Bibliography Sequence Number: 400
Author1: Hart, G. L
Date: 1964
Title: The Beale Papers
Publisher: Roanoke, VA: Roanoke Public Library
Bibliography Sequence Number: 401
Author1: Hellman, Martin E
Date: 1979
Title: DES will be totally insecure within ten years
Periodical: IEEE Spectrum
Issue & Page numbers: 16, 7 (July 1979): 32-39
Bibliography Sequence Number: 402
Author1: Herlestam, T
Date: 1978
Title: Critical Remarks on Some Public-Key Cryptosystems
Periodical: BIT
Issue & Page numbers: 18 (1978) 493-496
Bibliography Sequence Number: 403
Author1: Horowitz, E
Author2: Sahni, S
Date: 74
Title: Computing Partitions with Applications to the Knapsack Problem
Periodical: Journal of the ACM
Issue & Page numbers: 21, 2 (April 1974): 277-292
Bibliography Sequence Number: 404
Author1: Kahn, David
Date: 1966
Title: Modern Cryptology
Periodical: Scientific American
Issue & Page numbers: 215 (July): 38-46
Keywords: popular
Comments: "This paper presents a superficial discussion of cryptology in roughly
Comments: the World War II period. Rotor and Hagelin machines are mentioned,
Comments: along with a discussion of one time pads, but neither mathematical
Comments: techniques in cryptanalysis nor the use of computers are covered." (006)
Bibliography Sequence Number: 405
Author1: Lipton, S. M
Author2: Matyas, S. M
Date: 78
Title: Making the Digital Signatures Legal - and Safeguarded
Periodical: Data Commun
Issue & Page numbers: 7, 2 (Feb): 41-52
Bibliography Sequence Number: 406
Author1: MacWilliams, F. J
Author2: Sloane, N. J. A
Date: 77
Title: The Theory of Error-Correcting Codes, Volumers I and II
Publisher: NY: North-Holland
Bibliography Sequence Number: 407
Author1: Martin, J
Date: 1973
Title: Security, Accuracy, and Privacy in Computing Systems
Publisher: Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall
Bibliography Sequence Number: 408
Author1: Massey, J. L
Date: 1969
Title: Feedback Shift-Register Synthesis and BCH Decoding
Periodical: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Issue & Page numbers: IT-15, 1 (Jan):122-127
Bibliography Sequence Number: 409
Author1: Peterson, W. W
Author2: Weldon, E. J
Date: 72
Title: Error Correcting Codes, 2nd Edition
Publisher: Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
Bibliography Sequence Number: 410
Author1: Roberts, R. W
Date: 1975
Title: Encryption Algorithm for Computer Data Encryption
Periodical: Federal Register
Issue & Page numbers: 40, 52 (17 Mar 75): 12134-12139
Comments: National Bureau of Standards (NBS)???
Bibliography Sequence Number: 411
Author1: Schroeppel, R
Author2: Shamir, Ali
Date: ??
Title: A TBibliography Sequence Number: *2 = O(n**2) time/space tradeoff for Certain NP-Complete Problems
Publisher: to appear as MIT Lab. Comp. Sci. Rep
Bibliography Sequence Number: 412
Author1: Shamir, Ali
Author2: Zippel, R. E
Date: 78
Title: On the Security of the Merkle-Hellman Cryptographic Scheme
Publisher: MIT/LCS/TM-119
Bibliography Sequence Number: 413
Author1: Shamir, Ali
Author2: Rivest, Ronald L
Author3: Adleman, Leonard M
Date: 1979
Title: Mental Poker
Publisher: Cambridge, MA: MIT Lab Comp. Sci, Tech. Rep. MIT/LCS/TM-125
Comments: Reprinted in The Mathematical Gardner (ed. D. Klarner)
Comments: Boston:Prindle, Weber, Schmidt (1981):37-43
Bibliography Sequence Number: 414
Author1: Shapley, Deborah
Date: 1978
Title: The New Unbreakable Codes - Will They Put NSA Out of Business?
Periodical: The Washington Post
Issue & Page numbers: 9 Jul 78: Outlook, Section B1
Bibliography Sequence Number: 415
Author1: Simmons, Gustavus J
Date: 1977
Title: Cryptology: The Mathematics of Secure Communication
Periodical: Math. Intell
Issue & Page numbers: 1, 4 (Oct): 406-414
Bibliography Sequence Number: 416
Author1: Sugarman, Robert
Date: 1979
Title: On Foiling Computer Crime
Periodical: IEEE Spectrum
Issue & Page numbers: 16, 7 (July): 31-32
Bibliography Sequence Number: 417
Author1: Tausworthe, R. C
Date: 1965
Title: Random Numbers Generated by Linear Recurrence Modulo Two
Periodical: Mathematics of Computation
Issue & Page numbers: 19: 201-209
Bibliography Sequence Number: 418
Author1: Tuchman, Walter L
Date: 1979
Title: Hellman Presents No Shortcut Solutions to the DES
Periodical: IEEE Spectrum
Issue & Page numbers: 16, 7 (July): 40-41
Bibliography Sequence Number: 419
Author1: Tuckerman, Bryant
Date: 1970
Title: A Study of the Vigenere-Vernam Single and Multiple Loop Enciphering Systems
Publisher: Yorktown Heights, NY: IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Report RC-2879 (#13538)
Keywords: cryptanalysis
Comments: "Tuckerman develops cryptanalytic techniques for solving these ciphers
Comments: from either rather small amounts of matched plaintext and ciphertext
Comments: or larger amounts of pure ciphertext." (006)
Bibliography Sequence Number: 420
Author1: Williams, H. C
Author2: Schmid, B
Date: 79
Title: Some Remarks Concerning the MIT Public-Key Cryptosystem
Publisher: U. of Manitoba Dep. of Comp. Sci., Rep. 91
Comments: 22 May 79
Bibliography Sequence Number: 421
Author1: Williams, H. C
Date: 1979
Title: A Modification of the RSA Public-Key Encryption Procedure
Publisher: U. of Manitoba Dep. of Comp. Sci., Rep 92
Bibliography Sequence Number: 422
Author1: Zierler, N
Author2: Brillhart, J
Date: 68
Title: On Primitive Trinomials (mod 2), Part I
Periodical: Inform. Control
Issue & Page numbers: 13: 541-554
Keywords: RANDOM
Bibliography Sequence Number: 423
Author1: Zierler, N
Author2: Brillhart, J
Date: 69
Title: On Primitive Trinomials (mod 2), Part II
Periodical: Inform. Control
Issue & Page numbers: 14: 566-569
Keywords: RANDOM
Bibliography Sequence Number: 424
Author1: unknown
Date: 1971
Title: Data Privacy
Periodical: IBM Res. Rep
Issue & Page numbers: 7, 4
Bibliography Sequence Number: 425
Author1: Morris, Robert
Date: 1977
Title: Computer Security and the Bell System
Periodical: ??????
Issue & Page numbers: 197 (19 Aug 77): 716
Bibliography Sequence Number: 426
Author1: unknown
Date: 1978
Title: ??????
Periodical: Computerworld
Issue & Page numbers: (19 Jun 78): 15
Bibliography Sequence Number: 427
Author1: Branstad, Dennis K
Date: 1975
Title: Draft Guidelines for Implementing and Using the NBS Data Encryption Standard (proposed)
Publisher: Washington, DComments: National Bureau of Standards
Keywords: DES
Comments: 10 Nov 75
Bibliography Sequence Number: 428
Author1: Branstad, Dennis K
Date: 1975
Title: Encryption Protection in Computer Data Communication Systems
Periodical: Proc. 4th Data Communications Symposium
Issue & Page numbers: 8.1-8.7
Keywords: Applications
Comments: avail from ACM or IEEE?
Bibliography Sequence Number: 429
Author1: Heinrich, F
Date: 19??
Title: The Network Security Center: A System Network Approach to Computer Network Security
Publisher: Washington, DComments: National Bureau of Standards, Special Pub. 500-21-Vol. 2
Bibliography Sequence Number: 430
Author1: Sanders, C. W. et al
Date: 1977
Title: Selected Examples of Possible Approaches to Electronic Communication
Interception Operations
Publisher: MITRE Tech. Rep. MTR-7461, Jan 77
Bibliography Sequence Number: 431
Author1: IBM
Date: 1978
Title: (Special Issue on Cryptology)
Periodical: IBM Systems Journal
Issue & Page numbers: 17, 2
Bibliography Sequence Number: 432
Author1: Berlekamp, Elwyn R
Date: 1973
Title: Goppa Codes
Periodical: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Issue & Page numbers: IT-19,5 (Sep):589-592
Bibliography Sequence Number: 433
Author1: Kohnfelder, L. M
Date: 1978
Title: Towards a Practical Public-Key Cryptosystem
Publisher: Cambridge, MA: MIT Lab. for Computer Science June 1978
Bibliography Sequence Number: 434
Author1: Ball, W. W. R
Author2: Coxeter, H. S. M
Date: 74
Title: Mathematical Recreations and Essays
Publisher: Toronto: Univ. Toronto Press, 12th Edition
Bibliography Sequence Number: 435
Author1: Bennet Jr., W. R
Date: 1976
Title: Scientific and Engineering Problem Solving With the Computer
Publisher: Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall
Comments: Chapter 4
Bibliography Sequence Number: 436
Author1: Branstad, Dennis K
Date: 1973
Title: Security Aspects of Computer Networks
Periodical: Proc. AIAA Computer Network Syst. Conf.
Issue & Page numbers: Paper 73-427
Keywords: Applications
Bibliography Sequence Number: 437
Author1: Branstad, Dennis K
Date: 1978
Title: Computer Security and the Data Encryption Standard
Publisher: National Bureau of Standards Special Publ. 500-27
Bibliography Sequence Number: 438
Author1: Carpenter, R
Author2: Sokol, J
Author3: Rosenthal, R
Date: 1978
Title: A Microprocessor-Based Local Network Node
Periodical: COMPCON Proc., IEEE Computer Society
Issue & Page numbers: Sept. 1978
Bibliography Sequence Number: 439
Author1: Ehrsam, S
Author2: Matyas, S
Author3: Meyer, Carl H
Date: 1978
Title: A Cryptographic Key Management Scheme for Implementing the Data Encryption Standard
Periodical: IBM Systems Journal
Issue & Page numbers: 17, Author2: 106-125
Keywords: DES
Comments: 4:Tuchman, W
Bibliography Sequence Number: 440
Author1: Everton, J
Date: 1978
Title: A Hierarchical Basis for Encryption Key Management in a Computer Communications Network
Periodical: Trends and ApplicationBibliography Sequence Number: 1978 Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society
Issue & Page numbers: May 1978
Bibliography Sequence Number: 441
Author1: General Services Administration
Date: 1977
Title: Federal Standard 1026 (proposed): TelecommunicationBibliography Sequence Number: Compatibility
requirements for use of the DES
Publisher: GSA
Keywords: DES
Comments: 13 Oct 1977
Bibliography Sequence Number: 442
Author1: Gait, J
Date: 1977
Title: Validating the Correctness of Hardware Implementations of the NBS DES. Special Publ. 500-20
Publisher: National Bureau of Standards
Keywords: DES
Bibliography Sequence Number: 443
Author1: Stewart, G. W
Date: 73
Title: Introduction to Matrix Computation
Publisher: NY: Academic Press
Bibliography Sequence Number: 444
Author1: Meyer, Carl H
Author2: Matyas, S
Date: 78
Title: Cryptography: A New Dimension in Computer Data Security
Publisher: KETRON, Inc
Bibliography Sequence Number: 445
Author1: U.S. Patent Office
Date: 1978
Title: Patent No. 4,078,152: Block-Cipher Cryptographic System with Chaining
Publisher: Submitted by L. Tuckerman Mar-18; assigned to the IBM Corporation
Bibliography Sequence Number: 446
Author1: Bush, A. M
Date: 1978
Title: Some General Interest Books on Cryptology
Periodical: IEEE Communications Society Magazine
Issue & Page numbers: 16, 6: 32
Bibliography Sequence Number: 447
Author1: Blackstock, Paul W
Date: 1969
Title: The Secret Road to World War II: Soviet Versus Western Intelligence 1921-1939
Publisher: NY: Quadrangle Books
Bibliography Sequence Number: 448
Author1: Burke, Davis
Date: 1969
Title: Get Yamamoto
Publisher: NY: Random House
Bibliography Sequence Number: 449
Author1: Dulles, Allen W
Date: 1966
Title: The Secret Surrender
Publisher: NY: Harper and Row
Bibliography Sequence Number: 450
Author1: Farago, Ladislas
Date: 1967
Title: The Broken Seal
Publisher: NY: Random House
Bibliography Sequence Number: 451
Author1: Foote, Alexander
Date: 1979
Title: Handbook for Spies
Publisher: NY: Doubleday
Bibliography Sequence Number: 452
Author1: Friedman, William F
Author2: Friedman, Elizabeth S
Date: 57
Title: The Shakespearean Cipher Examined
Publisher: NY: Cambridge University Press
Bibliography Sequence Number: 453
Author1: Galland, Joseph S
Date: 1945
Title: An Historical and Analytical Bibliography of the Literature of Cryptology
Publisher: NY: AMS Press
Bibliography Sequence Number: 454
Author1: Hoebling, A. A
Date: 1963
Title: The Week Before Pearl Harbor
Publisher: NY: Norton
Bibliography Sequence Number: 455
Author1: James, Admiral Sir William
Date: 1956
Title: The Code Breakers of Room 40
Publisher: NY: St. Martin
Bibliography Sequence Number: 456
Author1: Kimmel, Husband E
Date: 1955
Title: Admiral Kimmel's Story
Publisher: Chicago: Regnery
Bibliography Sequence Number: 457
Author1: Lavine, Abraham L
Date: 1921
Title: Circuits of Victory
Publisher: Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Page
Bibliography Sequence Number: 458
Author1: Lord, Walter
Date: 1967
Title: Incredible Victory
Publisher: NY: Harper and Row
Bibliography Sequence Number: 459
Author1: Masterman, C
Date: 1972
Title: The Double-Cross System in the Was of 1939-1945
Publisher: New Haven: Yale University Press
Bibliography Sequence Number: 460
Author1: McLachlan, Donald
Date: 1968
Title: Room 39: A Study in Naval Intelligence
Publisher: NY: Atheneum
Bibliography Sequence Number: 461
Author1: Moore, Dan T
Author2: Waller, Martha
Date: ??
Title: Cloak and Cipher
Publisher: NY: Bobbs-Merrill
Bibliography Sequence Number: 462
Author1: Morgenstern, George
Date: 1947
Title: Pearl Harbor: The Story of the Secret War
Publisher: NY: Devin-Adair
Bibliography Sequence Number: 463
Author1: Perrault, Gilles
Date: 1964
Title: The Secret of D-Day
Publisher: Boston: Little, Brown
Comments: Translated from the French by Len Ortzen
Bibliography Sequence Number: 464
Author1: Pratt, Fletcher
Date: 1939
Title: Secret and UrgenTitle: The Story of Codes and Ciphers
Publisher: NY:The Bobbs-Merrill Co.
Comments: Reprinted 1942 by Blue Ribbon Books, Garden City
Bibliography Sequence Number: 465
Author1: Smith, Laurence D
Date: 1943
Title: Cryptography
Publisher: NY: Norton
Bibliography Sequence Number: 466
Author1: Strong, Sir Kenneth
Date: 1972
Title: Men of Intelligence
Publisher: NY: St. Martin
Bibliography Sequence Number: 467
Author1: Theobald, Robert A
Date: 1954
Title: The Final Secret of Peral Harbor
Publisher: NY: Devin-Adair
Comments: The author was Rear Admiral, U.S.N., (Ret.)
Bibliography Sequence Number: 468
Author1: Trefousse Ed., Hans L
Date: 1958
Title: What Happened at Pearl Harbor
Publisher: NY: Twayne Publishers
Bibliography Sequence Number: 469
Author1: Tuchman, Barbara
Date: 1958
Title: The Zimmerman Telegram
Publisher: NY: Viking
Bibliography Sequence Number: 470
Author1: Wohlsetter, Roberta
Date: 1962
Title: Pearl Harbor: Warning and Decision
Publisher: StanforDate: Stanford University Press
Bibliography Sequence Number: 471
Author1: Wolfe, James R
Date: 1970
Title: Secret Writing: The Craft of the Cryptographer
Publisher: NY: McGraw-Hill
Bibliography Sequence Number: 472
Author1: Zacharias, Ellis M
Date: 1946
Title: Secret MissionBibliography Sequence Number: The Story of an Intelligence Officer
Publisher: NY: Putnam
Bibliography Sequence Number: 473
Author1: Boggs, D
Author2: Shoch, J
Author3: Taft, E
Date: 1980
Title: PuPeriodical: An Internetwork Architecture
Periodical: IEEE Transactions on Computers
Issue & Page numbers: Feb 1980 (to appear)
Comments: 4:Metcalfe, R
Bibliography Sequence Number: 474
Author1: Carlstedt, J
Author2: Bisbey, R
Author3: Popek, G
Date: 1975
Title: Pattern Directed Protection Evaluation
Publisher: Del Rey, CA: Information Sciences Inst., U. of Southern California; Rep. ISI/RR-75-31
Bibliography Sequence Number: 475
Author1: Cerf, V
Author2: Kirstein, P
Date: 78
Title: Issues in Packet-Network Interconnection
Periodical: Proceedings of the IEEE
Issue & Page numbers: 66, 11 (Nov 1978): 1386-1408
Bibliography Sequence Number: 476
Author1: Dennis, J. B
Author2: Van Horn, E. C
Date: 66
Title: Programming Semantics for Multiprogrammed Computations
Periodical: CACM
Issue & Page numbers: 9, 3 (March): 143-155
Bibliography Sequence Number: 477
Author1: Downs, D
Author2: Popek, G
Date: 79
Title: Data Base System Security and Ingres
Periodical: Proc. Conf. Very Large Data Bases
Issue & Page numbers: ???
Bibliography Sequence Number: 478
Author1: Fabry, R. S
Date: 1974
Title: Capability-Based Addressing
Periodical: CACM
Issue & Page numbers: 17, 7: (July): 403-412
Bibliography Sequence Number: 479
Author1: Feiertag, Richard J
Author2: Neumann, Peter G
Date: 79
Title: The Foundations of a Provably Secure Operating System (PSOS)
Periodical: Proc. AFIPS NCC
Issue & Page numbers: 48: 329-334
Bibliography Sequence Number: 480
Author1: Good, D I
Date: 1977
Title: Constructing Verified and Reliable Communications Processing Systems
Periodical: ACM Soft. Eng. Notes
Issue & Page numbers: (Oct 1977): 2-5
Bibliography Sequence Number: 481
Author1: Hellman, Martin E
Date: 1978
Title: Security in Communications Networks
Periodical: Proc. AFIPS NCC
Issue & Page numbers: 47: 1131-1134
Bibliography Sequence Number: 482
Author1: Kent, Steve T
Date: 1976
Title: Encryption-Based Protection Protocols for Interactive User-Computer Communication
Publisher: MIT/LCS/TR-162
Keywords: Applications
Comments: "This thesis develops protocols for the use of block cipher systems
Comments: in protecting and authenticating messages sent over networks with
Comments: asynchronous and full duplex line protocols" (006)
Comments: This is his M.S. Thesis, EECS Dept.
Bibliography Sequence Number: 483
Author1: Kimbleton, S. R
Author2: Schneider, G. M
Date: 75
Title: Computer Communications Networks: Approaches, Objectives and Performance Considerations
Periodical: Comput. Surv
Issue & Page numbers: 7, 3 (Sept): 129-173
Bibliography Sequence Number: 484
Author1: Kline, Charles S
Author2: Popek, Gerald J
Date: 79
Title: Public Key vs. Conventional Key Encryption
Periodical: Proc. AFIPS NCC
Issue & Page numbers: 48: 831-837
Bibliography Sequence Number: 485
Author1: Konheim, Alan G
Date: 1978
Title: Cryptographic Methods for Data Protection
Publisher: Yorktown Heights, NY: IBM T.J. Watson Res. Ctr. Rep. RC 7026 (#30100)
Bibliography Sequence Number: 486
Author1: Lampson, Butler W
Date: 1973
Title: A Note on the Confinement Problem
Periodical: CACM
Issue & Page numbers: 16, 10 (Oct): 613-615
Bibliography Sequence Number: 487
Author1: Lennon, R. E
Date: 1978
Title: Cryptography Architecture for Information Security
Periodical: IBM Systems Journal
Issue & Page numbers: 17, Author2: 138-150
Bibliography Sequence Number: 488
Author1: McCauley, E. J
Author2: Drongowski, P J
Date: 79
Title: KSOS - The Design of a Secure Operating System
Periodical: Proc. AFIPS NCC
Issue & Page numbers: 48: 345-353
Bibliography Sequence Number: 489
Author1: Meyer, Carl H
Date: 1973
Title: Design Considerations for Cryptography
Periodical: Proc. AFIPS NCC
Issue & Page numbers: 42: 603-606
Bibliography Sequence Number: 490
Author1: Popek, Gerald J
Date: 1974
Title: Protection Structures
Periodical: IEEE Computer
Issue & Page numbers: 7, 6 (June): 22-33
Bibliography Sequence Number: 491
Author1: Popek, Gerald J
Date: 1974
Title: A Principle of Kernel Design
Periodical: Proc. AFIPS NCC
Issue & Page numbers: 43: 977-978
Bibliography Sequence Number: 492
Author1: Popek, Gerald J
Author2: Kline, C. S
Date: 78
Title: Design Issues for Secure Computer Networks
Periodical: in Operating Systems, an Advanced Course; R. Bayer et al Eds.;NY: Speinger-Verlag
Bibliography Sequence Number: 493
Author1: Popek, Gerald J
Author2: Kampe, Mark
Author3: Kline, Charles S. et al
Date: 1979
Title: UCLA Secure Unix
Periodical: Proc. AFIPS NCC
Issue & Page numbers: 48: 355-364
Comments: 4:Stoughton, Allen
Comments: 5:Urban, Michael
Comments: 6:Walton, Evelyn J
Bibliography Sequence Number: 494
Author1: Rabin, Michael O
Date: 1978
Title: Digitalized Signatures
Periodical: in Foundations of Secure Computing; R. DeMillo et al Eds.;NY:Academic Press
Issue & Page numbers: 155-168
Bibliography Sequence Number: 495
Author1: Redell, D. D
Author2: Fabry, R. S
Date: 74
Title: Selective Revocation of Capabilities
Periodical: in Proc. IRIA Conf. Protection in Operating Systems
Issue & Page numbers: ??
Bibliography Sequence Number: 496
Author1: Roberts, L
Author2: Wessler, B
Date: 73
Title: The ARPA Network
Periodical: in Computer Communication Networks; Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-hall
Issue & Page numbers: 485-499
Bibliography Sequence Number: 497
Author1: Saltzer, J. H
Date: 1978
Title: On Digital Signatures
Periodical: ACM Operating Syst. Rev
Issue & Page numbers: 12, 2 (Apr): 12-14
Bibliography Sequence Number: 498
Author1: Sendrow, M
Date: 1978
Title: Key Management in EFT Environments
Periodical: in Proc. COMPCON
Issue & Page numbers: (8 Sep 78): 351-354
Keywords: key distribution
Comments: NY: IEEE
Bibliography Sequence Number: 499
Author1: Westin, A. F
Date: 1970
Title: Privacy and Freedom
Publisher: NY: Atheneum Press
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