Bibliography Sequence Number: 500
Author1: Kruh, Louis
Date: 1981
Title: A Code Problem: A Book Review
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 5:124-125
Bibliography Sequence Number: 501
Author1: Craig, Jim
Date: 1981
Title: A Data Encryption System with Low Overhead: An Effective, Low-Cost Way to
Disguise Computer
Periodical: Information Systems News
Issue & Page numbers: (June 15): 26-27
Keywords: RANDOM
Comments: XOR scheme (faster than NBSDES) suggested for database cryption
Bibliography Sequence Number: 502
Author1: Marketing Consultants International, Inc
Date: 1981
Title: Who, What, and Where in COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY
Publisher: Hagerstown, MDate: M. C. I., Inc
Length: 124+xi pages
Keywords: RANDOM
Comments: $175
Bibliography Sequence Number: 503
Author1: Handelman, George H
Date: 1981
Title: Special ReporTitle: Cryptographic Research and the National Security
Periodical: SIAM News
Issue & Page numbers: 14, 3 (June): 1,4,5
Keywords: RANDOM
Keywords: NSA
Comments: The author is a member of the Public Cryptography Study Group of the
Comments: American Council on Education; and gives information concerning it.
Bibliography Sequence Number: 504
Author1: Carroll, J., et. al. (eds)
Date: 1971
Title: The American Heritage Word Frequency Book
Publisher: Boston: Houghton Mifflin
Keywords: Freq
Comments: pages 565-567
Bibliography Sequence Number: 505
Author1: COMPLAN
Date: 1976
Title: TLP Sequence as Key Stream for Vernam Cryption
Publisher: Tech. Note TN-913-8d (26-Aug-76)
Keywords: RANDOM
Bibliography Sequence Number: 506
Author1: COMPLAN
Date: 1977
Title: Cryptopak (tm) Software Package Technical Description
Publisher: COMPLAN Inc.
Length: ??
Keywords: RANDOM
Comments: 17-MAR-7 version??
Comments: references Alfabit (tm) TD; 13-Apr-76 version
Bibliography Sequence Number: 507
Author1: COMPLAN
Date: 1977
Title: One-Way Keyed and Keyless Ciphers; Nonreproducible Cipher
Periodical: Tech. Note TN-913-24 (28-Feb-77)
Keywords: RANDOM
Bibliography Sequence Number: 508
Author1: COMPLAN
Date: 1978
Title: Some Considerations in the Design and Implementations of the QIK-CRYPT (tm)
Periodical: Tech. Note TN-913-33 (28-Jul-78)
Keywords: RANDOM
Bibliography Sequence Number: 509
Author1: Cooley, J. W
Author2: Tukey, J. W
Date: 65
Title: An Algorithm for the Machine Calculation of Complex Fourier Series
Periodical: Mathematics of Computation
Issue & Page numbers: 19: 297-301
Keywords: RANDOM
Bibliography Sequence Number: 510
Author1: Coveyou, R. R
Date: 1960
Title: Serial Correlation in the Generation of Pseudo-Random Numbers
Periodical: Journal of the ACM
Issue & Page numbers: 7, 1 (Jan): 72-74
Keywords: RANDOM
Bibliography Sequence Number: 511
Author1: Coveyou, R. R
Author2: MacPherson, R. D
Date: 67
Title: Fourier Analysis of Uniform Random Number Generators
Periodical: Journal of the ACM
Issue & Page numbers: 14, 1 (Jan): 100-119
Keywords: RANDOM
Bibliography Sequence Number: 512
Author1: Enison, R. L
Author2: Bright, H. S
Date: 76
Title: Preliminary Statistical Testing of a 64-bit Tausworthe-Lewis-Payne Quasirandom
Number Generator of
Mersenne Exponent Degree
Periodical: Proc. 9th Interface Symp. Computer Science and Statistics
Issue & Page numbers: 208-211
Keywords: RANDOM
Comments: David C. Hoaglin and Roy E. Welsch Editors
Comments: Prindle, Weber, and Schmidt, Boston
Bibliography Sequence Number: 513
Author1: Green, B. F
Author2: Smith, J. E. K
Author3: Klem, L
Date: 1959
Title: Empirical Tests of an Additive Random Number Generator
Periodical: Journal of the ACM
Issue & Page numbers: 6, 4 (Oct): 527-537
Keywords: RANDOM
Bibliography Sequence Number: 514
Author1: Greenberger, M
Date: 1961
Title: An A Priori Determination of Serial Correlation in Computer Generated Random
Periodical: Mathematics of Computation
Issue & Page numbers: 15: 383-389
Keywords: RANDOM
Bibliography Sequence Number: 515
Author1: Gruenberger, F
Author2: Mark, A. M
Date: 51
Title: The Date: *2 Test for Random Digits
Periodical: MTAC
Issue & Page numbers: 5: 109-110
Keywords: RANDOM
Bibliography Sequence Number: 516
Author1: Ingemarsson, Ingemar
Date: 1976
Title: Analysis of Secret Functions with Application to Computer Cryptography
Periodical: Proc. AFIPS NCC
Issue & Page numbers: 45: 125-127
Keywords: RANDOM
Bibliography Sequence Number: 517
Author1: Juncosa, M. L
Date: 1953
Title: Random Number Generation on the BRL High Speed Computing Machine
Publisher: BRL Report 855
Keywords: RANDOM
Bibliography Sequence Number: 518
Author1: Knuth, Donald
Date: 1965
Title: Construction of a Random Sequence
Periodical: BIT
Issue & Page numbers: 5: 246-250
Keywords: RANDOM
Bibliography Sequence Number: 519
Author1: Lehmer, D. H
Date: 1951
Title: Mathematical Methods in Large-Scale Computing Units
Periodical: Ann. Comput. Lab. Harvard U
Issue & Page numbers: 26: 141-146
Keywords: RANDOM
Bibliography Sequence Number: 520
Author1: Lewis, P. A. W
Author2: Goodman, A. S
Author3: Miller, J. M
Date: 1973
Title: A Pseudo-Random Number Generator for the System/360
Periodical: IBM Systems Journal
Issue & Page numbers: 8: 456-468
Keywords: RANDOM
Bibliography Sequence Number: 521
Author1: Lewis, T. G
Author2: Payne, W. H
Date: 73
Title: Generalized Feedback Shift Register Pseudorandom Number Algorithm
Periodical: J. ACM
Issue & Page numbers: 20, 3 (July): 456-468
Keywords: RANDOM
Bibliography Sequence Number: 522
Author1: Lindgren, B. W
Author2: McElrath, G. W
Date: 70
Title: Introduction to Probability and Statistics
Publisher: 3rd Edition; New YorKeywords: McMillan
Keywords: RANDOM
Comments: see page 170
Bibliography Sequence Number: 523
Author1: Marsaglia, G
Date: 1968
Title: Random Numbers Fall Mainly In the Planes
Periodical: Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.
Issue & Page numbers: 6: 25-28
Keywords: RANDOM
Bibliography Sequence Number: 524
Author1: Martin-Lof, P
Date: 1966
Title: The Definition of Random Sequences
Periodical: Inform. Control
Issue & Page numbers: 9: 602-619
Keywords: RANDOM
Bibliography Sequence Number: 525
Author1: Moshman, J
Date: 1954
Title: The Generation of Pseudo-Random Numbers on a Decimal Calculator
Periodical: J. ACM
Issue & Page numbers: 1, 2 (April): 88-91
Keywords: RANDOM
Bibliography Sequence Number: 526
Author1: Thomas, W. I
Date: 1901
Title: ???
Periodical: Am. J. Sociol.
Issue & Page numbers: 6: 750-763
Keywords: RANDOM
Bibliography Sequence Number: 527
Author1: Tootill, J. P. R
Author2: Robinson, W. D
Author3: Adams, A. G
Date: 1971
Title: The Runs Up-And-Down Performances of Tausworthe Pseudo-Random Number
Periodical: J. ACM
Issue & Page numbers: 18, 3 (July): 381-399
Keywords: RANDOM
Bibliography Sequence Number: 528
Author1: Tootill, J. P. R
Author2: Robinson, W. D
Author3: Eagle, D. J
Date: 1973
Title: An Asymptotically Random Tausworthe Sequence
Periodical: J. ACM
Issue & Page numbers: 20, 3 (July): 469-481
Keywords: RANDOM
Bibliography Sequence Number: 529
Author1: Tuckerman, B
Date: 1971
Title: The 24th Mersenne Prime
Periodical: Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci USA
Issue & Page numbers: 68, 10 (Oct): 2319-2320
Keywords: RANDOM
Bibliography Sequence Number: 530
Author1: Editor
Date: 1979
Title: Onward and Upward
Periodical: Scientific American
Issue & Page numbers: 241, 3 (Sep): 32
Keywords: primes
Comments: concerns 26th and 27th Mersenne Prime
Bibliography Sequence Number: 531
Author1: Whittlesey, J. R. B
Date: 1968
Title: A Comparison of the Correlational Behavior of Random Number Generators for the
IBM 360
Periodical: CACM
Issue & Page numbers: 11, 9 (Sept): 641-644
Keywords: RANDOM
Bibliography Sequence Number: 532
Author1: Zierler, N
Date: 1969
Title: Primitive Trinomials whose degree is a Mersenne Exponent
Periodical: Inform. Control
Issue & Page numbers: 15: 67-69
Keywords: RANDOM
Bibliography Sequence Number: 533
Author1: Brunner, E. R
Date: 1976
Title: Efficient Speech Scrambling: An Economic Solution to the Secure Voice
Communication Problem
Periodical: Rec. Int. Conf. Communications Equipment and Systems
Issue & Page numbers: 336-339
Keywords: Analog Scrambling
Bibliography Sequence Number: 534
Author1: Kirchhofer, Kirk H
Date: 1976
Title: Secure Voice Communication - Cryptophony
Periodical: Int. Defense Rev.
Issue & Page numbers: 9 (May): 761-767
Keywords: Analog Scrambling
Bibliography Sequence Number: 535
Author1: McCalmont, A. M
Date: 1973
Title: Communication Security for Voice-Techniques, Systems, and Operations
Periodical: Telecommun.
Issue & Page numbers: April: 35-42
Keywords: Analog Scrambling
Bibliography Sequence Number: 536
Author1: McCalmont, A. M
Date: 1974
Title: How to Select and Apply Various Voice Scrambling Techniques
Periodical: Commun. News
Issue & Page numbers: Jan: 34-37
Keywords: Analog Scrambling
Bibliography Sequence Number: 537
Author1: Wyner, Aaron D
Date: 1979
Title: An Analog Scrambling Scheme Which Does Not Expand Bandwidth, Part I
Periodical: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Issue & Page numbers: IT-25 (May)
Keywords: Analog Scrambling
Comments: "A promising new approach to analog scrambling using n-space rotations
Comments: of vectors of sample points as the keying elements, and discrete prolate
Comments: spheroidal wave functions to encode the signal in an optimally bandwidth
Comments: efficient manner." (006)
Bibliography Sequence Number: 538
Author1: Baran, Paul
Date: 1964
Title: On Distributed Communications: IX. Security,
Secrecy, and Tamper-Free
Publisher: Santa Monica, CA: The Rand Corporation; RM-3765-PR
Keywords: Applications
Comments: Reprinted in Lance J. Hoffman, Ed. 'Security and Privacy in Computer Systems'
Comments: Los Angeles, CA: Melville Publ. 1973, pp. 99-123
Comments: "This is a fine discussion of the application of stream cryptography to
Comments: computer networks. It is part of a series of papers which laid the
Comments: foundations for packetized computer networks" (006)
Bibliography Sequence Number: 539
Author1: Gudes, Ehud
Author2: Koch, Harvey S
Author3: Stahl, Fred A
Date: 1976
Title: The Application of Cryptography for Data Base Security
Periodical: Proc. AFIPS NCC
Issue & Page numbers: 45: 97-107
Keywords: Applications
Bibliography Sequence Number: 540
Author1: Keys, Richard R
Author2: Clamons, Eric H
Date: 74
Title: Security Architecture Using Encryption
Publisher: in Approaches to Privacy and Security in Computer Systems
Keywords: Applications
Comments: Proceedings of a conference held at the NBS; pages 37-41; March 4-5
Bibliography Sequence Number: 541
Author1: Keys, Richard R
Author2: Clamons, Eric H
Date: 74
Title: File Encryption as a Security Tool
Periodical: Honeywell Comput. J
Issue & Page numbers: 8, Author2: 90-93
Keywords: Applications
Bibliography Sequence Number: 542
Author1: Schmid, Pierre E
Date: 1976
Title: Review of Ciphering Methods to Achieve Communication Security in Data
Transmission Networks
Periodical: Proc. Int. Zurich Seminar on Digital Communications
Issue & Page numbers: March 11
Keywords: applications
Bibliography Sequence Number: 543
Author1: Smith, J. Lynn
Author2: Notz, W. A
Author3: Osseck, P. R
Date: 1972
Title: An Experimental Application of Cryptography to a Remotely Accessed Data System
Periodical: Proc. ACM Nat. Conf.
Issue & Page numbers: 282-297
Keywords: applications
Comments: "A description of the construction of an experimental system using Lucifer
Comments: to communicate with an IBM 360/67 timesharing system" (006)
Bibliography Sequence Number: 544
Author1: Feistel, Horst
Date: 1958
Title: A Survey of Problems and Systems in Authenticated Communication and Control
Publisher: MIT Lincoln Lab
Keywords: authentication
Bibliography Sequence Number: 545
Author1: Widmer, Walter R
Date: 1976
Title: Message Authentication, A Special Identification Requirement in One-Way Digital
Data Transmission
Periodical: Proc. Int. Zurich Seminar on Digital Communications
Keywords: authentication
Bibliography Sequence Number: 546
Author1: Scherf, John Arthur
Date: 1974
Title: Computer and Data Security: A Comprehensive Annotated Bibliography
Publisher: MIT Project MAC Tech. Rep. 122
Keywords: Bibliography
Comments: "This bibliography is less comprehensive on cryptography than the present
Comments: present one, but its extensive coverage of other aspects of computer
Comments: security will be of use to those interested in application of
Comments: cryptography." (006)
Bibliography Sequence Number: 547
Author1: Eyraud, Charles
Date: 1959
Title: Precis de Cryptographie Moderne
Publisher: Paris, France: Editions Raoul Tari, 1st Ed. 1953; 2nd ed. 1959
Keywords: Classical
Comments: "This is the most recent public treatise on cryptanalysis, and as such
Comments: touches on some relatively modern devices such as the Hagelin machine
Comments: which are omitted in earlier works" (006)
Bibliography Sequence Number: 548
Author1: Friedman, William F
Date: 1944
Title: Military Cryptanalysis, Volume II - Simpler Varieties of Polyalphabetic Substitution
Publisher: Washington, DComments: U.S. GPO
Keywords: Classical
Comments: several major libraries
Bibliography Sequence Number: 549
Author1: Friedman, William F
Date: 1944
Title: Military Cryptanalysis, Volume III - Aperiodic Substitutions
Publisher: Washington, DComments: U.S. GPO
Keywords: classical
Bibliography Sequence Number: 550
Author1: Friedman, William F
Date: 1944
Title: Military Cryptanalysis, Volume IV - Transposition Systems
Publisher: Washington, DComments: U.S. GPO
Keywords: classical
Bibliography Sequence Number: 551
Author1: Coppersmith, Don
Author2: Grossman, Edna
Date: 75
Title: Generators for Certain Alternating Groups with Applications to Cryptography
Periodical: SIAM Journal of Applied Math
Issue & Page numbers: 29 (Dec): 624-627
Keywords: cryptanalysis
Comments: "This paper examines the family of permutation generated by schemes which
Comments: are in some ways a generalization and in some other ways a specialization
Comments: of the method used in the IBM Lucifer family of ciphers." (006)
Bibliography Sequence Number: 552
Author1: Edwards, Daniel J
Date: 1966
Title: OCAS - On-Line Cryptanalytic Aid System
Publisher: MIT Project MAC Tech. Rep. 27
Keywords: cryptanalysis
Comments: "A primitive system for computer aided cryptanalysis, including a language
Comments: with integer arithmetic and strings over definable alphabets. Routines
Comments: to find the period of a polyalphabetic cipher, do frequency counts, and
Comments: locate repeated sequences are shown, but not built in." (006)
Bibliography Sequence Number: 553
Author1: Grossman, Edna
Date: 1974
Title: Group Theoretic Remarks on Cryptographic Systems Based on Two Types of
Publisher: Yorktown Heights, NY: IBM T.J. Watson Research Center RC 4742 (Feb 26)
Keywords: cryptanalysis
Comments: "This paper determines the class of transformations generated by a system
Comments: which alternates addition mod 2 with additon mod Author2: *n." (006)
Bibliography Sequence Number: 554
Author1: Key, Edwin L
Date: 1976
Title: An Analysis of the Structure and Complexity of Non-Linear Binary Sequence
Periodical: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Issue & Page numbers: IT-22 (Nov): 732-736
Keywords: cryptanalysis
Bibliography Sequence Number: 555
Author1: Kjeldsen, K
Date: 1976
Title: On the Cycle Structure of a Set of Nonlinear Shift Registers with Symmetric
Feedback Functions
Periodical: J. Combinatorial Theory (A)
Issue & Page numbers: Author2: 154-169
Keywords: cryptanalaysis
Bibliography Sequence Number: 556
Author1: Tuckerman, Bryant
Date: 1973
Title: Solution of a Substitution-Fractionation-Transposition Cipher
Publisher: Yorktown Heights, NY: T.J. Watson Research Center; RC 4537 (Sep 21)
Keywords: cryptanalysis
Comments: "Solution of a cipher which is similar to one round of the system
Comments: shown in Figure 10" (006)
Bibliography Sequence Number: 557
Author1: Kahn, David
Date: 1976
Title: Tapping Computers
Periodical: New York Times
Issue & Page numbers: April Author3: 27 (Op. Ed.)
Keywords: DES
Bibliography Sequence Number: 558
Author1: Lexar Corp
Date: 1976
Title: An Evaluation of the NBS Data Encryption Standard
Publisher: Los Angeles, CA: Lexar Corp.
Keywords: DES
Comments: "This report is remarkably similar to Hellman et al [Ref 375]" (006)
Comments: 11611 San Vicente Blvd
Bibliography Sequence Number: 559
Author1: Stephan, E
Date: 1978
Title: Communication Standards for using DES
Periodical: Proc. COMPCON
Keywords: DES
Bibliography Sequence Number: 560
Author1: Sykes, David J
Date: 1977
Title: Implementation of the NBS Encryption Standard
Periodical: presented at the 1977 Honeywell Computer Security and Privacy Symp. Apr
Keywords: DES
Bibliography Sequence Number: 561
Author1: Tuchman, Walter L
Date: 1978
Title: Efficacy of DES in Data Processing
Periodical: Proc. COMPCON
Keywords: DES
Bibliography Sequence Number: 562
Author1: Yasaki, Edward K
Date: 1976
Title: Encryption Algorithm: Key Size is the Thing
Periodical: Datamation
Issue & Page numbers: 22, 3 (March): 164, 166
Keywords: DES
Bibliography Sequence Number: 563
Author1: Callimahos, Lambros D
Date: 1973
Title: Cryptography
Periodical: Colliers Encyclopedia
Issue & Page numbers: 7: 513-530
Bibliography Sequence Number: 564
Author1: Callimahos, Lambros D
Date: 1976
Title: Cryptology
Periodical: Encyclopedia Britanica, 15th ed., Macropedia
Issue & Page numbers: 5: 322-333
Bibliography Sequence Number: 565
Author1: Kahn, David
Date: 1976
Title: Cryptology
Periodical: Encyclopedia Americana
Issue & Page numbers: 8: 276-285
Bibliography Sequence Number: 566
Author1: Kahn, David
Date: 1963
Title: Plaintext in the New UnabridgeDate: An Examination of the Definitions on Cryptology in Websters 3rd New Int. Dict.
Publisher: NY: Crypto Press
Keywords: Glossary
Comments: Section 2 of Handbook of Cryptography
Bibliography Sequence Number: 567
Author1: Flato, Linda
Date: 1978
Title: NSA's Computer Story: Report Lauds Intelligence Agency's Pioneering Role in
Periodical: Datamation
Issue & Page numbers: 24, 3 (March): 207,208,212
Keywords: historical
Bibliography Sequence Number: 568
Author1: Jones, Bian
Date: 1978
Title: The Secret War
Publisher: NY: Methuen
Keywords: historical
Comments: Chapter 6 contains a good account of British cryptanalysis during World War
Bibliography Sequence Number: 569
Author1: Chu, Wesley W
Author2: Neat, Charlie
Date: 76
Title: A New Computer Cryptography: The Expanded Character Set (ECS) Cipher
Publisher: Dedham, MA: Artech House
Keywords: homophonic systems
Comments: Advances in Computer Communications (Sect. XIII - Computer
Communications Security)
Bibliography Sequence Number: 570
Author1: Stahl, Fred A
Date: 1973
Title: A Homophonic Cipher for Computational Cryptography
Periodical: Proc. Nat. Computer Conf.
Issue & Page numbers: 565-568
Keywords: homophonic systems
Bibliography Sequence Number: 571
Author1: Stahl, Fred A
Date: 1974
Title: On Computational Security
Publisher: Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. Illinois, Urbana, Rep. R-637, UILU-ENG 73-2241,
Keywords: homophonic systems
Bibliography Sequence Number: 572
Author1: Carleial, Aydano B
Author2: Hellman, Martin E
Date: 77
Title: A Note on Wyner's Wiretap Channel
Periodical: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Issue & Page numbers: IT-23 (May): 387-390
Keywords: information theory
Comments: "This paper presents a slight generalization of Wyner's results on
Comments: wiretap channels and suggests a way to quantify Shannon's concept of
Comments: cryptographic diffusion" (006)
Bibliography Sequence Number: 573
Author1: Creighton, James E., editor
Date: 1900
Title: Advancement of Learning and Novum Organum by Francis Bacon
Publisher: NY: The Colonial Press
Keywords: Bacon
Comments: U. of Pa. Library Number 119/B113Aa
Comments: pages 167-171 are English translation of Latin in Ref 612 (pages 419-427)
Bibliography Sequence Number: 574
Author1: Leung-Yan-Cheong, S. K
Author2: Hellman, Martin E
Date: 78
Title: The Gaussian Wire-Tap Channel
Periodical: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Issue & Page numbers: IT-24 (Sep): 451-456
Keywords: information theory
Bibliography Sequence Number: 575
Author1: Wyner, Aaron D
Date: 1975
Title: The Wiretap Channel
Periodical: Bell Syst. Tech. J
Issue & Page numbers: 54, 8 (Oct): 1355-1387
Keywords: information theory
Comments: "This paper evaluates the rate at which information can be conveyed
Comments: to a legitimate receiver and kept secret from a wiretapper whose
Comments: channel is noisier, introducing a new concept to both cryptography
Comments: and information theory" (006)
Bibliography Sequence Number: 576
Author1: Diffie, Whitfield
Date: 1978
Title: Data Security for EFT and Automated Business
Publisher: San Jose, CA: SBS Publishing
Comments: "Prognosis for the development and business applications of
Comments: communication security over the next twenty years, followed by
Comments: technical and business advice for companies interested in making
Comments: cryptographic products or employing cryptographic security." (006)
Bibliography Sequence Number: 577
Author1: Diffie, Whitfield
Date: 1978
Title: The Outlook for Computer Security
Periodical: Mini-Micro Syst
Issue & Page numbers: 2, 9 (Oct): 42-44
Comments: Fairly accurate brief summary of reference #576
Bibliography Sequence Number: 578
Author1: Halsey, James C
Date: 1970
Title: Finite Automata Admitting Inverses with Some Applications to Cryptography
Publisher: Ph.D. dissertation, Dep. Math., North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC
Bibliography Sequence Number: 579
Author1: Kam, John B
Author2: Davida, George I
Date: 78
Title: A Structured Design of Substitution-Permutation Encryption Network
Publisher: in Foundations of Secure Computation; NY: Academic Press; DeMillo, R. A.
et al Editors
Comments: R. A. DeMillo, D. P. Doblin, A. K. Jones, R. J. Lipton, editors
Comments: "Design of complete S-P networks (every output depends on every input)
given complete S-boxes."
Bibliography Sequence Number: 580
Author1: Girdansky, M. B
Date: 1972
Title: Cryptology: The Computer and Data Privacy
Periodical: Computers and Automation
Issue & Page numbers: 21, 4 (April): 12-19
Keywords: survey
Comments: "This article gives an overview of cryptographic work at IBM
Comments: including a discussion of the weskness of linear feedback shift
Comments: registers, Tuckerman's attack on the Vigenere-Vernam systems, and Lucifer"
Bibliography Sequence Number: 581
Author1: Benedict, G. Gordon
Date: 1974
Title: An Enciphering Module for Multics
Publisher: MIT Project MAC, Tech. Memo. 50
Keywords: system design and implementation
Comments: "This masters thesis describes the computer implementation of the IBM
Comments: Lucifer system as described by Smith" (006)
Bibliography Sequence Number: 582
Author1: Carroll, J. M
Author2: McLelland, P. M
Date: 70
Title: Fast 'Infinite-Key' Privacy Transformation for Resource Sharing Systems
Periodical: Proc. AFIPS NCC
Issue & Page numbers: 37:223-230
Keywords: system design and implementation
Comments: "This paper describes a stream cipher based on an additive random
Comments: number generator." (006)
Bibliography Sequence Number: 583
Author1: Feistel, Horst
Date: 1970
Title: Cryptographic Coding for Data-Bank Privacy
Publisher: Yorktown Heights, NY: IBM T.J. Watson Research Center; Rep. RC-2827
Keywords: system design and implementation
Bibliography Sequence Number: 584
Author1: Skatrud, R. O
Date: 1969
Title: A Consideration of the Application of Cryptographic Techniques to Data Processing
Periodical: Proc. AFIPS NCC
Issue & Page numbers: 35: 111-117
Keywords: system design and implementation
Comments: "Describes two systems: a substitution system similar to a double loop
Comments: Vigenere, and a matrix transposition system." (006)
Bibliography Sequence Number: 585
Author1: Smith, J. Lynn
Date: 1971
Title: Hardware Implementation of a Cryptographic System
Periodical: IBM Tech. Disclosure Bull
Issue & Page numbers: 13: 1004-1008
Keywords: system design and implementation
Comments: "This describes the implementation of a system different from [reference #391]" (006)
Bibliography Sequence Number: 586
Author1: Squires, J
Date: 1975
Title: Russ Monitor of U.S. Phones
Periodical: Chicago Tribune
Issue & Page numbers: 25-Jun-75: 123
Bibliography Sequence Number: 587
Author1: Davis, Ruth M
Date: 1978
Title: Remedies Sought to Defeat Soviet Eavesdropping on Microwave Links
Periodical: Microwave Syst
Issue & Page numbers: 8, 6 (June): 17-20
Bibliography Sequence Number: 588
Author1: U.S. Senate Select Committee to Study Gov. Op. wrt Intelligence Activities
Date: 1976
Title: Supplementary Detailed Staff Reports on Intelligence Activities and the Rights of Americans
Publisher: Washington, DComments: U.S. GPO
Comments: Report No. 94-755, Book 3
Comments: Final Report of the Committee
Bibliography Sequence Number: 589
Author1: Flanagan, J. L
Date: 1972
Title: Speech Analysis, Synthesis, and Perception, 2nd Edition
Publisher: Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag
Bibliography Sequence Number: 590
Author1: Reddy, D. Raj
Date: 1975
Title: Speech Recognition
Publisher: NY: Academic Press
Bibliography Sequence Number: 591
Author1: unknown
Date: 1978
Title: Special Issue on Packet Communication Networks
Periodical: Proceedings of the IEEE
Issue & Page numbers: November
Bibliography Sequence Number: 592
Author1: Cover, Thomas M
Author2: King, Roger C
Date: 78
Title: A Convergent Gambling Estimate of the Entropy of English
Periodical: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Issue & Page numbers: IT-24,4 (Jul):413-421
Bibliography Sequence Number: 593
Author1: Reeds, J
Author2: Ritchie, D
Author3: Morris, R
Date: 19??
Title: The Hagelin Cipher Machine (M-209), Cryptanalysis from Ciphertext Alone
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: to appear
Comments: "Cryptanalysis of the M-209 from ciphertext only." (006)
Bibliography Sequence Number: 594
Author1: Watson, E. J
Date: 1962
Title: Primitive Polynomial (mod 2)
Periodical: Mathematics of Computation
Issue & Page numbers: 16: 368-369
Bibliography Sequence Number: 595
Author1: Groth, Edward J
Date: 1971
Title: Generation of Binary Sequences with Controllable Complexity
Periodical: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Issue & Page numbers: IT-17,3 (May):288-296
Bibliography Sequence Number: 596
Author1: Sloane, N. J. A
Date: 1973
Title: A Handbook of Integer Sequences
Publisher: NY: Academic Press
Bibliography Sequence Number: 597
Author1: Faggin, F
Date: 1975
Title: The Role of Technology in Microcomputer Design and Evolution
Periodical: IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst
Issue & Page numbers: CAS-7 (Feb): 4-13
Bibliography Sequence Number: 598
Author1: Faggin, F
Date: 1975
Title: Microprocessor Technology: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
Periodical: EDN
Issue & Page numbers: 20-Nov-75
Bibliography Sequence Number: 599
Author1: Connolly, Ray
Date: 1978
Title: Pentagon to Fund Major IC Program
Periodical: Electronics
Issue & Page numbers: 14-Sep-78: 81-82
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