Bibliography Sequence Number: 600
Author1: unknown
Date: 1978
Title: VHSI Proposal Finds Willing Audience
Periodical: Electronics
Issue & Page numbers: 28-Sep-78: 89-90
Bibliography Sequence Number: 601
Author1: McCalmont, A. M
Date: 1973
Title: Voice Privacy (Scrambling) for More Effective CommunicationBibliography
Sequence Number:
Systems, and Operations
Publisher: Technical Communications Corp
Bibliography Sequence Number: 602
Author1: Gold, B
Date: 1977
Title: Digital Speech Networks
Periodical: Proceedings of the IEEE
Issue & Page numbers: 65 (Dec): 1636-1638
Bibliography Sequence Number: 603
Author1: Stone, H. S
Date: 1973
Title: Discrete Mathematical Structures
Publisher: Chicago, IIssue & Page numbers: Science Research Assoc.
Bibliography Sequence Number: 604
Author1: Parzen, E
Date: 1960
Title: Modern Probability Theory and Its Applications
Publisher: NY: Wiley
Bibliography Sequence Number: 605
Author1: Gallager, R. G
Date: 1968
Title: Information Theory and Reliable Communication
Publisher: NY: Wiley
Bibliography Sequence Number: 606
Author1: Lin, S
Date: 1970
Title: Error COrrecting Codes
Publisher: Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall
Bibliography Sequence Number: 607
Author1: DeMillo, R. A
Author2: Dobkin, D. P
Author3: Jones, A. K et al editors
Date: 1978
Title: Foundations of Secure Computation
Publisher: NY: Academic Press
Comments: 4:Lipton, R. J.
Comments: see Ref 579 for a specific article
Bibliography Sequence Number: 608
Author1: Saltzer, J. H
Author2: Schroeder, M. D
Date: 75
Title: The Protection of Information in Computer Systems
Periodical: Proceedings of the IEEE
Issue & Page numbers: 63 (Sept): 1278-1308
Bibliography Sequence Number: 609
Author1: Gleason, Norma
Date: 1981
Title: Baconian Ciphers
Periodical: GAMES
Issue & Page numbers: Jan/Feb: 42,66,69
Keywords: bacon
Bibliography Sequence Number: 610
Author1: Friedman, William F
Date: 1963
Title: Six Lectures on Cryptology
Publisher: n.p.: National Security Agency
Length: 186
Comments: Accessioned by National Archives from NSA; Available for $.20 per page as
Bibliography Sequence Number: 611
Author1: U.S. Army Security Agency
Date: 1946
Title: Historical Background of the Signal Security Agency, Volume Author2: World War
I, 1917-1919
Publisher: n.p
Bibliography Sequence Number: 612
Author1: Speeding, James
Author2: Ellis, Robert L
Author3: Heath, Douglas D, Editors
Date: 1869
Title: The Works of Francis Bacon, Volume 2: De Augmentis Scientiarum (The
Advancement of Learning)
Publisher: NY: Hurd and Houghton
Keywords: bacon
Comments: U. of Pa. Library #119/B13.13
Comments: pages 419-427, 499-503 (an appendix on crypto)
Bibliography Sequence Number: 613
Author1: Bussey, W. H
Date: 1905
Title: Galois Field Tables for p**n<=169
Periodical: Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.
Issue & Page numbers: 1Author2: 22-38
Bibliography Sequence Number: 614
Author1: Bussey, W. H
Date: 1910
Title: Tables of Galois Fields of Order Less than 1000
Periodical: Bull. Amer. Math. Soc
Issue & Page numbers: 16: 188-206
Bibliography Sequence Number: 615
Author1: Carlitz, L
Date: 1953
Title: Permutations in a Finite Field
Periodical: Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
Issue & Page numbers: 4: 538
Keywords: GF
Bibliography Sequence Number: 616
Author1: Carlitz, L
Date: 1960
Title: A Theorem on Permutations in a Finite Field
Periodical: Proc. Amer. Math. Soc
Issue & Page numbers: 11: 456-459
Keywords: GF
Bibliography Sequence Number: 617
Author1: Carlitz, L
Date: 1962
Title: Some Theorems on Permutation Polynomials
Periodical: Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.
Issue & Page numbers: 68: 120-122
Keywords: GF
Bibliography Sequence Number: 618
Author1: Carlitz, L
Date: 1963
Title: Permutations in a FInite Field
Periodical: Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum
Issue & Page numbers: 24: 196-203
Keywords: GF
Bibliography Sequence Number: 619
Author1: Carmichael, R. D
Date: 1937
Title: Groups of Finite Order
Publisher: NY: Ginn and Co
Keywords: GF
Bibliography Sequence Number: 620
Author1: Church, R
Date: 1935
Title: Tables of Irreducible Polynomials for the First Four Prime Moduli
Periodical: Annals of Math
Issue & Page numbers: 36: 198-209
Keywords: GF
Bibliography Sequence Number: 621
Author1: Dickson, Leonard E
Date: 1896
Title: Analytic Functions Suitable to Represent Substitutions
Periodical: Amer. J. Math
Issue & Page numbers: 18: 210-218
Keywords: GF
Bibliography Sequence Number: 622
Author1: Dickson, Leonard E
Date: 1896-1897
Title: The Analytic Representation of Substitutions of a Power of a Prime Number of Letters with a Discussion of the Linear Group
Periodical: Annals of Math
Issue & Page numbers: 11: 65-120,161-183
Keywords: GF
Bibliography Sequence Number: 623
Author1: Fryer, K. D
Date: 1955
Title: Notes on Permutations in a Finite Field
Periodical: Proc. Amer. Math. Soc
Issue & Page numbers: 6: 1-2
Keywords: Keywords: GF
Bibliography Sequence Number: 624
Author1: Nobauer, W
Date: 1968
Title: Uber Eine Klasse von Permutationpolynomen und die Dadurch Dargestellten
Periodical: J. Reine Agnew. Math
Issue & Page numbers: 231: 216-219
Bibliography Sequence Number: 625
Author1: Redei, L
Date: 1946-1948
Title: Uber Eindeutig Umkehrbare Polynome in Endlichen Korpern
Periodical: Acti Sci. Math. Szeged
Issue & Page numbers: 11: 85-92
Bibliography Sequence Number: 626
Author1: Stahnhe, Wayne
Date: 1973
Title: Primitive Binary Polynomials
Periodical: Mathematics of Computation
Issue & Page numbers: 27: 977-980
Bibliography Sequence Number: 627
Author1: Swift, J. D
Date: 1960
Title: Construction of Galois Fields of Characteristic Two and Irreducible Polynomials
Periodical: Mathematics of Computation
Issue & Page numbers: 14: 99-103
Bibliography Sequence Number: 628
Author1: Weinberger, E. B
Date: 1950
Title: The Determination and Group Properties of Minimum Functions in a Galois Field
Publisher: Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Pittsburgh
Keywords: GF
Bibliography Sequence Number: 629
Author1: Wells, Charles
Date: 1967
Title: Groups of Permutation Polynomials
Periodical: Monatsh. Math
Issue & Page numbers: 71: 248-262
Keywords: GF
Bibliography Sequence Number: 630
Author1: Williams, K. S
Date: 1971
Title: Note on Dickson's Permutation Polynomials
Periodical: Duke Math. J
Issue & Page numbers: 38: 659-665
Keywords: GF
Bibliography Sequence Number: 631
Author1: Levine, Jack
Date: 1963
Title: Analysis of the case n=3 in Algebraic Cryptography with Involutory Key-Matrix and
Known Alphabet
Periodical: Jour. fuer die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik
Issue & Page numbers: 21Author3: 1-30
Keywords: GF
Bibliography Sequence Number: 632
Author1: Von Neumann, ?
Author2: Morgenstern, ?
Date: 47
Title: The Theory of Games
Bibliography Sequence Number: 633
Author1: Doob, J. L
Date: 1941
Title: Probility as Measure
Periodical: Annals of Math. Stat
Issue & Page numbers: 12: 206-214
Bibliography Sequence Number: 634
Author1: Hopf, E
Date: 1934
Title: On Causality, Statistics, and Probability
Periodical: Journal of Math. and Physics
Issue & Page numbers: 13: 51-102
Bibliography Sequence Number: 635
Author1: Cohn, H
Date: 1962
Title: A Second Course in Number Theory
Publisher: NY: John Wiley & Sons
Keywords: RSA
Comments: pages 13-18
Bibliography Sequence Number: 636
Author1: Nagell, T
Date: 1951
Title: Introduction to Number Theory
Publisher: NY: John Wiley & Sons
Keywords: RSA
Bibliography Sequence Number: 637
Author1: Mairson, H. G
Date: 1977
Title: Some New Upper Bounds on the Generation of Prime Numbers
Periodical: CACM
Issue & Page numbers: 20,9 (Sep):664-669
Keywords: PRIMES
Bibliography Sequence Number: 638
Author1: Blakley, G. R
Author2: Borosh, I
Date: 79
Title: Rivest-Shamir-Adleman Public Key Cryptosystems do not Always Conceal Messages
Publisher: in Computers and Mathematics with Applications; volume 5
Bibliography Sequence Number: 639
Author1: Hewitt, Edwin
Date: 1976
Title: Certain Conguences that Hold Identically
Periodical: American Mathematical Monthly
Issue & Page numbers: 83: 270-271
Bibliography Sequence Number: 640
Author1: Livingstone, A. E
Author2: Livingstone, M. L
Date: 78
Title: The Conguence a**(r+s) = a**r (mod m)
Periodical: American Mathematical Monthly
Issue & Page numbers: 85: 79-100
Bibliography Sequence Number: 641
Author1: Monier, L
Date: 1978
Title: Evaluation and Comparison of Two Efficient Probabilistic Primality Testing
Periodical: Rapport de Recherche no. 20
Comments: Equipe de Recherche Associee Au C.N.R.S. no. 452
Comments: "Al Khowarizmi" Laboratoire de Rescherche en Informatique
Bibliography Sequence Number: 642
Author1: Editor
Date: 1979
Title: None
Periodical: Scientific American
Issue & Page numbers: 240, 1 (Jan): 85,88
Keywords: primes
Comments: concerns 25th Mersenne Prime
Bibliography Sequence Number: 643
Author1: Brillouin, L
Date: 1962
Title: Science and Information Theory, 2nd Edition
Publisher: London: Academic Press
Bibliography Sequence Number: 644
Author1: Keyes, R. W
Date: 1975
Title: Physical Limits in Digital Electronics
Periodical: Proceedings of the IEEE
Issue & Page numbers: 63 (May): 740-747
Bibliography Sequence Number: 645
Author1: National Bureau of Standards
Date: 1976
Title: Report of the 1976 Workshop on Estimation of Significant Advances in Computer
Publisher: NBSIR 76-1189
Comments: P. Meissner author?
Bibliography Sequence Number: 646
Author1: Erdos, P
Date: 1960
Title: On Almost Primes
Periodical: American Mathematical Monthly
Issue & Page numbers: 57:404-407
Keywords: PRIMES
Bibliography Sequence Number: 647
Author1: McCarthy, J
Date: 1975
Title: unknown
Periodical: CACM
Issue & Page numbers: 18, 2 (Feb): 131-132
Bibliography Sequence Number: 648
Author1: Hoffman, Lance J. editor
Date: 1973
Title: Security and Privacy in Computer Systems
Publisher: Los Angeles, CA: Melville Publ
Comments: pages 99-123 is #538
Bibliography Sequence Number:
Bibliography Sequence Number: 650
Author1: Davis, Martin
Date: 1973
Title: Hilbert's Tenth Problem is Unsolvable
Periodical: American Mathematical Monthly
Issue & Page numbers: 80, 3 (March): 233-269
Bibliography Sequence Number: 651
Author1: Merkhofer, Lee W
Author2: Engle, Steve B
Author3: Wood, Charles C
Date: 1980
Title: Decision Analysis Applied to a Technology Assessment of Public Key Cryptographic Systems
Periodical: ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings
Issue & Page numbers: 1-8
Keywords: RSA
Comments: note error that I found on page 4 - RSA PKC key size should be
Comments: '200 digits' not '200 bits' (Charles Wood verifies the error in
Comments: private communication of 13Jun80
Bibliography Sequence Number: 652
Author1: Merkle, Ralph C
Date: 1980
Title: Protocols for Public Key Cryptosystems
Periodical: Bell Northern Research
Issue & Page numbers: 29-Jan-80
Comments: Palo Alto, CA
Bibliography Sequence Number: 653
Author1: Shine, L. J
Date: 1979
Title: Data and Voice Encryption
Publisher: International Resource Development Inc.
Comments: March
Bibliography Sequence Number: 654
Author1: General Services Administration
Date: 1977
Title: Federal Standard 1027 (proposed): Telecommunications: Security Requirements for use of the DES
Publisher: General Services Administration
Keywords: DES
Bibliography Sequence Number: 655
Author1: National Bureau of Standards
Date: 1978
Title: NBS Special Publication 500-21 (two volumes)
Publisher: NBS
Comments: Includes "Design Alternatives for Computer Network Security" and
Comments: "The Network Security Center: A System Level Approach to Computer Security"
Bibliography Sequence Number: 656
Author1: National Bureau of Standards
Date: 1975
Title: Guidelines for Implementing and Using the NBS DES
Publisher: NBS (Draft)
Bibliography Sequence Number: 657
Author1: National Bureau of Standards
Date: 1978
Title: Computer Security and the DES, NBS Special Publicatin 500-7
Publisher: NBS
Comments: Keywords: DES
Bibliography Sequence Number: 658
Author1: Berlekamp, Elwyn R
Date: 1970
Title: Factoring Polynomials over Large Finite Fields
Periodical: Mathematics of Computation
Issue & Page numbers: 24:713-735
Bibliography Sequence Number: 659
Author1: Rabin, Michael O
Date: 1978
Title: Digitalized Signatures
Publisher: in Foundations of Secure Computations, R. Lipton and R. DeMillo editors; NY: Academic Press
Bibliography Sequence Number: 660
Author1: Rabin, Michael O
Date: 19??
Title: Probabilistic Algorithms in Finite Fields
Periodical: Submitted for Publication
Bibliography Sequence Number: 661
Author1: Kent, Steve T
Date: 1977
Title: Encryption-Based Protection for Interactive User/Computer Communication
Periodical: Proc. Fifth Data Communication Symp.
Issue & Page numbers: 5-7 to 5-13
Comments: NY: ACM
Bibliography Sequence Number: 662
Author1: Pohlig, Stephen C
Date: 19??
Title: Algebraic and Combinatoric Aspects of Cryptography
Publisher: Ph.D. dissertation SEL-77-038 and Tech. Rep. No. 6602-1, Stanford, CA: Stanford Electron. Labs.
Bibliography Sequence Number: 663
Author1: Flynn, Robert
Author2: Campasano, Anthony S
Date: 78
Title: Data Dependent Keys for a Selective Encryption Terminal
Periodical: Proc. AFIPS NCC
Issue & Page numbers: 47:1127-1129
Bibliography Sequence Number: 664
Author1: Konfelder, L. M
Date: 19??
Title: A Method of Certification
Publisher: Cambridge, MA: MIT Lab. Comp. Sci. Tech. Rep.
Bibliography Sequence Number: 665
Author1: Montgomery, W. A
Date: 1977
Title: Measurements of Sharing in MULTICS
Periodical: Proc. 6th Symp. on Operating Syst. Principles, Special Issue, Operating Syst.
Rev. (ACM)
Issue & Page numbers: 11, 5 (Nov):85-90
Bibliography Sequence Number: 666
Author1: Rivest, Ronald L
Author2: Adleman, Leonard M
Author3: Dertouzos, M. L
Date: 1978
Title: On Data Banks and Privacy Homomorphisms
Publisher: in Foundations of Secure Computation; R. DeMillo et al Editors; NY: Academic Press
Bibliography Sequence Number: 667
Author1: U.S. Patent Office
Date: 1937
Title: Patent No. 2,089,603: Ciphering Machine (M-209)
Publisher: Assigned to Boris Hagelin 10-AUG-37
Keywords: PATENT
Bibliography Sequence Number: 668
Author1: Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc
Date: 1978
Title: Report 1822: Interface Message Processor: Specification for the Interconnection of a Host >and an IMP
Publisher: BBN available from NTIS as No. ADA 055 996 for $9.50
Keywords: NSA
Comments: Appendix H: Interfacing a Host to a Private Line Interface
Comments: (the PLI supports the KG-34 (Key Generator) and gives
Comments: some tidbits concerning operational considerations such as Red/Black environments,
Comments: TEMPEST (leakage of secure data by radiation), COMSEC/TRANSEC, etc.
Bibliography Sequence Number: 669
Author1: American Telephone and Telegraph Company
Date: 1974
Title: 303 Type Wideband Data Stations
Publisher: Bell System Data Communications Technical Reference
Length: 39
Keywords: NSA
Bibliography Sequence Number: 670
Author1: Gaines, R. S
Author2: Shapiro, R. A
Date: 78
Title: Some Security Principles and Their Application to Computer Security
Publisher: in Foundations of Secure Computation; R.A. DeMillo et. al editors; NY:
Academic Press
Length: 223-236
Comments: also in Oper. Syst. Rev. 12,3 (July):19-28
Bibliography Sequence Number: 671
Author1: Culik II, K
Author2: Maurer, H. A
Date: 1979
Title: Secure Information Storage and Retrieval Using New Results in Cryptography
Periodical: Information Processing Letters
Issue & Page numbers: 8,4:181-186
Bibliography Sequence Number: 672
Author1: Shamir, Ali
Date: 1979
Title: On the Cryptocomplexity of Knapsack Systems
Publisher: MIT/LCS/TM-129
Bibliography Sequence Number: 673
Author1: Stockmeyer, L
Date: 1976
Title: The Polynomial-Time Hierarchy
Periodical: TCS
Issue & Page numbers: October
Bibliography Sequence Number: 674
Author1: Merkhofer, Lee W
Author2: Wood, Charles C
Date: 80
Title: Private Communication 27-Aug-80 concerning A Technology Assessment of Public
Key Cryptosystems
Publisher: .
Bibliography Sequence Number: 675
Author1: Marsh, D. C. B
Date: 1970
Title: Cryptology as a Senior Seminar Topic
Periodical: American Mathematical Monthly
Issue & Page numbers: 77:761-764
Bibliography Sequence Number: 676
Author1: Kruh, Louis
Date: 1971
Title: The Cryptograph that was Invented Three Times
Periodical: The Retired Officer
Issue & Page numbers: April
Bibliography Sequence Number: 677
Author1: Copland, Miles
Date: 1975
Title: Beyond Cloak and Cipher
Publisher: NY: Pennacle Books
Comments: pages 364-366 concern Vigenere with random one time pad; accompanying
Comments: text should be ignored.
Bibliography Sequence Number: 678
Author1: Adleman, Leonard M
Author2: Manders, K
Date: 1977
Title: Reducibility, Randomness, and Intractibility (sic)
Periodical: Proc. ACM Symp. on Theory of Computing
Issue & Page numbers: 151-163
Bibliography Sequence Number: 679
Author1: Friedman, William F
Date: 1942
Title: American Army Field Codes in the American Expeditionary Forces During the First
World War
Publisher: Washington: GPO
Bibliography Sequence Number: 680
Author1: Marshall, Lt. Col. Max L. (ed.)
Date: 1965
Title: The Story of the U.S. Army Signal Corps
Publisher: NY: Franklin Watts
Bibliography Sequence Number: 681
Author1: Myer, Brig. General Albert J
Date: 1868
Title: A Manual of Signals
Publisher: NY: D. Van Nostrand
Bibliography Sequence Number: 682
Author1: U.S. Army Eastern Signal Corps Schools
Date: 1942
Title: Historical Sketch of the Signal Corps (1860-1941), Pamphlet No. 32
Publisher: Fort Monmouth: Eastern Signal Corps Schools
Bibliography Sequence Number: 683
Author1: U.S. Army Security Agency
Date: 19??
Title: Historical Background of the Signal Security Agency, Volume One: Codes and
Ciphers Prior to World
War I
Publisher: n.p.:n.n.
Comments: Date: 46 above
Bibliography Sequence Number: 684
Author1: U.S. Patent Office
Date: 1965
Title: Patent No. 0,050,946: Improvement in Signals
Publisher: Issued to A.J. Myer 14-Nov-1865
Comments: Date: 1865 above
Bibliography Sequence Number: 685
Author1: U.S. Patent Office
Date: 1877
Title: Patent No. 0,197,199: Cryptographic Device
Publisher: Issued to F.S. Baldwin 20-Nov-1877
Bibliography Sequence Number: 686
Author1: U.S. Patent Office
Date: 1924
Title: Patent No. 1,500,077: Coding Device
Publisher: Issued to S. H. Huntington 1-Jul-1924
Bibliography Sequence Number: 687
Author1: U.S. War Department, Office of the Chief Signal Officer
Date: 1916
Title: Document No. 500: Signal Book United States Army
Publisher: Washington: GPO
Bibliography Sequence Number: 688
Author1: U.S. War Department, Office of the Chief Signal Officer
Date: 1910
Title: Manual No. 6: Visual Signaling
Publisher: Washington: GPO
Bibliography Sequence Number: 689
Author1: Friedman, William F
Author2: Friedman, Elizabeth S
Date: 57
Title: The Shakespearean Ciphers Examined
Publisher: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Bibliography Sequence Number: 690
Author1: Gantmacher, F. R
Date: 1960
Title: The Theory of Matrices, Volume 2
Publisher: NY: Chelsea Pub. Co.
Bibliography Sequence Number: 691
Author1: U.S. Army Security Agency
Date: 1948
Title: History of the Signal Security Agency, Volume One: Organization. Part I,
Publisher: Washington: Army Security Agency
Bibliography Sequence Number: 692
Author1: U.S. Army Security Agency
Date: 1948
Title: Operating and Keying Instructions for Converter M-325(T)
Publisher: n.p.:Army Security Agency
Bibliography Sequence Number: 693
Author1: U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary.
Date: 1956
Title: William F. Friedman
Publisher: Report No. 1815 (23-Apr-56) 84th Cong., 2d Session, Wash: GPO
Bibliography Sequence Number: 694
Author1: Adleman, Leonard M
Date: 1979
Title: Times, Space, and Randomness
Periodical: MIT/LCS/TM-131
Bibliography Sequence Number: 695
Author1: Friedman, William F
Date: 1925
Title: Analysis of a Mechanico-Electrical Cryptograph
Publisher: Washington: GPO (Part 1: 1934),(Part 2: 1935) original report 1925
Bibliography Sequence Number: 696
Author1: U.S. Patent Office
Date: 1928
Title: Patent No. 1,683,072: ??
Publisher: Issued to William F. Friedman 4-Sep-28
Bibliography Sequence Number: 697
Author1: Winkel, Brian J. editor
Date: 1977
Title: Epilogue
Periodical: Cryptologia
Issue & Page numbers: 1: 206-207
Bibliography Sequence Number: 698
Author1: Winterbotham, Frederick W
Date: 1974
Title: The Ultra Secret
Publisher: NY: Harper and Row
Bibliography Sequence Number: 699
Author1: Raisbeck, G
Date: 1963
Title: Information Theory, An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers
Publisher: Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
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