Bibliography Sequence Number: 800
Author1: Brassard, G
Author2: Fortune, S
Author3: Hopcroft, J
Date: 78
Title: A Note on Cryptography and NP inter CoNP-P
Publisher: Cornell Univ. Comp. Sci. Dept. Tech. Rep. TR78-338
Keywords: complexity
Bibliography Sequence Number: 801
Author1: Brassard, G
Date: 1979
Title: A Note on the Compexity of Cryptography
Periodical: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Issue & Page numbers: IT-25 (March):232-233
Keywords: complexity
Bibliography Sequence Number: 802
Author1: Brassard, G
Date: 1979
Title: Relativized Cryptography
Periodical: Proc. 20th IEEE Symp. on Foundations of Computer Science
Issue & Page numbers: 383-391
Keywords: complexity
Bibliography Sequence Number: 803
Author1: Brassard, G
Date: 1980
Title: A Time-Luck Tradeoff in Cryptography
Periodical: Proc. 21st IEEE Symp. on Foundations of Computer Science
Issue & Page numbers: 380-386
Keywords: complexity
Bibliography Sequence Number: 804
Author1: Chaitin, G. J
Date: 1966
Title: On the Length of Programs for Computing Finite Binary Sequences
Periodical: Journal of the ACM
Issue & Page numbers: 13: 547-569
Keywords: complexity
Bibliography Sequence Number: 805
Author1: Chaitin, G. J
Date: 1975
Title: Randomness and Mathematical Proof
Periodical: Scientific American
Issue & Page numbers: 232 (May):47-52
Keywords: complexity
Bibliography Sequence Number: 806
Author1: Chaitin, G. J
Date: 1975
Title: A Theory of Program Size Formally Identical to Information Theory
Periodical: Journal of the ACM
Issue & Page numbers: 22 (July):329-340
Keywords: complexity
Bibliography Sequence Number: 807
Author1: Chaitin, G. J
Date: 1976
Title: Algorithmic Entropy of Sets
Periodical: Comp. Maths. with Apps.
Issue & Page numbers: Author2: 233-245
Keywords: complexity
Bibliography Sequence Number: 808
Author1: Chaum, David L
Date: 1981
Title: Untraceable Electronic Mail, Return Addresses, and Digital Pseudonyms
Periodical: CACM
Issue & Page numbers: 24 (Feb):84-88
Keywords: complexity
Bibliography Sequence Number: 809
Author1: Demers, A
Author2: Kelemen, C
Author3: Reusch, B
Date: 76
Title: On Encryption Systems Realized by Finite Transducers
Publisher: Cornell Univ. Comp. Sci. Dept. Tech. Rep. 76-291
Keywords: complexity
Bibliography Sequence Number: 810
Author1: Even, S
Author2: Yacobi, Y
Date: 1980
Title: An Observation Concerning the Complexity of Problems with Few Solutions and its
Application to
Publisher: Technion Comp. Sci. Tech. Rep. 167
Keywords: complexity
Bibliography Sequence Number: 811
Author1: Even, S
Author2: Yacobi, Y
Date: 1980
Title: Cryptocomplexity and NP-completeness
Publisher: Technion Comp. Sci. Tech. Rep. 172
Keywords: complexity
Bibliography Sequence Number: 812
Author1: Even, S
Author2: Yacobi, Y
Date: 1980
Title: Relations among Public Key Signature Systems
Publisher: Technion Computer Science Technical Report 175
Keywords: complexity
Bibliography Sequence Number: 813
Author1: Gardner, Martin
Date: 1979
Title: Mathematical Games
Periodical: Scientific American
Issue & Page numbers: Nov:24-34
Keywords: complexity
Bibliography Sequence Number: 814
Author1: Garey, M. R
Author2: Johnson, D. S
Date: 1979
Title: Computers and Intractibility
Publisher: Freedman and Company
Keywords: complexity
Bibliography Sequence Number: 815
Author1: Gewirtz, William L
Date: 1974
Title: Investigations in the Theory of Descriptive Complexity
Publisher: New York Univ. Ph.D. Thesis, Courant Institute of Math. Sciences Rep.
Keywords: complexity
Bibliography Sequence Number: 816
Author1: Gordon, John
Date: 1980
Title: Use of Intractable Problems in Cryptography
Periodical: Information Privacy
Issue & Page numbers: 2 (Sep):178-184
Keywords: complexity
Bibliography Sequence Number: 817
Author1: Hopcroft, John E
Author2: Ullman, Jeffrey
Date: 1979
Title: Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation
Publisher: Reading: Addison Wesley
Keywords: complexity
Bibliography Sequence Number: 818
Author1: Katseff, Howard P
Author2: Sipser, Michael
Date: 1979
Title: Several Results in Program Size Complexity
Periodical: Proc. 18th Symp. on Foundations of Computer Science
Issue & Page numbers: 82-89
Keywords: complexity
Bibliography Sequence Number: 819
Author1: Kolmogorov, A
Date: 1965
Title: Three Approaches to the Quantitative Definition of Information
Periodical: Problems of Inform. Transmission
Issue & Page numbers: 1 (Jan-Mar):1-7
Keywords: complexity
Bibliography Sequence Number: 820
Author1: Lamport, L
Date: 1979
Title: Constructing Digital Signatures from a One-Way Function
Publisher: SRI International Technical Report CSL-98
Keywords: complexity
Bibliography Sequence Number: 821
Author1: Lieberherr, Karl
Date: 1980
Title: Uniform Complexity and Digital Signatures
Publisher: Princeton University Department of EE and CS Tech. Rep.
Keywords: complexity
Bibliography Sequence Number: 822
Author1: Merkle, Ralph C
Date: 1979
Title: Secrecy, Authentication, and Public Key Systems
Publisher: Stanford Information Systems Lab. Tech. Rep. 1979-1
Keywords: complexity
Bibliography Sequence Number: 823
Author1: Poe, Edgar Allen
Date: 1841
Title: A Few Words on Secret Writing
Periodical: Graham's Magazine
Issue & Page numbers: 19 (July):33-38
Bibliography Sequence Number: 824
Author1: Wimsatt Jr., William K
Date: 1943
Title: What Poe Knew About Cryptography
Periodical: Publications of the Modern Language Association
Issue & Page numbers: 58:754-779
Bibliography Sequence Number: 825
Author1: Bobrow, D. G
Author2: Raphael, B
Date: 1974
Title: New Programming Languages for Artificial Intelligence Research
Periodical: ACM Computing Surveys
Issue & Page numbers: 6:155-174
Comments: "SNOBOL-like prog. lang. spec. designed for cryptanalysis" (096)
Bibliography Sequence Number: 826
Author1: Golub, G
Date: 1969
Title: Singular Value Decomposition of a Complex Matrix
Periodical: CACM
Issue & Page numbers: 12: 564-565
Comments: Algorithm 358
Bibliography Sequence Number: 827
Author1: Golub, G
Author2: Reinsch, C
Date: 1970
Title: Singular Value Decomposition and Least Squares Solutions
Periodical: Numerische Mathematik
Issue & Page numbers: 14:403-420
Bibliography Sequence Number: 828
Author1: Harris, F. A
Date: 1959
Title: Solving Simple Substitution Ciphers
Publisher: Bethesda, MDate: American Cryptogram Assoc.
Comments: Orig. 1943
Bibliography Sequence Number: 829
Author1: Silver, R
Date: 1959
Title: Decryptor
Periodical: MIT Lincoln Lab Quarterly Progress Report, Division 5 (Information
Issue & Page numbers: (Dec): 57-60
Bibliography Sequence Number: 830
Author1: Lauer, Rudolph F
Date: 1981
Title: Computer Simulation of Classical Substitution Cryptographic Systems
Publisher: Laguna Hills, CA: Aegean Park Press
Length: 111 pages
Keywords: computer
Comments: Aegean #32 $19.84
Bibliography Sequence Number: 831
Author1: Norman, Bruce
Date: 1973
Title: Secret Warfare: The Battle of Codes and Ciphers
Publisher: Washington: Acropolis Books Ltd
Bibliography Sequence Number: 832
Author1: Bielewicz, Julian A
Date: 1976
Title: Secret Language: Communicating in Codes and Ciphers
Publisher: Australia: Holt, Rinehart and Winston
Bibliography Sequence Number: 833
Author1: Zanotti, Mario
Date: 1928
Title: Cryptography: Secret Writing
Publisher: Milan
Bibliography Sequence Number: 834
Author1: Nance, Richard E
Author2: Overstreet Jr., Claude
Date: 1978
Title: Some Experimental Observations on the Behavior of Composite Random Number
Publisher: Operations Research
Length: 26,5 (Sep-Oct)
Keywords: random
Bibliography Sequence Number: 835
Author1: Matyas, Stephen M
Date: 1974
Title: A Computer Oriented Cryptanalytic Solution for Multiple Substitution Enciphering
Publisher: Univ. of Iowa Ph.D. Thesis
Bibliography Sequence Number: 836
Author1: Candela, Rosario
Date: 1946
Title: Isomorphism and its Application in Cryptanalytics
Publisher: NY: Cardanus Press
Comments: Parts II and IV have been reprinted as Appendix II of Ref. 830[Lau81]
Bibliography Sequence Number: 837
Author1: Garlinski, J
Date: 1979
Title: The Enigma War
Publisher: NY: Charles Scribner's Sons
Bibliography Sequence Number: 838
Author1: Jacobs, W
Date: 1977
Title: Cipher Machines and Mathematics
Periodical: Interdisciplinary Science Reviews
Issue & Page numbers: 2,Author3: 277
Bibliography Sequence Number: 839
Author1: Johnson, B
Date: 1978
Title: The Secret War
Publisher: NY: Methuen
Bibliography Sequence Number: 840
Author1: Lewin, R
Date: 1978
Title: Ultra Goes to War
Publisher: NY: McGraw-Hill
Bibliography Sequence Number: 841
Author1: Luebbert, W. F
Author2: Stoll, E. L
Date: 1977
Title: COLOSSUS and the Ultra Secret
Periodical: Abacus
Issue & Page numbers: 11
Bibliography Sequence Number: 842
Author1: Campaigne, H
Date: 19??
Title: Cryptanalysis
Periodical: Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology
Issue & Page numbers: 6:434
A:NY: Marcel Dekker
Bibliography Sequence Number: 843
Author1: Mann, B
Date: 1961
Title: Cryptography with Matrices
Periodical: The Pentagon
Issue & Page numbers: 21 (Fall): 3
Bibliography Sequence Number: 844
Author1: Levine, Jack
Date: 1958
Title: Some Further Methods in Algebraic Cryptography
Periodical: Journal Elisha Mitchell Science Society
Issue & Page numbers: 74:110
Bibliography Sequence Number: 845
Author1: Levine, Jack
Date: 1961
Title: Cryptographic Slide Rules
Periodical: Mathematics Magazine
Issue & Page numbers: (Sep-Oct):322
Bibliography Sequence Number: 846
Author1: Levine, Jack
Author2: Nahikian, H. M
Date: 1962
Title: On the Construction of Involutory Matrices
Periodical: American Mathematical Monthly
Issue & Page numbers: 69:267-272
Bibliography Sequence Number: 847
Author1: Pless, Vera
Date: 78
Title: Error Correcting CodeBibliography Sequence Number: Practical Origins and
Mathematical Implications
Periodical: American Mathematical Monthly
Issue & Page numbers: 85: 90-94
Bibliography Sequence Number: 848
Author1: unknown
Date: 76
Title: unknown
Periodical: Science
Issue & Page numbers: 8OcTitle: 166
Bibliography Sequence Number: 849
Author1: Konheim, Alan G
Date: 1981
Title: Cryptography: A Primer
Publisher: NY: John Wiley and Sons
Bibliography Sequence Number: 850
Author1: Johnson, Brian
Date: 1978
Title: The Secret War
Publisher: London: British Broadcasting Company
Bibliography Sequence Number: 851
Author1: Jones, Reginald Victor
Date: 1978
Title: Most Secret War
Publisher: London: Hamish Hamilton
Comments: American edition: The Wizard War: British Scientific Intelligence 1939-1945
Comments: NY: Coward, McCann & Geoghegan 1978
Bibliography Sequence Number: 852
Author1: Lewin, Ronald
Date: 1978
Title: Ultra Goes to War
Publisher: London: Hutchinson
Bibliography Sequence Number: 853
Author1: Slater, N. B
Date: 1967
Title: Gaps and Steps for the Sequence nTheta mod 1
Periodical: Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc.
Issue & Page numbers: 1115-1123
Bibliography Sequence Number: 854
Author1: Slater, N. B
Date: 1964
Title: Distribution Problems and Physical Applications
Periodical: Compositio Math
Issue & Page numbers: 176-183
Bibliography Sequence Number: 855
Author1: Metelski, John
Date: 1978
Title: Telecommunications Privacy and the Information Society
Periodical: Telecommunications Policy
Issue & Page numbers: DeComments: 327-335
Bibliography Sequence Number: 856
Author1: Hull, T. E
Author2: Dobell, A. R
Date: 1962
Title: Random Number Generators
Periodical: SIAM Review
Issue & Page numbers: 4:330-354
Bibliography Sequence Number: 857
Author1: Marsaglia, G
Date: 1972
Title: The Structure of Linear Congruential Sequences
Periodical: in Applications of Number Theory to Numerical Analysis ed. S.K. Zaremba
NY: Academic Press
Bibliography Sequence Number: 858
Author1: Leighton, Albert C
Date: 1979
Title: Review of David Shulman's "Annotated Bibliography of Cryptography"
Periodical: Historica Mathematica
Issue & Page numbers: May:209-212
Bibliography Sequence Number: 859
Author1: Hindin, Harvey J
Date: 1979
Title: LSI-Based Data Encryption Discourages the Data Thief
Periodical: Electronics
Issue & Page numbers: 21Jun:107-120
Bibliography Sequence Number: 860
Author1: Budzinski, Robert
Date: 1979
Title: Single-Chip Computer Scrambles for Security
Periodical: Electronics
Issue & Page numbers: 19JuIssue & Page numbers: 140-144
Bibliography Sequence Number: 861
Author1: Beaston, John
Date: 1979
Title: One-Chip Data-Encryption Unit Accesses Memory Directly
Periodical: Electronics
Issue & Page numbers: 2Aug:126-129
Bibliography Sequence Number: 862
Author1: Meyer, Carl H
Date: 78
Title: Ciphertext/Plaintext and Ciphertext/Key Dependence vs Number of Rounds for the
Data Encryption
Periodical: Proc. AFIPS NCC
Issue & Page numbers: 47: 1119-1126
Bibliography Sequence Number: 863
Author1: Burris, Harrison R
Date: 76
Title: Computer Network Cryptography Engineering
Periodical: Proc. AFIPS NCC
Issue & Page numbers: 45: 91-96
Bibliography Sequence Number: 864
Author1: Michelman, Eric H
Date: 79
Title: The Design and Operation of Public-Key Cryptosystems
Periodical: Proc. AFIPS NCC
Issue & Page numbers: 48: 305-311
Bibliography Sequence Number: 865
Author1: Holmes, Captain W. J
Date: 79
Title: Double-Edged Secrets
Publisher: Naval Institute Press
Length: 233 pages
Comments: $11.50
Bibliography Sequence Number: 866
Author1: unknown
Date: 74
Title: unknown
Periodical: Datamation
Issue & Page numbers: Feb: 90
Bibliography Sequence Number: 867
Author1: unknown
Date: 75
Title: unknown
Periodical: Datamation
Issue & Page numbers: March: 107
Bibliography Sequence Number: 868
Author1: Kahn, David
Date: 76
Title: unknown
Periodical: Playboy
Issue & Page numbers: ???
Bibliography Sequence Number: 869
Author1: National Security Agency
Date: 79
Title: Security Agency Denies Tampering with DES
Periodical: IEEE Spectrum
Issue & Page numbers: 16, 7 (July): 39
Keywords: NSA
Bibliography Sequence Number: 870
Author1: Fak, Viiveke
Date: 79
Title: Repeated Use of Codes Which Detect Deception
Periodical: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Issue & Page numbers: IT-25, 2 (March): 233-234
Bibliography Sequence Number: 871
Author1: Andree, R. V
Date: 52
Title: Cryptanalysis
Periodical: Scripta Math
Issue & Page numbers: 18: 5-16
Bibliography Sequence Number: 872
Author1: unknown
Date: 78
Title: unknown
Periodical: Science
Issue & Page numbers: 8Sep: 891
Bibliography Sequence Number: 873
Author1: unknown
Date: 77
Title: unknown
Periodical: Science
Issue & Page numbers: 9Sep: 1061
Bibliography Sequence Number: 874
Author1: unknown
Date: 76
Title: unknown
Periodical: Science
Issue & Page numbers: 4June: 989
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