006)
Bibliography Sequence Number: 375
Author1: Hellman, Martin E
Author2: Merkle, Ralph
Author3: Schroeppel, R et al
Date: 1976
Title: Results of an Initial Attempt to Cryptanalyze the NBS Data Encryption Standard
Publisher: Stanford U. Ctr. for Systems Research Report SEL 76-042
Length: 9 Sep 76
Comments: 4:Washington, L
Comments: 5:Diffie, Whitfield
Comments: 6:Pohlig, S
Comments: 7:Schweitzer, P
Comments: avail. from NTIS
Bibliography Sequence Number: 376
Author1: Kolata, Gina Bari
Date: 1977
Title: Computer Encryption and the National Security Agency Connection
Periodical: Science
Issue & Page numbers: 197 (29 Jul 77): 438-440
Keywords: NSA
Keywords: DES
Bibliography Sequence Number: 377
Author1: Kolata, Gina Bari
Date: 1977
Title: Cryptology on the Brink of a Revolution?
Periodical: Science
Issue & Page numbers: 197 (19 Aug 77): 747-748
Keywords: popular
Keywords: RSA
Bibliography Sequence Number: 378
Author1: Kolata, Gina Bari
Date: 1978
Title: Cryptology: A Secret Meeting at IDA?
Periodical: Science
Issue & Page numbers: 200 (14 Apr 78): 184
Keywords: RSA
Bibliography Sequence Number: 379
Author1: Lempel, A
Date: 1978
Title: Cryptology in Transition: A Survey
Periodical: Sperry Rand Research Center Report SCRC-RP-78-43
Issue & Page numbers: ??????
Comments: Sudbury
Comments: Mass. Sept 1978
Bibliography Sequence Number: 380
Author1: Matyas, S. M
Author2: Meyer, Carl H
Date: 78
Title: Generation, Distribution, and Installation of Cryptographic Keys
Periodical: IBM System Journal
Issue & Page numbers: 17, 2: 126-137
Keywords: Key Distribution
Bibliography Sequence Number: 381
Author1: McElliece, R. J
Date: 1977
Title: Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, Volume Author3: Theory of Information and Coding
Publisher: Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley
Bibliography Sequence Number: 382
Author1: McElliece, R. J
Date: 1978
Title: A Public-Key Cryptosystem based on Algebraic Coding Theory
Periodical: Jet Propulsion Lab DSN Progress Report 42-44, Jan and Feb 1978
Bibliography Sequence Number: 383
Author1: Merkle, Ralph C
Author2: Hellman, Martin E
Date: 78
Title: Hiding Information and Signatures in Trapdoor Knapsacks
Periodical: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Issue & Page numbers: IT-24 (Sep):525-530
Comments: Abstract - The knapsack problem is an NP-complete combinatorial problem
Comments: that is strongly believed to be computationally difficult to solve in
Comments: general. Specific instances of this problem that appear very difficult
Comments: to solve unless one possesses "trapdoor information" used in the design
Comments: of the problem are demonstrated. Because only the designer can easily
Comments: solve problems, others can send him information hidden in the solution
Comments: to the problems without fear that an eavesdropper will be able to extract
Comments: the information. This approach differs from usual cryptographic
Comments: systems in that a secret key is not needed. Conversely, only the
Comments: designer can generate signatures for messages, but anyone can easily
Comments: check their authenticity.
Bibliography Sequence Number: 384
Author1: Patterson, N. J
Date: 1975
Title: The Algebraic Decoding of Goppa Codes
Periodical: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Issue & Page numbers: IT-21, 2 (March):203-207
Bibliography Sequence Number: 385
Author1: Perlman, M
Date: 1976
Title: Generation of Key in Cryptographic System for Secure Communications
Publisher: NASA Technical Brief 75-10278
Keywords: system design and implementation
Comments: "Discussion of some nonlinear shift registers with know periods." (006)
Bibliography Sequence Number: 386
Author1: Pless, Vera S
Date: 1977
Title: Encryption Schemes for Computer Confidentiality
Periodical: IEEE Transactions on Computers
Issue & Page numbers: C-26, 11 (Nov): 1133-1136
Keywords: system design and implementation
Comments: "An interesting discussion of the use of J-K flip flop networks to
Comments: produce maximal period keying sequences." (006)
Bibliography Sequence Number: 387
Author1: Rabin, Michael O
Date: 1977
Title: Complexity of Computations
Periodical: CACM
Issue & Page numbers: 20, 9 (Sep 1977): 625-633
Bibliography Sequence Number: 388
Author1: Shamir, Ali
Date: 1978
Title: A Fast Signature Scheme
Publisher: Cambridge, MA: MIT
Length: MIT/LCS/TM-107
Bibliography Sequence Number: 389
Author1: Shannon, Claude E
Date: 1948
Title: The Mathematical Theory of Communication
Periodical: Bell System Technical Journal
Issue & Page numbers: 27 (July and October 1948): 379-423, 623-656
Bibliography Sequence Number: 390
Author1: Shapley, Deborah
Author2: Kolata, Gina Bari
Date: 77
Title: Cryptology: Scientists Puzzle over Threat to Open Research, Publication
Periodical: Science
Issue & Page numbers: 197 (30 Sep 77): 1345-1349
Keywords: NSA
Bibliography Sequence Number: 391
Author1: Smith, J. Lynn
Date: 1971
Title: The Design of Lucifer, a Cryptographic Device for Data Communications
Publisher: IBM Report RC 3326
Length: White Plains, NY: IBM
Keywords: system design and implementation
Comments: "This working paper gives a detailed discussion of the functioning,
Comments: hardware design, and costs of the IBM Lucifer system." (006)
Bibliography Sequence Number: 392
Author1: Sugarman, Robert
Date: 1978
Title: Freedom to Research and Publish on Cryptology Remains Unresolved
Periodical: IEEE Spectrum
Issue & Page numbers: 2, 5 (May 1878): News Supplement
Comments: could not locate. what is page number?
Bibliography Sequence Number: 393
Author1: ACME Code Company
Date: 1923
Title: ACME Commodity and Phrase Code
Publisher: San Francisco, CA: ACME Code Co
Bibliography Sequence Number: 394
Author1: Albert, A. A
Date: 1941
Title: Some Mathematical Aspects of Cryptography
Periodical: presented at the AMS 382nd Meeting
Issue & Page numbers: Manhattan, Kansas 21 Nov 1941
Bibliography Sequence Number: 395
Author1: Branstad, Dennis K
Date: 1979
Title: Hellman's Data Does Not Support His Conclusion
Periodical: IEEE Spectrum
Issue & Page numbers: 16, 7 (July 1979): 41
Bibliography Sequence Number: 396
Author1: Bright, Herbert S
Author2: Enison, Richard L
Date: 76
Title: Cryptography Using Modular Software Elements
Periodical: Proc. AFIPS NCC
Issue & Page numbers: 45: 113-123
Keywords: DES
Keywords: RANDOM
Comments: "This paper describes the implementation and testing of the DES on several
computers." (006)
Bibliography Sequence Number: 397
Author1: Davida, George I
Date: 1979
Title: Hellman's Scheme Breaks DES in its Basic Form
Periodical: IEEE Spectrum
Issue & Page numbers: 16, 7 (July): 39
Bibliography Sequence Number: 398
Author1: Gilbert, E. N
Author2: MacWilliams, F. J
Author3: Sloane, N. J. A
Date: 1974
Title: Codes Which Detect Deception
Periodical: Bell System Technical Journal
Issue & Page numbers: 53, 3 (March): 405-423
Keywords: information theory
Comments: "This paper considers an interesting authentication problem which
Comments: arises in monitoring a nuclear test ban treaty. The problem is
Comments: closely related to digital signatures, which were not yet known." (006)
Bibliography Sequence Number: 399
Author1: Golomb, Solomon W
Date: 1967
Title: Shift Register Sequences
Publisher: San Francisco, CA: Holden-Day
Comments: "Shift registers are one of the best studied approaches to the
Comments: generation of pseudorandom sequences. This volume discusses the
Comments: randomness characteristics of sequences from both linear and
Comments: nonlinear shift registers." (006)
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