This 340-item bibliography of items at the Library of Congress was downloaded from the internet on March 23, 1997, and contains many items not included in Tony Patti's Master's Thesis bibliography.
ITEM 1 CALL NUMBER: CIP - NOT YET IN LC AUTHOR: Beckett, Brian. TITLE: Introduction to cryptolology and PC security / Brian Beckett. PUBLISHED: New York : McGraw-Hill Pub., c1997. EST PUB DATE: 9702 DESCRIPTION: p. cm. SUBJECT: Computer security. SUBJECT: Data protection. SUBJECT: Cryptography. OTHER NAME: Beckett, Brian. Introduction to cryptology. NOTE: Updated ed. of: Introduction to cryptology. 1988. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN NUMBER: 007709235X (hardback : alk. paper) LCCN NUMBER: 97-6936
ITEM 2 CALL NUMBER: DK266.3 .V46 1996 TITLE: Venona : Soviet espionage and the American response 1939-1957 / TITLE2: Robert Louis Benson, Michael Warner, editors. PUBLISHED: Washington, D.C. : National Security Agency : Central Intelligence Agency, 1996. DESCRIPTION: xliv, 450 p. ; 28 cm. SUBJECT: Soviet Union. Komitet gosudarstvennoi bezopasnosti--History--Sources. SUBJECT: Soviet Union. Glavnoe razvedyvatel'noe upravlenie--History--Sources. SUBJECT: United States. Signal Security Agency--History--Sources. SUBJECT: Espionage, Soviet--United States--History--Sources. SUBJECT: Cryptography--United States--History--Sources. SUBJECT: Soviet Union--Foreign relations--United States--History--Sources. SUBJECT: United States--Foreign relations--Soviet Union--History--Sources. OTHER NAME: Benson, Robert Louis. OTHER NAME: Warner, Michael. OTHER NAME: United States. National Security Agency. OTHER NAME: United States. Central Intelligence Agency. NOTE: "This volume has been published in conjunction with the conference on NOTE: Venona co-sponsored in Washington by the National Security Agency, NOTE: the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Center for Democracy in NOTE: October 1996"--P. 4 of cover. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references. LCCN NUMBER: 96-231314
ITEM 3 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A25 I555 1994 AUTHOR: International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptology (4th : 1994 : Wollongong, N.S.W.) TITLE: Advances in cryptology, ASIACRYPT '94 : 4th International Conference TITLE2: on the Theory and Applications of Cryptology, Wollongong, Australia, TITLE3: November 28-December 1, 1994 : proceedings / Josef Pieprzyk, TITLE4: Reihanah Safavi-Naini, eds. PUBLISHED: Berlin ; New York : Springer, c1995. DESCRIPTION: xii, 430 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Computer security--Congresses. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Congresses. OTHER NAME: Pieprzyk, Josef, 1949- OTHER NAME: Safavi-Naini, Reihanah. SERIES: Lecture notes in computer science ; 917 NOTE: Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN NUMBER: 354059339X LCCN NUMBER: 96-179233 r96
ITEM 4 CALL NUMBER: Z103.4.R8 B35 1902 AUTHOR: Bakharev, V. TITLE: O shifrakh / V. Bakharev. PUBLISHED: Zheneva : Izd. Soiuza russkikh sotsial'demokratov, 1902. DESCRIPTION: 24 p. ; 16 cm. SUBJECT: Rossiiskaia sotsial-demokraticheskaiarabochaia partiia--Communication systems. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Russia. SUBJECT: Prisons--Communication systems. NOTE: At head of title: Rossiiskaia sotsial'demokraticheskaia rabochaia partiia. NOTE: With: Kak derzhat sebia na doprosakh / V. Bakharev. Zheneva : Izd. NOTE: Soiuza russkikh sotsial'demokratov, 1902. -- Batumskaia voina. NOTE: [S.l. : s.n.], 1902. Bound together subsequent to publication. DLC LCCN NUMBER: 96-173113
ITEM 5 CALL NUMBER: Z103. T834 1626AUTHOR: Trithemius Johannes, 1462-1516. TITLE: Polygraphie et universelle escriture caballistique de M. I. TITLE2: Trithemius abbe : avec les tables & figures concernants l'effaict & TITLE3: l'intelligence de l'occulte escriture : utile convenable & necessaire TITLE4: principalement aux roys, princes, comtes, rep ubliques, & tous TITLE5: amateurs de la subtilite, industrie & rarite / traduite par Gabriel TITLE6: de Collagne, natif de Tours en Auvergne. PUBLISHED:A Amstelredam : Pour Theodore Pierre, demeurant a l'enseigne de la Presse blanche, 1626. DESCRIPTION: 388, [6] p. : ill. (letterpress-woodcut) ; 21 cm. (4to) SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Ciphers--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: Collange, Gabriel de, d. 1572. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Polygraphiae libri sex. French NOTE: Signatures: A-3C4 3D2. LC copy is item no. 704 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC LCCN NUMBER: 96-167347
ITEM 6 CALL NUMBER: UF144 .T49 1620AUTHOR: Thybourel, Francois, fl. 1620. TITLE: Recueil de plusieurs machines militaires et feux artificiels pour la TITLE2: guerre & recreation : auec l'alphabet de Trittemius par laquelle TITLE3: chacun qui s cait escrire peut promptement composer congruement en TITLE4: latin, aussi le moyen d'escrire la nuict a son amy absent / de la TITLE5: diligence de Iean Appier dit Hanzelet, chalcographe et de Francois TITLE6: Thybourel, me. chyrurgien. PUBLISHED: Au Pont-a-Mousson : Par TITLE7: Charles Marchant, imprimeur ..., 1620. DESCRIPTION: [8], 88, 39, [1], 24, 112, [4], 40, [60] p. : 101 [i.e. 99] ill. (engravings) ; 19 cm. (4to) SUBJECT: Artillery--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Military engineering--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: Appier-Hanzelet, Jean, 1596-1674. OTHER NAME: Trithemius, Johannes, 1462-1516. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Methode pour escrire occultement a son amy par l'alphabet de Trithemius. OTHER TITLE: Methode pour escrire de nuict a son amy absent et luy faire concevoir son intention. NOTE: Illustrated, engraved t.p.; printed special title pages for livres NOTE: II-V. The two sections on cryptography have special title pages: NOTE: Methode pour escrire occultement a son amy par l'alphabet de Trithemius NOTE: ... / recueillie et mise en lumiere par ... Francois Thybourel ... & NOTE: Iean Appier dit Hanzelet ...; and Methode pour escrire de nuict a son NOTE: amy absent et luy faire concevoir son intention ... / mise en lumiere NOTE: par ... Francois Thybourel ... & Iean Appier dit Hanzelet ... Signatures: NOTE: a4 A-L4, 2A-E4, 3A-C4, 4A-O4, 5chi2 A-E4, 6chi2 A-G4 H2. LC copy NOTE: imperfect: t.p. damaged. Imprint completed from livre II t.p. Item no. NOTE: 694 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC LCCN NUMBER: 96-166321
ITEM 7 CALL NUMBER: Z104. M644 1898TITLE: Momento cryptographique. PUBLISHED: [Paris? : s.n.], 1898. DESCRIPTION: [24] p. : ill.; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Ciphers. SUBJECT: Signs and symbols. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC NOTE: Cover title. Holograph notebook; cutout grill (decoding device?) in NOTE: pocket; label on cover: "c ciphers box". LC NOTE: copy is item no. 447 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC LCCN NUMBER: 96-163141
ITEM 8 CALL NUMBER: Z104. C96 1898TITLE: Cryptographie polygonale. PUBLISHED: Paris : [s.n.], 1898-1899. DESCRIPTION: 2 notebooks ; 21-23 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Ciphers. SUBJECT: Signs and symbols. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC NOTE: Cover title. "1899. 128, avenue d'Orleans, a Paris"--p. [1] of 1899 NOTE: volume. Two holograph notebooks, dated Juin 1898 (label on cover: NOTE: "b ciphers box") and 10 janvier 1899 (label on cover: "a ciphers box a"). NOTE: LC copy is item no. 250 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC LCCN NUMBER: 96-163015
ITEM 9 CALL NUMBER: Z103 .S37 1680OTHER COPY: Z103 .S37 1680 Copy 2 Copy 2. OTHER COPY: Fabyan item no. 561, 2nd copy. Z103 .S37 1680 Copy 3 Copy 3. Fabyan item no. 561, 3rd copy. OTHER COPY: Leaves 2X4 (blank) and 2Y2 wanting. Z103 .S37 1680 Copy 4 Copy 4. Fabyan item no. 561, 4th copy. OTHER COPY: Plates to face p. 27, 91, 114, 151, 195, 196, 200, and 201 and OTHER COPY: leaf 2X4 (blank) wanting. AUTHOR: Schott, Gaspar, 1608-1666. TITLE: P. Gasparis Schotti e Societate Jesu Schola steganographica : in TITLE2: classes octo distributa, quibus, praeter alia multa, ac jucundissima, TITLE3: explicantur artificia nova, queis quilibet, scribendo epistolam TITLE4: qualibet de re, & quocunque idiomate, potest alteri absenti, eorundem TITLE5: artificiorum conscio, arcanum animi sui conceptum, sine ulla secreti TITLE6: latentis suspicione manifestare, & scriptam ab aliis eadem arte, TITLE7: quacunque lingua, intelligere, & interpretari ... : cum figuris aeri incisis ... PUBLISHED: [Nuremberg] : Sumptibus Johannis Andreae Endteri & Wolfgangi PUBLISHED: Junioris haeredum excudebat Jobus Hertz, typographus Herbipol. ; PUBLISHED: Prostant Norimbergae : Apud dictos Endteros, anno 1680. DESCRIPTION: [36], 346, [10] p., [11] folded leaves of plates : ill. (engravings) ; 21 cm. (4to) SUBJECT: Trithemius, Johannes, 1462-1516. SUBJECT: Kircher, Athanasius, 1602-1680. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Schola steganographica NOTE: Added engraved t.p. Signatures: )(-4)(4 5)(2A-2X4 (2X4 blank) 2Y2. NOTE: Lectori meo: p. [353-354]; Catalogus librorum a P. Gasparo Schotto NOTE: Societatis Jesu hactenus editorum: p. [355]; Nota lector: p. [356]. NOTE: Includes index. LC copy imperfect: plates to face p. 27, 91, 114, NOTE: 151, 195, 196, 200, and 201 and blank leaf 2X4 wanting. Item no. 561 NOTE: of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC LCCN NUMBER: 96-162869
ITEM 10 CALL NUMBER: Z104. S356 1912AUTHOR: Schneider, L. (Louis) TITLE: Description d'un systeme cryptographique a l'usage de l'armee / TITLE2: par L. Schneider. PUBLISHED: Paris : L. Fournier, 1912. DESCRIPTION: 31 p. ; 19 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Ciphers. SUBJECT: Signs and symbols. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC NOTE: LC copy is item no. 556 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC CITED IN: Galland p. 162 LCCN NUMBER: 96-160772
ITEM 11 CALL NUMBER: Z104. H16 1873AUTHOR: H. S. TITLE: Cryptographie, ou, Divers systemes d'ecrire secrete specialement TITLE2: pour l'usage des cartes postales : combinations alphabetiques, TITLE3: correspondance chiffree, ecriture par signes : divers procedes pour TITLE4: la fabrication d'encres sympathiques / par H.S. EDITION: 2e ed. PUBLISHED: [Paris? : s.n.] ; En vente chez tous les libraries, 1873 (Paris : Impr. de G. Jousset) DESCRIPTION: 8 p. ; 21 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Ciphers. SUBJECT: Signs and symbols. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Cryptographie OTHER TITLE: Divers systemes d'ecriture secrete specialement pour l'usage des cartes postales NOTE: Cover title. LC copy is item no. 550 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC CITED IN: Galland p. 159 LCCN NUMBER: 96-159790
ITEM 12 CALL NUMBER: Z104 .T44 1885AUTHOR: Thomas, Achille. TITLE: Traite de teletopographie militaire a l'usage des officiers de TITLE2: l'armee : teletopographie Achille Thomas / par Achille Thomas. PUBLISHED: Nantes : Imprimerie de Paul Pledran, [ca. 1885] DESCRIPTION: vii, 84 p. ; 16 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Ciphers. SUBJECT: Signs and symbols. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Teletopographe Achille Thomas NOTE: LC copy is item no. 692 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC CITED IN: Galland p. 180 LCCN NUMBER: 96-159555
ITEM 13 CALL NUMBER: Z104 .K77 1900OTHER COPY: Z104 .K64 1900 Copy 2 Copy 2. OTHER COPY: Copy 2 of item no. 378 of the George Fabyan Collection. Z104. OTHER COPY: K64 1900 Copy 3 Copy 3. Copy 3 of OTHER COPY: item no. 378 of the George Fabyan Collection. AUTHOR: Kog, O. Vuyr. TITLE: L'inviolable correspondance. PUBLISHED: Niort : Siege de l'involiable correspondance, [ca. 1900] DESCRIPTION: 16 p. ; 15 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Ciphers. SUBJECT: Signs and symbols. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC NOTE: LC copy is item no. 378 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC CITED IN: Galland p. 105 LCCN NUMBER: 96-159488
ITEM 14 CALL NUMBER: Z103 .T84 1621OTHER COPY: Z103 .T84 1621 Copy 2 Copy 2. OTHER COPY: Fabyan item no. 706, 2nd copy. Z103 .T84 1621 Copy 3 Copy 3. Fabyan item no. 706, 3nd copy. AUTHOR: Trithemius, Johannes, 1462-1516. TITLE: Clauis generalis triplex in libros steganographicos Iohannis Trithemij ... / ab ipso authore conscripta ... PUBLISHED: Darmbstadij : Excudebat Balthasar Hofmann, impensis Iohannis Berneri, bibliop. Francof., anno 1621. DESCRIPTION: 7, [1] p. ; 21 cm. (4to) SUBJECT: Trithemius, Johannes, 1462-1516. Steganographia. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Ciphers--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Clavis generalis triplex in libros steganographicos Johannis Trithemii NOTE: Signatures: a4. LC copy is with item no. 706 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC NOTE: With: Trithemius, Johannes. Steganographia. Darmbstadij : Ex officina NOTE: typographica Balthasaris Aulaeandri, sumptibus vero Ioannis Berneri, NOTE: bibliop. Francof., anno 1621. Probably issued together. LCCN NUMBER: 96-159137
ITEM 15 CALL NUMBER: Z103 .T84 1621OTHER COPY: Z103 .T84 1621 Copy 2 Copy 2. OTHER COPY: Fabyan item no. 706, 2nd copy. Z103 .T84 1621 Copy 3 Copy 3. Fabyan item no. 706, 3nd copy. AUTHOR: Trithemius, Johannes, 1462-1516. TITLE: Clauis Steganographiae Ioannis Trithemij, abbatis Spanheimensis, ad TITLE2: Serenissimum Principem Dn. Philippum ... PUBLISHED: [Frankfurt] : Venundatur apud Iohannem Bernerum, bibliopolam Francofurtensem, anno 1621. DESCRIPTION: 64 p. ; 21 cm. (4to) SUBJECT: Trithemius, Johannes, 1462-1516. Steganographia. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Ciphers--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Clavis Steganographiae Joannis Trithemii OTHER TITLE: Clavis Steganographiae NOTE: Colophon: Impressum Darmbstadii apud Balthasarem Hofmannum, anno 1621. NOTE: Signatures: A-H4. LC copy is with item no. 706 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC NOTE: With: Trithemius, Johannes. Steganographia. Darmbstadij : Ex officina NOTE: typographica Balthasaris Aulaeandri, sumptibus vero Ioannis Berneri, NOTE: bibliop. Francof., anno 1621. Probably issued together. LCCN NUMBER: 96-159113
ITEM 16 CALL NUMBER: Z103 .T84 1621OTHER COPY: Z103 .T84 1621 Copy 2 Copy 2. OTHER COPY: Fabyan item no. 706, 2nd copy. Wanting final blank. Z103 .T84 OTHER COPY: 1621 Copy 3 Copy 3. Fabyan item no. 706, 3nd copy. AUTHOR: Trithemius, Johannes, 1462-1516. TITLE: Steganographia : hoc est, ars per occultam scripturam animi sui TITLE2: voluntatem absentibus aperiendi certa / authore ... Ioanne Trithemio TITLE3: ... ; praefixa est huic operi sua clauis, seu vera introductio ab TITLE4: ipso authore concinnata ... nunc vero in gratiam secretioris TITLE5: philosophiae studiosorum publici iuris facta. PUBLISHED: Darmbstadij : Ex officina typographica Balthasaris Aulaeandri, PUBLISHED: sumptibus vero Ioannis Berneri, bibliop. Francof., anno 1621. DESCRIPTION: [8], 158, [2] p. (final leaf blank) ; 21 cm. (4to) SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Ciphers--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC NOTE: Signatures: ):(4 A-V4. LC copy item no. 706 of the George Fabyan NOTE: Collection. DLC NOTE: With: Trithemius, Johannes. Clauis Steganographiae NOTE: Ioannis Trithemij, abbatis Spanheimensis, ad Serenissimum Principem Dn. NOTE: Philippum. [Frankfurt] : Venundatur apud Iohannem Bernerum, bibliopolam NOTE: Francofurtensem, anno 1621 -- Trithemius, Johannes. NOTE: Clauis generalis triplex in libros steganographicos Iohannis Trithemij NOTE: Darmbstadij : Excudebat Balthasar Hofmann, impensis Iohannis Berneri, NOTE: bibliop. Francof., anno 1621. Probably issued together. LCCN NUMBER: 96-158999
ITEM 17 CALL NUMBER: Z103.5. V56 1587AUTHOR: Villiers, Jean de. TITLE: Les intelligences de Iean de Villiers : exhibantes vne figure TITLE: remplie d'infinitez de dictions, langages & sciences, tant separement TITLE: que conionctiuement : vtilles a instruire les personnes aux sciences, TITLE: d epuis l'alphabet, iusques a l'infinite ... PUBLISHED: A Paris : Chez Guillaume Bichon ..., 1587. DESCRIPTION: [10], 72 [i.e. 68], [26] leaves ; 22 cm. (4to) SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Ciphers--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Signs and symbols--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Intelligences de Jean de Villiers OTHER TITLE: Intelligences de Jean de Villiers NOTE: Signatures: a4 e4 i2 A-Z4 2A2 LC copy is item no. 745 of the George NOTE: Fabyan Collection. DLC CITED IN: Galland, J.S. Hist. and anal. bib. of cryptology p. 194 LCCN NUMBER: 96-158285
ITEM 18 CALL NUMBER: Z103.5 .D82 1644bAUTHOR: Du Carlet, Jean Robert. TITLE: La cryptographie : contenant vne tres-subtile manier d'escrire TITLE2: secretement / composee par Maistre Iean Robert du Carlet ... PUBLISHED: A Tolose : Par I. Boyde Imprimeur ordinaire du Roy, & R. Aurelhe, Marchand libraire, 1644. DESCRIPTION: 234, [2] p. ; 14 cm. (12mo) SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Cyphers--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Signs and symbols--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC NOTE: Signatures: A-I12 K8 L2. LC copy is item no. 282 of the George Fabyan NOTE: Collection; 2 leaves of cancellantia sewn within final gathering ; NOTE: cancellanda (C8 and C10) not excised. DLC LCCN NUMBER: 96-157909
ITEM 19 CALL NUMBER: Z104 .W25 1904AUTHOR: Warnery, C.-G. TITLE: Premiers essais d'une methode de corresponance-ecrite-universelle au TITLE2: moyen des nombres (1) / par C.-G. Warnery. PUBLISHED: Paris : E. Desgrandchamps, [1904] DESCRIPTION: 46 p. : 23 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Ciphers. SUBJECT: Signs and symbols. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC NOTE: Only one volume published. LC copy is item no. 747 of the George Fabyan NOTE: Collection. DLC CITED IN: Galland p. 197 LCCN NUMBER: 96-156920
ITEM 20 CALL NUMBER: Z104 .J65 1874AUTHOR: Joliet, Charles, 1832-1910. TITLE: Les ecritures secretes devoiles : etudes et problmes cryptographiques / Charles Joliet. PUBLISHED: Paris : E. Dentu, 1874. DESCRIPTION: 36 p. ; 19 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Cyphers. SUBJECT: Signs and symbols. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC NOTE: LC copy is item no. 388 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC CITED IN: Galland p.98 LCCN NUMBER: 96-156886
ITEM 21 CALL NUMBER: Z104 .J67 1885AUTHOR: Josse, H. (Henri) TITLE: La cryptographie et ses applications a l'art militaire / par H. Josse. PUBLISHED: Paris : Libraire militaire de L. Baudoin ..., 1885. DESCRIPTION: 103 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Ciphers. SUBJECT: Signs and symbols. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC NOTE: LC copy is item no. 392 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC CITED IN: Galland p. 99 LCCN NUMBER: 96-156754
ITEM 22 CALL NUMBER: Z103 .T84 1676AUTHOR: Trithemius, Johannes, 1462-1516. TITLE: Johannis Trithemii primo Spanheimensis deinde Divi Jacobi Peapolitani TITLE2: abbatis Steganographia : quae hucusq[ue] a nemine intellecta sed TITLE3: passim ut supp osititia, perniciosa, magica & necromantica rejecta, TITLE4: elusa, damnata & sententiam inquisitionis passa, nunc tandem vindicata, TITLE5: reserata et illustrata ubi post vindicias Trithemii clarissime explicantur TITLE6: conjurationes spirituum ex Arabicis, Hebraicis, Chaldaicis & Graecis TITLE7: spirituum nominibus juxta quosdam conglobatae, aut secundum alios ex TITLE8: barbaris & nihil significantibus verbis concinnatae : deinde solvuntur TITLE9: & exhibentur artificia nova steganographica a Trithemio in literis ad TITLE10: Arnoldum Bostium & Polygraphia promissa, in hunc diem a nemine capta, TITLE11: sed pro paradoxis & impossibilibus habita & summe desi derata / authore TITLE12: Wolfgango Ernesto Heidel, Wormatiense. PUBLISHED: Moguntiae : Sumptibus Joannis Petri Zubrodt, anno 1676. DESCRIPTION: [8], 394 [i.e. 396], [4] p. ; 21 cm. (4to) SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Ciphers--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: Heidel, Wolfgang Ernst, fl. 1676. Vita Johannis Trithemii. OTHER NAME: Heidel, Wolfgang Ernst, fl. 1676. Steganographia vindicata. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Steganographia OTHER TITLE: Steganographia NOTE: Signatures: )(4 A-3D4. Steganographia, p.[124]-313, has separate t.p. NOTE: reprinted from the 1621 "Darmbstadii" edition. Includes Heidel's life NOTE: of Trithemius and his vindication of the Steganographia. LC copy is item NOTE: no. 708 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC LCCN NUMBER: 96-156343
ITEM 23 CALL NUMBER: Z103.5 .D82 1644AUTHOR: Du Carlet, Jean Robert. TITLE: La cryptographie : contenant vne tres-subtile maniere d'escrire TITLE2: secretement / composee par Maistre ien Robert du Carlet ... PUBLISHED: A Tolose : Par Arnaud Gaissat, & Raymond Aurelhe ..., 1644. DESCRIPTION: 234, [2] p. ; 15 cm. (12mo) SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Cyphers--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Signs and symbols--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC NOTE: The last leaf contains errata and privilege. Signatures: A-L12 K8 L2. NOTE: LC copy is item no. 281 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC LCCN NUMBER: 96-156306
ITEM 24 CALL NUMBER: Z103.T84 S 1606AUTHOR: Trithemius, Johannes, 1462-1516. TITLE: Clauis generalis triplex in libros steganographicos Iohannis TITLE2: Trithemij ... / ab ipso authore conscripta ... PUBLISHED: Darmbstadij : Excudebat Balthasar Hofmann, impensis Iohannis PUBLISHED: Berneri, bibliop. Francof., anno 1606. DESCRIPTION: 7, [1] p. ; 20 cm. (4to) SUBJECT: Trithemius, Johannes, 1462-1516. Steganographia. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Ciphers--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Clavis generalis triplex in libros steganographicos Johannis Trithemii NOTE: Signatures: a4. LC copy is with item no. 705 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC NOTE: With: Trithemius, Johannes. Steganographia. Francofurti : Ex officina NOTE: typographica Matthiae Beckeri, sumptibus Ioannis Berneri, anno 1606. NOTE: Probably issued together. LCCN NUMBER: 96-155234
ITEM 25 CALL NUMBER: Z103.T84 S 1606AUTHOR: Trithemius, Johannes, 1462-1516. TITLE: Clauis Steganographiae Ioannis Trithemij,abbatis Spanheimensis, ad TITLE2: Serenissimum Principem Dn. Philippum ... PUBLISHED: [Frankfurt] : Venundatur apud Ioannem Bernerum, bibliopolam Francofurtensem, anno 1606. DESCRIPTION: 70 p. ; 20 cm. (4to) SUBJECT: Trithemius, Johannes, 1462-1516. Steganographia. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Ciphers--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Clavis Steganographiae Joannis Trithemii OTHER TITLE: Clavis Steganographiae NOTE: Colophon: Impressum Darmbstadii apud Balthasarem Hofmannum, anno 1606. SIGNATURES: A-H4 I4(-I4). LC copy is with item no. 705 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC NOTE: With: Trithemius, Johannes. Steganographia. Francofurti : Ex officina NOTE: typographica Matthiae Beckeri, sumptibus Ioannis Berneri, anno 1606. Probably issued together. LCCN NUMBER: 96-155195
ITEM 26 CALL NUMBER: Z103.T84 S 1606AUTHOR: Trithemius, Johannes, 1462-1516. TITLE: Steganographia : hoc est, ars per occultam scripturam animi sui TITLE2: voluntatem absentibus aperiendi certa / authore ... Ioanne Trithemio TITLE3: ... ; praefixa est huic operi sua clauis, seu vera introductio ab TITLE4: ipso authore concinnata ... nunc vero in gratiam secretioris TITLE5: philosophiae studiosorum publici iuris facta. PUBLISHED: Francofurti : Ex officina typographica Matthiae Beckeri, PUBLISHED: sumptibus Ioannis Berneri, anno 1606. DESCRIPTION: [8], 180 p. ; 20 cm. (4to) SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Ciphers--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC NOTE: Signatures: ):(4(-):(1+):(1) A-Y4 Z2. LC NOTE: copy item no. 705 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC NOTE: With: Trithemius, Johannes. Clauis Steganographiae Ioannis Trithemij, NOTE: abbatis Spanheimensis, ad Serenissimum Principem Dn. Philippum. NOTE: [Frankfurt] : Venundatur apud Ioannem Bernerum, bibliopolam NOTE: Francofurtensem, anno 1606 -- Trithemius, Johannes. Clauis generalis NOTE: triplex in libros steganographicos Iohannis Trithemij. Darmbstadij : NOTE: Excudebat Balthasar Hofmann, impensis Iohannis Berneri, bibliop. NOTE: Francof., anno 1606. Probably issued together. LCCN NUMBER: 96-154809
ITEM 27 CALL NUMBER: Z103.5 .V54 1587OTHER COPY: Z103.5 .V54 1587 Copy 2 OTHER COPY: Copy 2. Imperfect: last two leaves (a2) wanting. Copy 2 of Fabyan OTHER COPY: item no. 744 Z103.5 .V54 1587 Copy 3 OTHER COPY: Copy 3. Binder's TITLE: Chiffres de Viginaires [sic]. Imperfect: OTHER COPY: wanting: plate signed 3D3 and final two leaves. Copy 3 of Fabyan OTHER COPY: item no. 744 Z103.5 .V54 1587 Copy 4 OTHER COPY: Copy 4. Binder's title: Chiffres et caracteres. Copy 4 of Fabyan OTHER COPY: item no. 744. AUTHOR: Vigenere, Blaise de, 1523-1596. TITLE: Traicte des chiffres, ou, Secretes manieres d'escrire / par Blaise de Vigenere ... PUBLISHED: A Paris : Chez Abel L'Angelier ..., 1587. DESCRIPTION: 343 [i.e.331], [3] leaves, [5] double leaves of plates : ill. DESCRIPTION: (letterpress, woodcuts, engraving); 25 cm. (4to) SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Cyphers--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Signs and symbols--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Traite des chiffres OTHER TITLE: Secretes manieres d'escrire OTHER TITLE: Chiffres et caracteres DLC OTHER TITLE: Chiffres de Viginaire [sic] DLC NOTE: Signatures: A-3C4 3D2 3E-3Q4 3R2 3T2 3X-4R4 4S2 a2. Signing extended NOTE: to three plates: 3D3 3S1 3V1. LC copy is item no. 744 of the George NOTE: Fabyan Collection. Following 4N4 are 3 quires erroneously inserted from NOTE: another work. DLC CITED IN: Adams V743 Galland p. 193 LCCN NUMBER: 96-153330
ITEM 28 CALL NUMBER: Z104 .L22 1884AUTHOR: Lafaille, J. (Jules), b. 1841. TITLE: Stenographie francaise : ecriture rationnelle, typographie et courante TITLE2: (caracteres francais) : methode a la portee de tous les enfants sachant TITLE3: lire, facilitant l'etude et la prononciation des langues anciennes et TITLE4: modernes :applicable dans toutes les carrieres liberales / par TITLE5: [caracteres stenographiques]. PUBLISHED: Montrouge-Seine : Laffaille, Editeur, 1884. DESCRIPTION: 139 p. ; 22 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Cyphers. SUBJECT: Signs and symbols. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC NOTE: LC copy is item no. 673 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC LCCN NUMBER: 96-152670
ITEM 29 CALL NUMBER: Z104 .S46 1881AUTHOR: Simonot, Edme. TITLE: L'Art de dechiffrer les ecritures secretes / Edme Simonot. PUBLISHED: Paris : J. Arnous de Riviere, 1881. DESCRIPTION: 132 p. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Cyphers. SUBJECT: Signs and symbols. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Ecritures secretes NOTE: LC copy is item no. 659 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC CITED IN: Galland p. 171 LCCN NUMBER: 96-152269
ITEM 30 CALL NUMBER: Z103 .T83 1600AUTHOR: Trithemius, Johannes, 1462-1516. TITLE: Ioannis Trithemij abbatis Peapolitani quondam Spanheymensis ad TITLE2: Maximilianum I. Caes. Libri polygraphiae VI : quibus praeter TITLE3: clauem et obseruationes Adolphi a Glauburg ... accessit nouiter TITLE4: eiusdem autoris libellus De septem secundeis seu intelligentijs TITLE5: orbes post Deum mouentibus ... PUBLISHED: Argentinae : Sumptibus Lazari Zetzneri, bibliopolae, 1600. DESCRIPTION: 612, [2], 28, [2] p. (the last leaf blank) ; 17 cm. (8vo) SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Ciphers--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Angels--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: Glauburg, Adolph von. OTHER NAME: Trithemius, Johannes, 1462-1516. De septem secundeis seu intelligentiis orbes post Deum moventibus. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Polygraphiae libri sex OTHER TITLE: De septem secundeis seu intelligentiis orbes post Deum moventibus. NOTE: Signatures: a-z8 A-Q8 R1 . LC copy wanting p. 19-22 (leaves R5.6) at end. Item no. 701 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC LCCN NUMBER: 96-151897
ITEM 31 CALL NUMBER: Z104 .V38 1838bAUTHOR: Vesin, Ch.-Fr. (Charles Francois) TITLE: Traite d'obscurigraphie, ou, Art de dechiffrer ou traduir avec la TITLE2: plus grande facilite, et sans en avoir aucune connaissance, toutes TITLE3: les ecritures en caracteres allemands, anglais, arabes, armeniens, TITLE4: gothiques, grecs, hebraiques, maconniques, etc. : quel qu'en soit TITLE5: l'alphabet, et celles memes qui seraient faites par les signes que TITLE6: l'esprit le plus extravagant courrait inventir / par Ch.-Fr. Vesin. EDITION: 2e ed. PUBLISHED: Paris : Madame Goullet, 1838. DESCRIPTION: 110 p. ; 22 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Signs and symbols SUBJECT: Cyphers. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Art de dechiffrer ou traduir avec la plus grande facilite ... NOTE: LC copy is item no. 740 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC CITED IN: Galland p. 191 LCCN NUMBER: 96-151197
ITEM 32 CALL NUMBER: Z103 .T83 1571OTHER COPY: Z103 .T83 1571 Copy 2 Copy 2. OTHER COPY: Final blank leaf wanting. Fabyan item no. 700, 2nd copy. AUTHOR: Trithemius, Johannes, 1462-1516. TITLE: Polygraphiae libri sex Ioannis Trithemij ... ad Maximilianum I. TITLE2: Caesarem : accessit Clauis polygraphiae liber vnus eodem authore TITLE3: ... : additae sunt etiam aliquot locorum explicationes eorum TITLE4: praesertim in quibus admirandi operis steganographiae pricipia TITLE5: latent quae quidem ingeniosis occasionem p raebent longe maiora & TITLE6: subtiliora inueniendi / per ... Adolphum a Glauburg ... PUBLISHED: Coloniae : Apud Ioannem Birckmannum & Theodorum Baumium, 1571. DESCRIPTION: 554, [54] p. (the last leaf blank), [2] folded leaves of plates ; 16 cm. (8vo) SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Ciphers--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: Glauburg, Adolph von. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Polygraphiae libri sex NOTE: Signatures: A-2L8 2M8(2M5+'2M6') 2N-2O8 2P8(2P4+'2P4'). LC copy is item no. 700 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC LCCN NUMBER: 96-151182
ITEM 33 CALL NUMBER: Z104 .H468 1892AUTHOR: Hermann, A. (Arthur-Joseph) TITLE: Methode pour chiffrer et dechiffrer les depeches secretes : nouveau TITLE2: systeme de correspondance secrete / par A. Hermann. PUBLISHED: Paris : Librairie scientifique A. Hermann, 1892. DESCRIPTION: 23 p., [5] leaves of plates : ill. ; 25 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Cyphers. SUBJECT: Signs and symbols. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Nouveau systeme de correspondance secrete NOTE: LC copy is item no. 354 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC CITED IN: Galland p. 88 LCCN NUMBER: 96-151152
ITEM 34 CALL NUMBER: Z103 .T83 1564OTHER COPY: Z103 .T83 1564 Copy 2 Copy 2. OTHER COPY: Gathering 2N misbound. Fabyan item no. 699, copy 2. AUTHOR: Trithemius, Johannes, 1462-1516. TITLE: Polygraphiae libri sex Ioannis Trithemij ... ad Maximilianum Caesarem : TITLE2: accessit Clauis polygraphiae liber vnus eodem authore ... : additae TITLE3: sunt etiam aliquot locorum explicationes eorum praesertim in quibus TITLE4: admirandi operis steganographiae pricipia latent quae quidem TITLE5: ingeniosis occasionem praebent longe maiora & subtiliora inueniendi TITLE6: / per ... Adolphum a Glauburg ... PUBLISHED: Coloniae : Apud Ioannem Birckmannum & Wernerum Richwinum, 1564. DESCRIPTION: 170 [i.e. 272], [24] leaves, [2] folded leaves of plates ; 16 cm. (8vo) SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Ciphers--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: Glauburg, Adolph von. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Polygraphiae libri sex NOTE: Signatures: A-2L8 chi2M2 2M8 2N8 2O8(2O4 + '2O5'). Leaves 2M1-5 signed '2M2-6'. LC copy has leaves of gathering M misbound. Item no. 699 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC CITED IN: Adams T981 LCCN NUMBER: 96-150495
ITEM 35 CALL NUMBER: Z103 .T83 1550AUTHOR: Trithemius, Johannes, 1462-1516. TITLE: Polygraphiae libri sex Ioannis Trithemij ... ad Maximilianum TITLE2: Caesarem : accessit Clauis polygraphiae liber unus eodem authore ... : TITLE3: additae sunt etiam aliquot locorum explicationes eorum praesertim in TITLE4: quibus admirandi operis steganographiae pricipia latent quae quidem TITLE5: ingeniosis occasionem praebent longe maiora & subtiliora inueniendi / TITLE6: per ... Adolphum a Glauburg ... PUBLISHED: Francofurti : Ex officina Cyriaci Iacobi, 1550. DESCRIPTION: [280] leaves ; 21 cm. (4to) SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Ciphers--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: Glauburg, Adolph von. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Polygraphiae libri sex NOTE: Printer from colophon. Signatures: *-4*4 a-e4 A-2Z4 2a-i4 3d-i4. LC NOTE: copy imperfect: leaves *2.3 wanting, leaf *4 recto blank. Item no. 698 NOTE: of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC CITED IN: BM STC German, 1455-1600, p. 871 Adams T980 BN CICIV, 594 LCCN NUMBER: 96-150400
ITEM 36 CALL NUMBER: Z103.5 .V54 1586OTHER COPY: Z103.5 .V54 1586 Copy 2 Copy 2. OTHER COPY: Imperfect: leaves 182-183, 190-191 wanting. Copy 2 of Fabyan item no. 743 AUTHOR: Vigenere, Blaise de, 1523-1596. TITLE: Traicte des chiffres, ou, Secretes manieres d'escrire / par Blaise de Vigenere ... PUBLISHED: A Paris : Chez Abel L'Angelier ..., 1586. DESCRIPTION: 343 [i.e. 331], [3] leaves, [5] double leaves of plates : ill. DESCRIPTION: (letterpress, woodcuts, engravings) ; 24 cm. (4to) SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Cyphers--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Signs and Symbols--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Secretes manieres d'escrire OTHER TITLE: Traicte des chiffres DLC NOTE: Signatures: A-3C4 3D2 3E-3Q4 3R2 3T23X-4R4 4S2 a2. Signing extended to NOTE: 3 plates: 3D3, 3S1, 3V1 (which are also included in foliation) LC copy NOTE: is item no. 743 of the George Fabyan Collection. Following 4N4 are 3 NOTE: quires mistakenly inserted from some other work. DLC CITED IN: Adams V743 Galland p. 193 LCCN NUMBER: 96-149445
ITEM 37 CALL NUMBER: Z104 .V38 1838OTHER COPY: Z104 .V38 1838 Copy 2 Copy 2. OTHER COPY: Copy 2 of item no. 739 of the George Fabyan Collection. AUTHOR: Vesin, Ch.-Fr. (Charles-Francois) TITLE: Traite d'obscurigraphie, ou, Art de dechiffrer ou traduire avec la TITLE2: plus grande facilite, et sans en avoir aucune connaissaince, toutes TITLE3: les ecritures en caracteres allemands, anglais, arabes, armeniens, TITLE4: gothiques, grecs, hebraiques, maconniques, etc. : quel qu'en soit TITLE5: l'alphabet, et celles memes qui seraient faites par les signes que TITLE6: l'esprit le plus extravagant pourait inventer / par Ch.-Fr. Vesin. PUBLISHED: Paris : Madame Gouillet, 1838. DESCRIPTION: 110 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Cyphers. SUBJECT: Signs and symbols. OTHER NAME: Hermann, A. (Arthur-Joseph). Application du Chiffre secret de OTHER NAME: M. A. Hermann aux tables chiffrantes et dechiffrantes de M. OTHER NAME: le Commandant Bazeries. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Art de dechiffrer ou traduir avec la plus grande facilite ... NOTE: LC copy is item no. 739 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC LC copy NOTE: has tipped in: Application du Chiffre secret de M.A. Hermann aux tables NOTE: chiffrantes et dechiffrantes de M. le Commandant Bazeries (4 p.) which NOTE: is copy 3 of item no. 10 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC CITED IN: Galland p. 191 LCCN NUMBER: 96-147216
ITEM 38 CALL NUMBER: Z102.5 .F33 1892AUTHOR: Fabyan, George, 1867-1936, collector. TITLE: [Articles on cryptography, ciphers, and the Shakespeare-Bacon controversy TITLE2: in the George Fabyan Collection of the Library of Congress]. PUBLISHED: 1892-1927. DESCRIPTION: 111 items in 5 boxes. SUBJECT: Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616--Authorship--Baconiantheory--Miscellanea. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Miscellanea. SUBJECT: Ciphers--Miscellanea. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC NOTE: Articles excised from serials; also includes pamphlets, 2 photocopies, NOTE: and 19 individual issues of serials. CONTENTS: [The numbers in parentheses are Fabyan Collection item numbers] CONTENTS: How hieroglyphics have been desiphered / E.M. Aaron (1) -- CONTENTS: Abbreviated words (2) -- Analytical digest, CONTENTS: Mar. 27 (6) -- Lincoln in the telegraph office / CONTENTS: D.H. Bates (145) -- A rebel cipher dispatch / CONTENTS: D.H. Bates (146) -- Shake-Speare / S.M. Baylis -- Cryptographie CONTENTS: ... / Bazeries (152) -- Les chiffres de Napoleon ... / Bazeries CONTENTS: (154) -- Signs, symbols, and signals / D. Beard (155) -- CONTENTS: Cryptographic machine / R.A. Brooman -- Shakespeare dethroned / CONTENTS: R.M. Bucke -- Some Elizabethan cipher b ooks / A.J. Butler (204) CONTENTS: -- The evolution of the dollarmark / F. Cajori (206) -- Cryptographie CONTENTS: / Cartier (209) -- Le chiffre de Bacon ... / Cartier (210) CONTENTS: -- Le mystere Bacon-Shakespeare / Cartier (211) -- Un probleme CONTENTS: d'histoire et de cryptographie / Cartier (212) -- The secret CONTENTS: language of childhood / O. Chrisman (223) -- The Bacon "farce" ... CONTENTS: / E.G. Clark -- [The numbers in parentheses are Fabyan Collection CONTENTS: item numbers] A simple postal-card cipher / X. Clark (227) -- The CONTENTS: Jesse tree / C. Coleman (232) -- A mark of honor / C. Coleman (231) CONTENTS: -- The code-word ... / W.H. Conklin (238) -- Autograph letters / CONTENTS: J.H. Craig -- Curiosity of literature (252) -- Les Ecritures CONTENTS: chiffrees / M.G. Dallet -- Cryptographie / J. Daujat (249) CONTENTS: -- Sewall's mnemonic lines / A.M. Davis (256) -- Finger-prints CONTENTS: / E.A. Davis (300) -- The Faerie-Queene, folio 1609 -- Ciphers CONTENTS: / T.J.A. Freeman (321) -- The Hindu cipher / W.F. Friedman CONTENTS: (728) -- History of the use of codes ... / W.F. Friedman (728) -- CONTENTS: The bi-lateral cypher ... / E.W. Gallup (326) -- Bacon's lost words CONTENTS: and decisions / W. A. Gardner (330) -- Julius Caesar's stenographer CONTENTS: (340) -- Cryptography in politics / J.R.G. Hassard (346) -- Secret CONTENTS: writing / J.H. Haswell (347) -- [Book catalog] no. 100 / W.M. Hill CONTENTS: (360) -- Masonic poets ... / J. Howell (696) -- Instructions CONTENTS: for the employment of Wheatstone's cryptograph (377) -- [The numbers CONTENTS: in parentheses are Fabyan Collection item numbers] Saying it in CONTENTS: cipher / C.A. Jensen (386) -- The beginning of ABC / A. Lang CONTENTS: (407) -- De la cryptographie / A. Langie (409) -- Symbolism of CONTENTS: numbers / M.A. Lloyd (423) -- Last words on Mrs. Gallup's alleged CONTENTS: cipher / W.H. Mallock (435) -- A new light on the Bacon-Shakespeare CONTENTS: cypher / W.H. Mallock (436) -- The most mysterious manuscript ... / CONTENTS: J.M. Manly (437) -- [Medical articles, 9] -- [Metric system, 3 items] CONTENTS: -- Military engineer, Sept. 1922 and Mar. 1923 -- Pictured CONTENTS: poesies / E. Moore (459) -- The Jerry who spoiled the war / W.E. CONTENTS: Moore (460) -- Code and cipher in France / F. Moorman -- The foremost CONTENTS: intellectual achievement ... / S.G. Morley (465) -- The dot and dash CONTENTS: alphabet (468) -- Su bstitute for shorthand / R.H. Moulton (469) -- CONTENTS: Mystical numbers (471) -- Mystical or representative numbers (472) -- CONTENTS: The most ancient symbol / F.H. Norton (480) -- Short-hand reporting CONTENTS: / G.C. Ohren (482) -- The sacred symbols and numbers of America / CONTENTS: F. Parry (493) -- Pearson's magazine Oct. 1923 (494) -- La Cryptographie CONTENTS: ... / L.G. Pelissier (213) -- Bacon against Shakespeare / F.E. CONTENTS: Pierce (501) -- The problem of middle ear mechanics / A.G. Pohlman -- CONTENTS: [The numbers in parentheses are Fabyan Collection item numbers] A CONTENTS: private inquiry (524) -- Neophonography / J. Richardson (533) -- CONTENTS: The $ mark / W.T.R. Saffel (551) -- Secrets in cipher / J.H. CONTENTS: Schooling (557) -- The nimbus and aureole / E. Schreiber (562) -- CONTENTS: Secrets exposed (567) -- Secrets in ciphers (568) -- The new CONTENTS: Shakespeare-Bacon controversy / G.P. Serviss (570) -- Early CONTENTS: Christian symbolism / R. Seton (569) -- Shakespeare jeopardized by CONTENTS: the courts (643) -- Phonography / T. Sharp less (644) -- CONTENTS: Short-hand writing (650) -- Cryptography / J.H. Snively (667) -- CONTENTS: Solution of cipher messages -- [A letter] / H.A.W. Speckman (5) -- CONTENTS: Criminal slang / J.M. Sullivan (680) -- Thieves' jargon (690) -- CONTENTS: The Hindu-Arabic numerals / E.R. Turner (714) -- United States CONTENTS: Copyright law (716) -- Phonography and phonotypy / D.D. Whedon (751) CONTENTS: -- The sacred numbers / D.D. Whedon (752) -- Cryptography / G. CONTENTS: Wilkes -- An African system of writing / M.N. Work (774) -- Tommy's CONTENTS: alphabet / M.V. Worstell (775) -- Indian shorthand writers of CONTENTS: British Columbia / L.E. Zeh (778) -- Symbols / H. Zimmern (779). LCCN NUMBER: 96-144050
ITEM 39 CALL NUMBER: Z104. L26 1925AUTHOR: Lange, Andre. TITLE: Traite de cryptographie / par Andre Lange et E.-A. Soudart ; ouvrage TITLE2: orne dun frontispice et de 100 tableaux et illustrations dans le texte. PUBLISHED: Paris : Librairie Felix Alcan, 1925. DESCRIPTION: xii, 366, vi p. : ill. ; 25 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Cyphers. SUBJECT: Signs and symbols. OTHER NAME: Soudart, E. A. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC NOTE: LC copy is item no. 411 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC CITED IN: Galland, J.S. An historical and analytical bibliography of the lit. of cryptology p. 108 LCCN NUMBER: 96-143988
ITEM 40 CALL NUMBER: Z104 .K47 1883OTHER COPY: Z104. K47 1883 Copy 2 Copy 2. OTHER COPY: In library binding Z104 .K47 1883 Copy 3 Copy 3. AUTHOR: Kerckhoffs, Aug. (Auguste), 1835-1903. TITLE: La cryptographie militaire, ou, Des chiffres usites en temps de guerre : TITLE2: avec un nouveau procede de dechiffrement applicable aux systemes a TITLE3: double clef / par Aug. Kerckhoffs. PUBLISHED: Paris : Librairie militaire de L. Baudoin ..., 1883. DESCRIPTION: vi, 64 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Cyphers. SUBJECT: Signs and symbols. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Chiffres usites en temps double clef NOTE: LC copy is item no. 399 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC LCCN NUMBER: 96-142895
ITEM 41 CALL NUMBER: Z104 .B83 1917OTHER COPY: Z104 .B83 1917 Copy 2 Copy 2. OTHER COPY: Fabyan item no. 186, 2nd copy. AUTHOR: Bremond, Charles. TITLE: Les ecritures secretes (alphabets, chiffres, grilles) et les encres TITLE2: mysterieuses dites sympathiques / par Charles Bremond. PUBLISHED: Paris : Albin Michel, [1917] DESCRIPTION: 48 p. ; 18 cm. SUBJECT: Ciphers. SUBJECT: Cryptography. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC NOTE: LC copy is item no. 186 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC LCCN NUMBER: 96-142863
ITEM 42 CALL NUMBER: Z104 .D35 1900OTHER COPY: Z104 .D35 1900 Copy 2 Copy 2 OTHER COPY: Z104 .D35 1900 Copy 3 Copy 3 OTHER COPY: Z104 .D35 1900 Copy 4 Copy 4. OTHER COPY: In library binding Z104 .D35 1900 Copy 5 Copy 5 AUTHOR: Delage, Emile. TITLE: Deux mots et deux systemes nouveaux en steganologie : la chiffrocryptographie a TITLE2: transmutations numeriques variables, ou, L'art de secrire en secret TITLE3: absolu avec les chiffres : methode theorique et pratique augmentee TITLE4: d'un code elementaire de phraseologies fixes a cles numeriques TITLE5: chiffrocryptographiables ou transmissibles en mots convenus, a TITLE6: volonte / par Emile Delage. EDITION: Ed. princeps PUBLISHED: Paris : Chez Tous les Libraires, 1900. DESCRIPTION: 64 p. : ill. ; 17 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Cyphers. SUBJECT: Signs and symbols. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Art d s'ecrire en secret absolu avec les chiffres NOTE: LC copy is item no. 399 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC CITED IN: Galland, J.S. An historical and analyt. biblio. of the lit. pf cryptology p. 54 LCCN NUMBER: 96-141630
ITEM 43 CALL NUMBER: Z104 .C68 1846AUTHOR: Colaco, F. N. TITLE: A cryptographia revelada, ou, Arte de traduzir e decifrar as TITLE2: escrituras obscuras, quaesquer que sejao os caracteres empregados / TITLE3: applicada a lingoa portugueza por F.N. Colaco. PUBLISHED: Pernambuco : De Santos e Cia., 1864. DESCRIPTION: 93 p. ; 20 cm. SUBJECT: Ciphers. SUBJECT: Cryptography. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Cryptographia revelada OTHER TITLE: Arte de traduzir e decifrar as escrituras obscuras, quaesquer OTHER TITLE: que sejao os caracteres empregados NOTE: LC copy is item no. 230 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC LCCN NUMBER: 96-141402
ITEM 44 CALL NUMBER: Z104 .J234 1858OTHER COPY: Z104 .J234 1858 Copy 2 Copy 2. OTHER COPY: Z104 .J234 1858 Copy 3 Copy 3. OTHER COPY: Z104 .J234 1858 Copy 4 Copy 4. OTHER COPY: Z104 .J234 1858 Copy 5 Copy 5. AUTHOR: Jacob, P. L., 1806-1884. TITLE: La cryptographie, ou, L'art d'ecrire en chiffres : les secrets de TITLE2: nos peres recueillis par le bibliophile Jacob. PUBLISHED: Paris : Adolphe Delahays, 1858. DESCRIPTION: 251 p. ; 12 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Cyphers. SUBJECT: Signs and symbols. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Art d'ecrire en chiffres OTHER TITLE: Secrets de nos peres recueilles par le bibliophie Jacob NOTE: LC copy is item no. 381 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC CITED IN: Galland, J. S. An historical and analytical bibliography of the lit. of cryptology p. 107 LCCN NUMBER: 96-140672
ITEM 45 CALL NUMBER: Z103.A1 G46 1940AUTHOR: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) TITLE: [George Fabyan Collection inventory list] PUBLISHED: [ca. 1940] DESCRIPTION: 6, 14, 7 leaves ; 35 cm. SUBJECT: Fabyan, George, 1867-1936--Books and reading. SUBJECT: Dane, John, M.D.--Books and reading. SUBJECT: Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616--Authorship--Baconiantheory--Bibliography. SUBJECT: Ciphers--Bibliography. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Bibliography. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC NOTE: Photocopy of a typescript. Inventory of George Fabyan's research NOTE: collection. Fabyan, a cryptographer, bequeathed the collection to LC NOTE: in 1940, including the Francis Bacon material collected by John Dane. NOTE: Accompanied by: Bequest of Nelle Fabyan to the Library of Congress : NOTE: detailed list ... referred to briefly on page 13 ... as "About four NOTE: hundred miscellaneous pamphlets on Bacon, Shakespeare, the cipher and NOTE: other forms of cryptographic writing." A photocopy (21 leaves). CONTENTS: John Dane collection -- General literature -- Miscellaneous -- Ciphers. LCCN NUMBER: 96-140227
ITEM 46 CALL NUMBER: Z104. D37 1902OTHER COPY: Z104. D37 1902 Copy 2 Copy 2. Uncut OTHER COPY: pages Z104 .D37 1902 Copy 3 Copy 3. OTHER COPY: Uncut pages Z104 .D37 1902 Copy 4 OTHER COPY: Copy 4. Uncut pages Z104 .D37 1902 Copy 5 Copy 5. Library binding Z104 .D37 1902 Copy 6 Copy 6. Uncut pages AUTHOR: Delastelle, F. TITLE: Traite elementaire de cryptographie : mathematiques appliquees / par F. Delastelle. PUBLISHED: Paris : Gauthier-Villars, 1902. DESCRIPTION: 160 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Ciphers. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Mathematiques appliquees NOTE: LC copy is item no. 263 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC LC copy NOTE: with uncut pages. DLC CITED IN: Galland, J.S. Historical and analytical bibliography of the lit. of cryptology p. 54 LCCN NUMBER: 96-140018
ITEM 47 CALL NUMBER: Z104. M24 1885OTHER COPY: Z104. M24 1885 Copy 2 Copy 2 AUTHOR: Mailhol, Dayre de, d. 1898 TITLE: Dictionnaire special de langage secret a clefs multiples / par D. De Mailhol. PUBLISHED: Paris : Librairie speciale Parisienne, [1885?] DESCRIPTION: xvi, 543 p. ; 18 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Ciphers. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC NOTE: LC copy is item no. 433 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC CITED IN: Galland, J.S. An historical and analytical bibliog. of the lit. of cryptology p. 117 LCCN NUMBER: 96-139707
ITEM 48 CALL NUMBER: Z103 .W68 1695AUTHOR: Wilkins, John, 1614-1672. TITLE: Mercury, or, The secret and swift messenger : shewing how a man may TITLE2: with privacy and speed communicate his thoughts to a friend at any TITLE3: distance / by the Right Reverend Father in God, John Wilkins ... EDITION: The second edition. PUBLISHED: London : Printed for Nathaniel Rolls ..., 1695. DESCRIPTION: [16], 172, [4] p. : ill., music, 1 port. ; 17 cm. (8vo) SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Mercury OTHER TITLE: Secret and swift messenger NOTE: Author statement follows edition statement on t.p. Signatures: A-M8. NOTE: "Books sold by Richard Baldwin" on last 4 p. LC copy is item no. 764 NOTE: of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC CITED IN: Wing (2nd ed.) W2203A LCCN NUMBER: 96-139649
ITEM 49 CALL NUMBER: Z103.5 .S56 1526OTHER COPY: Z103.5 .S56 1526 Copy 2 Copy 2. Fabyan item no. 658. AUTHOR: Silvestri, Jacopo, 16th cent. TITLE: Opus nouum : praefectis arcium, imperatoribus exercituu[m], TITLE2: exploratoribus, patriae defensoribus, peregrinis, mercatoribus, TITLE3: militibus, architectis, ac o[mn]is industriae & litteraturae studiosis, TITLE4: principibus maxime vtilissimum pro cipharis, lingua Latina, Greca, TITLE5: Italica, & quauis alia multi formiter [i.e., multiformiter] TITLE6: describentibus, inte rpretandisq[ue] = Opera nuoua : vtilissima a TITLE7: signori mercatanti & ad ogni altra qualita di persone, la qual TITLE8: insegna a fare di molte sorte di cifare secondo luso delli antichi et TITLE9: moderni signori & principi del mondo ... PUBLISHED: Impressum Romae : [Marcello Silber], anno 1526. DESCRIPTION: 44 leaves : ill. (woodcuts) ; 20 cm. (4to) SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Opus novum OTHER TITLE: Opera nuoua OTHER TITLE: Opus novum OTHER TITLE: Opera nuova utilissima a signori mercatanti ... NOTE: Place and date from colophon; printer from BM STC Italian. Signatures: NOTE: A-L4. LC copy is item no. 657 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC CITED IN: BM STC Italian, 1465-1600, p. 628 LCCN NUMBER: 96-138376
ITEM 50 CALL NUMBER: Z103.5 .P88 1627AUTHOR: Puteanus, Erycius, 1574-1646. TITLE: ErycI Puteani Cryptographia Tassiana, sive, Clandestina scriptio. PUBLISHED: Louvanii : Typis Cornelii Coenesteynii, 1627. DESCRIPTION: 18, [2] p. ; 20 cm. (4to) SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Cryptographia Tassiana OTHER TITLE: Cryptographia Tassiana OTHER TITLE: Clandestina scriptio NOTE: Signatures: A4 B6. LC copy is item no. 526 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC LCCN NUMBER: 96-138154
ITEM 51 CALL NUMBER: KK276 .E36 1575(ALTERNATE CLASS Z103.5) AUTHOR: Schwenter, Daniel, 1585-1636. TITLE: Steganologia & steganographia nova : Geheime magische, naturliche Red TITLE2: vnd Schreibkunst, einem in der nahe vnd ferrne Alsbalden oder in TITLE3: gewiser Zeit, so woln in Schimpff als Ernst, etwas verborgens vnnd TITLE4: geheimes zu eroffnen durch Reden, Schreiben vnd manc herley TITLE5: Instrumenta : item wie verborgene Schrifften zu machen, auffzulosen, TITLE6: vnd mit sonderlichen Kunsten zu schreiben / ... publicirt vnd an Tag TITLE7: gegeben durch Resene Gibronte Runeclus Hanedi ... PUBLISHED: Nurnberg : Inn Verlegung Simon Halbmayers, [1620?] DESCRIPTION: [16], 299, [5] p. ; 17 cm. (8vo) SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Steganologia et steganographia nova NOTE: Colophon: Gedruckt zu Nurnberg : Durch Balthasar Scherffen. Signatures: NOTE: )(8 A-T8. LC copy is item no. 687 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC NOTE: With: Egenolff, C. Teutsch Formular vnnd Rhetoric, in allen Gerichts NOTE: handelen. Zu Franckfurt am Meyn : Bey Chr. Egenolffs Erben, anno 1575. NOTE: Bound subsequent to publication. DLC CITED IN: Galland, J. Cryptology, p. 164-165 LCCN NUMBER: 96-138005
ITEM 52 CALL NUMBER: Z103.5 .G73 1905OTHER COPY: Z103.5 .G73 1905 Copy 2 Copy 2. OTHER COPY: LC copy is copy 2 of no. 334 of the George Fabyan Collection OTHER COPY: Z103.5 .G73 1905 Copy 3 Copy 3. OTHER COPY: LC copy is copy 3 of no. 334 of the George Fabyan Collection. OTHER COPY: Uncut pages Z103.5 .G73 1905 Copy 4 OTHER COPY: Copy 4. LC copy is copy 4 of no. 334 of the George Fabyan OTHER COPY: Collection. Z103.5 .G73 1905 Copy 5 OTHER COPY: Copy 5. LC copy is copy 5 of no. 334 of the George Fabyan OTHER COPY: Collection. Uncut pages Z103.5 .G73 1905 Copy 6 Copy 6. LC copy is copy 6 of no. 334 of the George OTHER COPY: Fabyan Collection. Uncut pages AUTHOR: Grandpre, A. de TITLE: Cryptographie pratique : expose des diverses methodes en usage juqu'a TITLE2: ce jour novelles methodes permettant d'obtenir la dissimulation TITLE3: du secret : faits divers se rattachant aux applications de cette TITLE4: science : precautions a prendre pour obtenir la securite la plus TITLE5: complete dans la correspondance / A. de Grandpre. PUBLISHED: Paris : Librairie Boyveau et Chevellet, 1905. DESCRIPTION: 128 p. : ill.; 20 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Ciphers. SUBJECT: Signs and symbols. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC NOTE: LC copy is item no. 334 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC LC copy NOTE: has uncut pages. DLC CITED IN: Galland, J.S. An historical and analytical bibliography of the lit. of cryptology p. 79. LCCN NUMBER: 96-137875
ITEM 53 CALL NUMBER: Z68. H47 1859AUTHOR: Herman, Andre. TITLE: Stenographie : application des moyens abreviateurs aux caracteres de TITLE2: l'ecriture usuelle : nouveaux procedes cryptographie / par Andre Herman. PUBLISHED: Paris : Victor Dalmont, 1859. DESCRIPTION: 23 p., 2 folded leaves of plates : ill. ; 22 cm. SUBJECT: Shorthand, French. SUBJECT: Cryptography. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC NOTE: LC copy is item no. 355 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC CITED IN: Galland, J.S. An historical and analytical bibliography of the literature of cryptology p. 88 LCCN NUMBER: 96-137700
ITEM 54 CALL NUMBER: Z104 .F89 1935AUTHOR: Friedman, William F. (William Frederick), 1891-1969. TITLE: The index of coincidence and its applications in cryptanalysis : TITLE2: technical paper / by William F. Friedman. PUBLISHED: Washington : G.P.O., 1935. DESCRIPTION: 87 p., [3] folded leaves ; 27 cm. SUBJECT: Ciphers. SUBJECT: Cryptography. OTHER NAME: United States. Army. Signal Corps. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC NOTE: At head of title: War Department, Office of the Chief Signal Officer, NOTE: Washington. "Register no. 200." "The present paper was prepared in 1923. NOTE: It is a revision of an earlier paper with the same title published in NOTE: 1922 by the Riverbank Laboratories, Geneva, Ill."-- P. 1. LCCN NUMBER: 96-137356
ITEM 55 CALL NUMBER: Z103.5 .H47 1893OTHER COPY: Z103.5 .H47 1893 Copy 2 Copy 2. OTHER COPY: LC copy is copy 2 of item 10 of the George Fabyan Collection AUTHOR: Hermann, A. (Arthur-Jospeh) TITLE: Application du chiffre secret de M.A. Hermann aux Tables chiffrantes TITLE2: et dechiffrantes de M. le commandant Bazeries. PUBLISHED: [Bordeaux : Imp. G. Gounquilnou, 1893?] DESCRIPTION: 4 p. ; 20 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Ciphers. SUBJECT: Signs and symbols. OTHER NAME: Bazeries, Etienne. Tables chiffrantes et dechiffrantes. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC NOTE: Followed Etienne Bazeries' Tables chiffrantes et dechiffrantes, ou, NOTE: Chiffre Bazeries, 1893. Cf. Galland, J.S. An historical and analytical NOTE: bibliography of the literature of cryptology, p. 18. LC copy is item NOTE: no. 10 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC LCCN NUMBER: 96-137174
ITEM 56 CALL NUMBER: Z103.5 .D57 1793OTHER COPY: Z103.5 .D57 1793 Copy 2 Copy 2. OTHER COPY: Copy 2 of item no. 240 of the George Fabyan Collection Z103.5 .D57 OTHER COPY: 1793 Copy 3 Copy 3. Copy no. 3 of OTHER COPY: item no. 240 of the George Fabyan Collection AUTHOR: Dlandol, citoyen. TITLE: Le contr'espion, ou, Les clefs de toutes les correspondances secrettes. PUBLISHED: A Paris : Chez la Veuve Guillot, imprimeur-libraire ..., 1793. DESCRIPTION: 96 p., [2] folded leaves of plates : ill. (woodcuts, etching) ; 17 cm. (12mo) SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Cyphers--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Signs and symbols--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Clefs de toutes les correspondances secretes OTHER TITLE: Contre'espion NOTE: Signatures: A-H84 LC copy is item no. 240 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC CITED IN: Galland, J.S. An historical and analytical bibliography of the lit. of cryptology p. 56 LCCN NUMBER: 96-136259
ITEM 57 CALL NUMBER: Z103.5 .P67 1930zOTHER COPY: Z103.5 .P67 1930z Copy 2 Copy 2. OTHER COPY: 245 leaves. Item no. 511, 2nd copy in the George Fabyan OTHER COPY: Collection. Z103.5 .P67 1930z Copy 3 OTHER COPY: Copy 3. 245 leaves. item no. 511, 3rd copy in the George Fabyan Collection. AUTHOR: Porta, Giambattista della, 1535?-1615. TITLE: On secret notations for letters commonly called ciphers / by John TITLE2: Baptista Porta ; [translated by Etta Shield Preston]. PUBLISHED: [193-?] DESCRIPTION: 266 leaves : ill. ; 28 cm. SUBJECT: Ciphers--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Signs and symbols--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) OTHER TITLE: De furtiuis literarum notis vulgo NOTE: Typescript. Translation of: De furtiuis literarum notis vulgo, De NOTE: ziferis libri IIII. Neapoli : Apud Ioa. Mariam Scotum, 1563. NOTE: "This translation was made by Mrs. Keith Preston (Etta Shield Preston) NOTE: at Geneva, Ill., on the Fabyan estate at the request of Colonel NOTE: Fabyan, [signed] Ethel Preston ..."--Card laid in copy 3, dated July NOTE: 8th, 1944. Illustrations are photocopies from the original work. NOTE: Includes index. Item no. 511 of the George Fabyan Collection, an NOTE: unpublished translation of Fabyan item no. 506. LCCN NUMBER: 96-133722 r97
ITEM 58 CALL NUMBER: Z103.5 .P67 1606AUTHOR: Porta, Giambattista della, 1535?-1615. TITLE: De occultis literarum notis, sev, Artis animi sensa occulte aliis TITLE2: significandi, aut ab aliis significata expiscandi enodandique, libri TITLE3: quinque ... / Ioan. Baptista Porta, Neapolitano auctore ... PUBLISHED: Argentorati : Impensis Lazari Zetzneri bibliop., 1606. DESCRIPTION: [16], 585, [27] p. : ill., music (woodcuts) ; 17 cm. (8vo) SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Ciphers--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Artis animi sensa occulte aliis significandi, aut ab aliis OTHER TITLE: significata expiscandi enodandique NOTE: Unconstructed volvelles on G1b, G4B, and G7; 2 leaves printed with the NOTE: center circles for the volvelles bound at the end. Includes index. NOTE: Signatures: *8 A-2P8 2Q2 (last leaf blank). LC copy is item no. 513 of NOTE: the George Fabyan Collection. DLC LCCN NUMBER: 96-133620
ITEM 59 CALL NUMBER: Z104 .S45 1865AUTHOR: Siegrist, B. M. TITLE: Cryptography, or, A new and easy method for inventing an undecipherable TITLE2: secret cipher : letters, telegrams or dispatches, although written in TITLE3: the ordinary way, are rendered illegible without the key / by B.M. Siegrist. PUBLISHED: London : Basil Montagu Pickering, 1865. DESCRIPTION: 21 p. ; 25 cm. SUBJECT: Ciphers. SUBJECT: Cryptography. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Cryptography OTHER TITLE: New and easy method for inventing an undecipherable secret cipher NOTE: LC copy is item no. 654 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC CITED IN: Galland, J. Cryptology, p. 170 LCCN NUMBER: 96-133135
ITEM 60 CALL NUMBER: Z103.5 .C67 1691OTHER COPY: Z103.5 .C67 1691 Copy 2 Copy 2. In OTHER COPY: library binding; half title repaired; wanting leaf of plates. LC OTHER COPY: copy is copy 2 of item no. 236 of the George Fabyan Collection AUTHOR: Comiers, Claude, d. 1693. TITLE: Traite de la parole, langues, et ecritures : contenant la steganographie TITLE2: impenetrable, ou, L'art d'ecrire & de parler occultement, de loin & sans TITLE3: soupcon : avec tout ce qui concerne les encres, cachets & cire a cacheter TITLE4: / par Monsieur Comiers d'Ambrun, pretre docteur en theologie ... PUBLISHED: A Bruxelles : Chez Jean Leonard ..., 1691. DESCRIPTION: 276 p., [1] folded leaf of plates : 1 ill. (engraving) ; 13 cm. (18mo) SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Ciphers--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Signs and symbols--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Art d'ecrire & de parler occultement, de loin & sans soupcon NOTE: Signatures: *6 A-O126 P12 LC copy is item no. 236 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC CITED IN: BM STC French, 1601-1700 C1284 Galland, J.S. Hist. and anal. bib. of ... cryptology p. 45 LCCN NUMBER: 96-133051
ITEM 61 CALL NUMBER: Z104 .N65 1919OTHER COPY: Z104 .N65 1919 Copy 2 Copy 2. Fabyan OTHER COPY: item no. 544, 2nd copy. Z104 .N65 Copy 3 1919 Copy 3. Fabyan item no. 544, 3rd copy. Z104 .N65 OTHER COPY: Copy 4 1919 Copy 4. Fabyan item no. OTHER COPY: 544, 4th copy. AUTHOR: Nolan, H. O. TITLE: Memorization methods : specifically illustrated in respect to their TITLE2: applicability to codes and topographic material. PUBLISHED: Geneva, Ill. : Riverbank Laboratories, 1919. DESCRIPTION: 50 p. ; 29 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Mnemonics. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC SERIES: Publication (Riverbank Laboratories) ; no. 75 NOTE: Published anonymously. Written by H.O. Nolan. Cf. Galland. LC copy is NOTE: item no. 544 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC CITED IN: Galland, J. Cryptology, p. 135 LCCN NUMBER: 96-125738
ITEM 62 CALL NUMBER: Z104.5 .N65 1918OTHER COPY: Z104.5 .N65 1918b Another issue. OTHER COPY: Author statement on t.p.: H.O. Nolan. No. 43. Fabyan item no. 543, 3rd copy. AUTHOR: Nolan, H. O. TITLE: The production and detection of messages in concealed writing and images. PUBLISHED: Geneva, Ill. : Riverbank Laboratories, 1918. DESCRIPTION: 20 p. ; 29 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC SERIES: Publication (Riverbank Laboratories) ; no. 50. NOTE: "Two hundred copies ... were printed"--Verso of t.p. LC has copy no. NOTE: 15; item no. 543 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC CITED IN: Galland, J. Cryptology, p. 135 LCCN NUMBER: 96-125614
ITEM 63 CALL NUMBER: PF3483 .S38 1748AUTHOR: Schroter, Chrysostomus Erdmann. TITLE: Chrysostomi Erdmann Schroters konigl. Churfurstl. ... Allzeitfertiger TITLE2: und auf allerley Falle gerichteter Briefsteller : welcher der Jugend, TITLE3: nach zuforderst festgesezte Orthographie und Stilographie, so wohl TITLE4: allerley Arten Briefe, Wechsel, Obligationen, Contracte, Abschiede, TITLE5: [et]c. und was sonst im gemeinen Leben, und insonderheit bey der TITLE6: loblichen Kaufmanschafft erforderlich ist, als auch d urch in Kupfer TITLE7: gestochene Vorschriften, die lateinisch-und teutschen Buchstaben, TITLE8: nach den Grundstrichen und Wortern deutlich vor Augen leget : hiernachst TITLE9: aber ein franzosisch, lateinisch und teutsches Worterbuch zum Behuf der TITLE10: Rechtschreibekunst und bey dem Zeitungslesen nutzlich darstellet. EDITION: Dritte Auflage. PUBLISHED: Leipzig : Bey Christian Friedrich Gessner, 1748. DESCRIPTION: [10], 172, [2], 177-304, [2], 305-656, 52, [14], 80, [24], 18 DESCRIPTION: p., [20] leaves of plates (some folded) : ill. (engravings) ; 18 cm. (8vo) SUBJECT: Letter writing, German--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: German language--Orthography and spelling--Earlyworks to 1800. SUBJECT: German language--Composition and exercises--Earlyworks to 1800. SUBJECT: Arithmetic--Early works to 1900. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: Thomasius, Christian, 1655-1728. Kurze Anleitung zu einer guten Conduite. OTHER NAME: Ramsay, Charles Aloysius. Tacheographia. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Allzeitfertiger und auf allerley Falle gerichteter Briefsteller NOTE: Pts. 2-5 each have a special t.p., and pt. 5 has separate pagination. NOTE: Signatures: )(6 (-)(6) A-K8 L8(-L8) M-T8 chi1 U-2S8 a6 b-c8 d4, 2pi1 NOTE: )(8(-)(8) A-F8 G4 H8 I1. LC copy is item no. 563 of the George Fabyan NOTE: Collection. DLC CONTENTS: Chrysostomi Erdmann Schroters Briefsteller -- Chrysostomi Erdmann CONTENTS: Schroters ... Vollstandiges Briefbuch -- Grundlich doch kurtz CONTENTS: abgefasster Begriff der so edlen als hochstnothigen Rechenkunst -- CONTENTS: Kurze Anleitung zu einer guten Conduite ... / von Christian Tomasio CONTENTS: -- Carl Albert. Ramsey Tacheographia -- Wohleingerichtetes teutsch- CONTENTS: frantzosisch- und italianisches Titular-Buch / von Chrysostomus CONTENTS: Erdmann Schroter. LCCN NUMBER: 96-124324 item 64 CALL NUMBER: Z103.5 .P67 1591c OTHER COPY: Z103.5 .P67 1591c Copy 2 Copy 2. OTHER COPY: Item no. 510, 2nd copy in the George Fabyan Collection. Z103.5 OTHER COPY: .P67 1591c Copy 3 Copy 3.
ITEM 64 OTHER COPY: 510, 3rd copy in the George Fabyan Collection. AUTHOR: Porta, Giambattista della, 1535?-1615. TITLE: De furtiuis literarum notis vulgo, De ziferis libri quinque, altero TITLE2: libro super aucti et quamplurimis in locis locupletati / Io. Baptista TITLE3: Porta, Neapolitano auctore. PUBLISHED: Neapoli : Apud Ioannem Baptistam Subtilem, 1602. DESCRIPTION: [12], 314 [i.e. 226], [2] p. : ill. (woodcuts) ; 30 cm. (fol.) SUBJECT: Ciphers--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Signs and symbols--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: De ziferis libri quinque NOTE: Signatures: a6 A-2E4 2F2. Base ill. for volvelles on M3, N1b, N3. NOTE: Includes index. LC copy is item no. 510 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC LCCN NUMBER: 96-122261
ITEM 65 CALL NUMBER: Z103.5 .P67 1591bOTHER COPY: Z103.5 .P67 1591b Copy 2 Copy 2. OTHER COPY: The pref. ([dagger]3 and 4) bound after the index (*). Item no. OTHER COPY: 509 in the George Fabyan Collection. AUTHOR: Porta, Giambattista della, 1535?-1615. TITLE: De furtiuis literarum notis vulgo, De ziferis libri IIII / Ioan. Baptista TITLE2: Porta, Neapolitano autore. PUBLISHED: Londini : Apud Iohannem Wolphium, 1591. DESCRIPTION: [20], 228 p. : ill. (woodcuts) ; 20 cm. (4to) SUBJECT: Ciphers--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Signs and symbols--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: De ziferis libri IIII NOTE: Signatures: [dagger]6 *4 A-2D4 E6. Base ill. for volvelles on K1, K4, NOTE: L2; center circles wanting, with no evidence that they had ever been NOTE: attached. Includes index. LC copy is item no. 508 of the George Fabyan NOTE: Collection. DLC CITED IN: STC (2nd ed.) 20118 LCCN NUMBER: 96-122011
ITEM 66 CALL NUMBER: Z104 .R53 1897AUTHOR: Rice, William, A.C.P. TITLE: Lingua obscura : a new syllabic system of cryptography or cipher TITLE2: writing / by William Rice. PUBLISHED: London : W. Rice, 1897. DESCRIPTION: 28 p. ; 14 cm. SUBJECT: Ciphers. SUBJECT: Cryptography. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC NOTE: LC copy is item no. 532 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC LCCN NUMBER: 96-122006
ITEM 67 CALL NUMBER: Z104 .R49 1894AUTHOR: Reynolds, Cuyler, 1866-1934. TITLE: The recurrence of letters : offering a simple solution of cryptograms, TITLE2: and a satisfactory arrangement of a printer's case / by Cuyler Reynolds. PUBLISHED: [Albany? : Albany Institute?, 1894] DESCRIPTION: 16 p. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Ciphers. SUBJECT: Cryptograms. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC NOTE: "Read before the Albany Institute, November 11th, 1894." LC copy is NOTE: item no. 531 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC LCCN NUMBER: 96-121889
ITEM 68 CALL NUMBER: Z103.5 .P67 1591AUTHOR: Porta, Giambattista della, 1535?-1615. TITLE: De furtiuis literarum notis vulgo, De ziferis libri IIII / Ioan. TITLE2: Baptista Porta, Neapolitano autore. PUBLISHED: Neapoli : Apud Ioa. Mariam Scotum, 1563 [i.e. London : J. Wolf, 1591] DESCRIPTION: [20], 228 p. : ill. (woodcuts) ; 21 cm. (4to) SUBJECT: Ciphers--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Signs and symbols--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: De ziferis libri IIII NOTE: Correct imprint from STC. Signatures: [dagger]6 *4 A-2D4 E6. Unconstructed NOTE: volvelles on K1, K4, L2; leaf printed with the center circles for the NOTE: volvelles precedes K1. Includes index. LC copy is item no. 507 of the NOTE: George Fabyan Collection. DLC CITED IN: STC (2nd ed.) 20118a LCCN NUMBER: 96-121774
ITEM 69 CALL NUMBER: Z103.5 .P67 1563OTHER COPY: Z103.5 .P67 1563 Copy 2 Copy 2. OTHER COPY: Accompanied by 3 pieces of correspondence relating to the OTHER COPY: cipher in red and black on p. 109-110. Z103.5 .P67 1563 Copy 3 OTHER COPY: Copy 3. Z103.5 .P67 1563 Copy 4 OTHER COPY: Copy 4. Z103.5 .P67 1563 Copy 5 OTHER COPY: Copy 5. AUTHOR: Porta, Giambattista della, 1535?-1615. TITLE: De furtiuis literarum notis vulgo, De ziferis libri IIII / Ioan. TITLE2: Baptista Porta, Neapolitano autore. PUBLISHED: Neapoli : Apud Ioa. Mariam Scotum, 1563. DESCRIPTION: [20], 228 p. : ill. (woodcuts) ; 22 cm. (4to) SUBJECT: Ciphers--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Signs and symbols--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: De ziferis libri IIII NOTE: Signatures: [dagger]6 *4 A-2D4 E6. Volvelles on K1, K4, L2. Includes NOTE: index. LC copy is item no. 506 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC CITED IN: Adams P1924 LCCN NUMBER: 96-121606
ITEM 70 CALL NUMBER: D810.C88 B68 1995 AUTHOR: Boyd, Carl. TITLE: American command of the sea through carriers, codes, and the silent TITLE2: service : World War II and beyond / by Carl Boyd. PUBLISHED: Newport News, Va. : Mariners' Museum, c1995. DESCRIPTION: 79 p. : ill. (some col.), col. map ; 25 cm. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Cryptography. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Naval operations, American. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Naval operations--Submarine. SERIES: Museum publication (Newport News, Va.) ; no. 43. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 77) and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0917376439 LCCN NUMBER: 96-119351
ITEM 71 CALL NUMBER: Z103.5 .W56 1692AUTHOR: Winckelmann, Johann Just, 1620-1699. TITLE: Stanislaus Mink von Weinsheun Dreyfache Kunst-Schnur ... PUBLISHED: Franckfurt und Leipzig : Verlegts Philip Gottfried Saurman ..., 1692. DESCRIPTION: [2], 100 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill. (woodcuts) ; 19 cm. (4to) SUBJECT: Ciphers--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Dreyfache Kunst-Schnur OTHER TITLE: Dreyfache Kunst-Schnur NOTE: Signatures: pi1 A-M4 N2. LC copy is item no. 455 of the George Fabyan NOTE: Collection. DLC CONTENTS: (from t.p.) I. Kunst aller Kunsten. Wie alle Kunste und Wissenschaften CONTENTS: in dem Alphabet begriffen und wie dieselbe durch sympathische CONTENTS: Harmonie vermittelst deren vielfaltigen Versetzung uns in allen CONTENTS: Wissenschaften unterrichten ... -- II. Proteus. Welcher Gestalt CONTENTS: man durch eine unglaubliche lustnutzliche sympathische Lehr-Art in CONTENTS: kurzer Zeit ohne Muh einen latein- und franzosischen Brief nach CONTENTS: richtigen Sprach-Satzen schreiben ... -- III. Eine unglaubliche CONTENTS: lustige Lehr-Art in gar kurzer Zeit durch Versetzung der einsylbigen CONTENTS: Worter ohne Muh teutsche und lateinische Vers zumachen ... LCCN NUMBER: 96-114748
ITEM 72 CALL NUMBER: Z104 .M49 1913TITLE: Military cryptography. PUBLISHED: [ca. 1913] DESCRIPTION: [40] leaves, [102] p. ; 16 x 23 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Ciphers. SUBJECT: World War, 1914-1918--Cryptography. SUBJECT: Military intelligence--United States. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC NOTE: 40 leaves of typescript and 102 pages of printed text. The printed NOTE: material is 13 articles excised from what appears to be papers read at NOTE: conferences at the Army Signal School, Fort Leavenworth, Kan. LCCN NUMBER: 96-110531
ITEM 73 CALL NUMBER: TK5102.94 .C78 1996 TITLE: Cryptography's role in securing the information society / Kenneth W. Dam TITLE: and Herbert S. Lin, editors. PUBLISHED: Washington, DC : National Academy Press, 1996. DESCRIPTION: xxx, 688 p. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Telecommunication systems--Security measures--Government policy--United States. SUBJECT: Cryptography. OTHER NAME: Dam, Kenneth W. OTHER NAME: Lin, Herbert. OTHER NAME: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee to Study National Cryptography Policy. NOTE: "Committee to Study National Cryptography Policy, Computer Science and NOTE: Telecommunications Board, Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and NOTE: Application, National Research Council." NOTE: Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0309054753 : $44.95 LCCN NUMBER: 96-68943
ITEM 74 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A25 C826 1996 TITLE: Sercurity protocols : international workshop : Cambridge, United TITLE2: Kingdom, April 10-12, 1996, proceedings / Mark Lomas (ed.). PUBLISHED: New York : Springer, 1997. DESCRIPTION: viii, 202 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Computer security--Congresses. SUBJECT: Computers--Access control--Congresses. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Congresses. OTHER NAME: Lomas, Mark. SERIES: Lecture notes in computer science ; 1189 NOTE: Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN NUMBER: 3540624945 (softcover : alk. paper) LCCN NUMBER: 96-53986
ITEM 75 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A25 I5414 1996 TITLE: Information hiding : first international workshop, Cambridge, U.K., TITLE2: May 30-June 1, 1996 : proceedings / Ross Anderson, (ed.). PUBLISHED: Berlin ; New York : Springer, c1996. DESCRIPTION: viii, 350 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Computer security--Congresses. SUBJECT: Data protection--Congresses. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Congresses. OTHER NAME: Anderson, Ross, 1956- SERIES: Lecture notes in computer science ; 1174 NOTE: Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN NUMBER: 3540619968 (softcover : alk. paper) LCCN NUMBER: 96-48644
ITEM 76 CALL NUMBER: CIP - NOT YET IN LC AUTHOR: International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptology AUTHOR2: and Information Security (1996 : Kyongju, Korea) TITLE: Advances in cryptology--ASIACRYPT '96 : International Conference on the TITLE2: Theory and Applications of Cryptology and Information Security, TITLE3: Kyongju, Korea, November 3-7, 1996 : proceedings / Kwangjo Kim, TITLE4: Tsutomu Matsumoto, eds. PUBLISHED: New York : Springer, 1996. EST PUB DATE: 9611 DESCRIPTION: p. cm. SUBJECT: Computer security--Congresses. SUBJECT: Data protection--Congresses. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Congresses. OTHER NAME: Kim, Kwangjo. OTHER NAME: Matsumoto, Tsutomu. SERIES: Lecture notes in computer science ; 1163 NOTE: Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN NUMBER: 3540618724 (pbk.) LCCN NUMBER: 96-44265
ITEM 77 CALL NUMBER: Q350 .I515 1996 TITLE: Information theory and applications II : 4th Canadian workshop, Lac TITLE2: Delage, Quebec, Canada, May 28-30, 1995 : selected papers / TITLE3: Jean-Yves Chouinard, Paul Fortier, T. Aaron Gulliver (eds.). PUBLISHED: Berlin ; New York : Springer, c1996. DESCRIPTION: xii, 308 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Information theory--Congresses. SUBJECT: Coding theory--Congresses. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Congresses. OTHER NAME: Chouinard, Jean-Yves, 1956- OTHER NAME: Fortier, Paul, 1959- OTHER NAME: Gulliver, T. Aaron, 1960- OTHER NAME: Canadian Workshop on Information Theory (4th : 1995 : Lac-Delage, Quebec) SERIES: Lecture notes in computer science, 0302-9743 ; 1133 NOTE: "Canadian Workshop on Information Theory"--Pref. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN NUMBER: 3540617485 (alk. paper) LCCN NUMBER: 96-41743
ITEM 78 CALL NUMBER: CIP - NOT YET IN LC AUTHOR: Bauer, Friedrich Ludwig, 1924- TITLE: Decrypted secrets : methods and maxims of cryptology / Friedrich L. Bauer. PUBLISHED: Berlin ; New York : Springer, c1997. EST PUB DATE: 9704 DESCRIPTION: p. cm. SUBJECT: Computer security--Congresses. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Congresses. OTHER TITLE: Entzifferte Geheimnisse. English NOTE: Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN NUMBER: 3540604189 (hardcover : alk. paper) LCCN NUMBER: 96-37583
ITEM 79 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A25 P444 1996 AUTHOR: Pfitzmann, Birgit. TITLE: Digital signature schemes : general framework and fail-stop signatures / Birgit Pfitzmann. PUBLISHED: Berlin ; New York : Springer, c1996. DESCRIPTION: xvi, 396 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Computer security. SUBJECT: Signatures (Writing) SUBJECT: Cryptography. SERIES: Lecture notes in computer science, 0302-9743 ; 1100 NOTE: Revision of thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Hildesheim, 1993. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. [371]-385) and index. ISBN NUMBER: 3540615172 (Berlin : softcover : acid-free paper) LCCN NUMBER: 96-31539
ITEM 80 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A25 S26 1996 AUTHOR: Salomaa, Arto. TITLE: Public-key cryptography / Arto Salomaa. EDITION: 2nd, enl. ed. PUBLISHED: Berlin ; New York : Springer, c1996. DESCRIPTION: x, 271 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Computers--Access control. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SERIES: Texts in theoretical computer science NOTE: Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN NUMBER: 3540613560 (hc : alk. paper) LCCN NUMBER: 96-31537
ITEM 81 CALL NUMBER: CIP - NOT YET IN LC AUTHOR: Bennett, Ralph Francis. TITLE: Intelligence investigations / Ralph Bennett. PUBLISHED: Portland, OR : F. Cass, 1996. EST PUB DATE: 1111 DESCRIPTION: p. cm. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Military intelligence. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Cryptography. SERIES: Cass series--studies in intelligence NOTE: Includes index. ISBN NUMBER: 071464742X (cloth) 0714643009 (pbk.) LCCN NUMBER: 96-31397
ITEM 82 CALL NUMBER: Z103 .K28 1996 AUTHOR: Kahn, David, 1930- TITLE: The codebreakers : the story of secret writing / David Kahn. EDITION: [Rev. ed.]. PUBLISHED: New York : Scribner, c1996. DESCRIPTION: xviii, 1181 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography--History. OTHER TITLE: Story of secret writing NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 985-987) and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0684831309 (alk. paper) LCCN NUMBER: 96-31318
ITEM 83 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A25 M463 1997 AUTHOR: Menezes, A. J. (Alfred J.), 1965- TITLE: Handbook of applied cryptography / Alfred J. Menezes, Paul C. van Oorschot, Scott A. Vanstone. PUBLISHED: Boca Raton : CRC Press, c1997. DESCRIPTION: xxviii, 780 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. SUBJECT: Computers--Access control--Handbooks, manuals, etc. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Handbooks, manuals, etc. OTHER NAME: Van Oorschot, Paul C. OTHER NAME: Vanstone, Scott A. OTHER TITLE: Applied cryptography SERIES: Discrete mathematics and its applications. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 703-754) and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0849385237 (alk. paper) LCCN NUMBER: 96-27609
ITEM 84 CALL NUMBER: CIP - NOT YET IN LC TITLE: Applications of finite fields : based on the proceedings of a TITLE2: conference organized by the Institute of Mathematics and Its TITLE3: Applications on the applications of finite fields held at the TITLE4: Royal Hollow ay, University of London in July 1994 / edited by Dieter Gollman. PUBLISHED: New York : Clarendon Press, 1996. EST PUB DATE: 9609 DESCRIPTION: p. cm. SUBJECT: Finite fields (Algebra)--Congresses. SUBJECT: Coding theory--Congresses. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Congresses. OTHER NAME: Gollmann, Dieter. OTHER NAME: Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications. SERIES: Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications conference series ; new ser., 59 ISBN NUMBER: 0198511957 (hardbound) LCCN NUMBER: 96-27494
ITEM 85 CALL NUMBER: CIP - NOT YET IN LC AUTHOR: Rosenheim, Shawn. TITLE: The cryptographic imagination : secret writing from Edgar Poe to the TITLE2: Internet / Shawn James Rosenheim. PUBLISHED: Baltimore, Md. : Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997. EST PUB DATE: 1111 DESCRIPTION: p. cm. SUBJECT: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849--Knowledge--Cryptography. SUBJECT: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849--Influence. SUBJECT: Detective and mystery stories, American--History andcriticism. SUBJECT: American literature--History and criticism. SUBJECT: Modernism (Literature)--United States. SUBJECT: Influence (Literary, artistic, etc.) SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Cryptography. SUBJECT: Cryptography in literature. SUBJECT: Internet (Computer network) SUBJECT: Ciphers in literature. SUBJECT: Cold war. SERIES: Parallax (Baltimore, Md.) NOTE: Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0801853311 (hc : alk. paper) 080185332X (pbk. : alk. paper) LCCN NUMBER: 96-24761
ITEM 86 CALL NUMBER: D810.S7 S428 1996 AUTHOR: Sexton, Donal J. TITLE: Signals intelligence in World War II : a research guide / compiled by Donal J. Sexton, Jr. PUBLISHED: Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1996. DESCRIPTION: xl, 163 p. ; 25 cm. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Electronic intelligence--Bibliography. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Cryptography--Bibliography. SUBJECT: Military intelligence--History--20th century--Bibliography. SERIES: Bibliographies of battles and leaders, 1056-7410 ; no. 18 NOTE: Includes indexes. ISBN NUMBER: 0313283044 (alk. paper) LCCN NUMBER: 96-6348
ITEM 87 CALL NUMBER: TK5105.59 .W39 1996 AUTHOR: Wayner, Peter, 1964- TITLE: Disappearing cryptography : being and nothingness on the Net / Peter Wayner. PUBLISHED: Boston : AP Professional, c1996. DESCRIPTION: xi, 295 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Computer networks--Security measures. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Internet (Computer network) NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 279-289) and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0127386718 (alk. paper) LCCN NUMBER: 96-1379 r96
ITEM 88 CALL NUMBER: Z104 .J23 1879AUTHOR: Jacob, John, 19th cent. TITLE: Lexicon of secret writing : how to write it and how to read it, also, TITLE2: cipher writing and double writing, also, the art of signalling & TITLE3: silent conversation ... with part II, Zulu key word, heliographic TITLE4: instructor, electric time tables / by John Jacob. PUBLISHED: Dublin : M.H. Gill & Son ; Londonderry : D. Irvine, 1879. DESCRIPTION: 76 p. ; 19 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Ciphers. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC NOTE: LC copy is item no. 382 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC LCCN NUMBER: 95-229388
ITEM 89 CALL NUMBER: UB290 .C85 1994 AUTHOR: Cukljas, Duro. TITLE: Tajno komuniciranje spijuna / Duro Cukljas. PUBLISHED: Zagreb : [s.n.], 1994. DESCRIPTION: 319 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography. ISBN NUMBER: 953161024X LCCN NUMBER: 95-209939
ITEM 90 CALL NUMBER: UB290 .H5 1918AUTHOR: Hitt, Parker, b. 1878. TITLE: Manual for the solution of military ciphers / by Parker Hitt. EDITION: 2nd ed. PUBLISHED: Fort Leavenworth, Kan. : Army Service Schools Press, 1918. DESCRIPTION: vii, 100 p. ; 21 cm. SUBJECT: Ciphers. SUBJECT: Cryptography. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC NOTE: LC copy is item no. 364 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC LCCN NUMBER: 95-208854
ITEM 91 CALL NUMBER: Z103 .F18 1692AUTHOR: J. F. (John Falconer) TITLE: Rules for explaining and decyphering all manner of secret writing, TITLE2: plain and demonstrative : with exact methods for understanding TITLE3: intimations by signs, gestures, or speech : also an account of the TITLE4: secret ways of conveying written messages, discovered by Trithemius TITLE5: Schottus, Lord Fran. Bacon, Bishop Wilkins, &c;., with exact tables TITLE6: and examples / by J.F. PUBLISHED: London : Printed for Dan. Brown ... and Sam. Manship ..., 1692. DESCRIPTION: [22], 180 p. ; 18 cm. (8vo) SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC NOTE: Signatures: A-N8. A1, A8, and N8 blank. LC copy wanting blank leaves NOTE: A1, A8, and N8; with bookplate of Lord Alexander Polwarth; item no. 307 NOTE: of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC CITED IN: Wing (2nd ed.) F298 Galland, J. Cryptology, p. 62-63 LCCN NUMBER: 95-207179
ITEM 92 CALL NUMBER: Z103.5 P46 1763AUTHOR: Pembroke, Mary Sidney Herbert, Countess of, 1561-1621. TITLE: Der englischen Grafin Maria von Pembrock seltene Geheimnisse : TITLE2: bestehend in einer melodischen Schreib-Gedachtniss, Mahler- TITLE3: und Punctirkunst woraus die Heimlichkeiten der Menschen und TITLE4: derselben kunftiges Schicksal in Reimen zu erforschen. PUBLISHED: Nurnberg : Im Verlag Gabriel Nicolaus Raspe, 1763. DESCRIPTION: 134 [i.e. 132], [2] p. (the last leaf blank), [1] leaf of plates : DESCRIPTION: music, 1 port. (etching) ; 17 cm. (8vo) SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Ciphers--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC NOTE: Signatures: A8(-A8) B-H8 I4. LC copy is item no. 296 of the George NOTE: Fabyan Collection. DLC CITED IN: Galland, J. Cryptology, p. 141 LCCN NUMBER: 95-205594
ITEM 93 CALL NUMBER: Z103.5 .D38 1737OTHER COPY: Z103.5 .D38 1737 Copy 2 Copy 2. OTHER COPY: 27 cm. Without advertisements. Fabyan item no. 257, 2nd copy. OTHER COPY: Z103.5 .D38 1737 Copy 3 Copy 3. OTHER COPY: Imperfect: cropped, with slight loss of text; Fabyan item OTHER COPY: no. 257, 3rd copy. Z103.5 .D38 1737 Copy 4 Copy 4. 26 cm. Bookplate of Sir George Shuckburgh. OTHER COPY: Fabyan item no. 257, 4th copy. (NOT FOUND AT THE TIME OF SHELFLISTING) AUTHOR: Davys, John, 1678-1724. TITLE: An essay on the art of decyphering : in which is inserted a discourse TITLE2: of Dr. Wallis, now first publish'd from his original manuscript in the TITLE3: publick library at Oxford / by John Davys ... PUBLISHED: London : Printed for L. Gilliver and J. Clarke ..., 1737. DESCRIPTION: [4], iii, [1], 58, [2] p. ; 24 cm. (4to) SUBJECT: Ciphers--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: Wallis, John, 1616-1703. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC NOTE: Signatures: [A]4 B-H4 I2. Advertisements on p. [1] at end. LC copy is NOTE: item no. 257 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC CITED IN: Galland, J. Cryptology, p. 53 LCCN NUMBER: 95-202392
ITEM 94 CALL NUMBER: Z103.5 .C65 1660AUTHOR: Colletet, Francois, 1628-1680. TITLE: Traittez des langues estrangeres, de leurs alphabets, et des chiffres / composez par le sieur Colletet. PUBLISHED: A Paris : Chez Iean Prome ..., 1660. DESCRIPTION: [8], 64 p. ; 24 cm. (4to) SUBJECT: Ciphers--Early works to 1800. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Early works to 1800. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC NOTE: Signatures: pi2 e2 A-Q2. LC copy is item no. 233 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC CITED IN: Galland, J. Cryptology, p. 44 LCCN NUMBER: 95-200927
ITEM 95 CALL NUMBER: Z104 .B82 1851AUTHOR: Brachet. TITLE: Dictionnaire chiffre : nouveau systeme de correspondance occulte / par Brachet. PUBLISHED: Paris : Garnier freres : l'Auteur, 1851 (Paris : C.- H. Lambert) DESCRIPTION: xvii, 301 p. ; 14 cm. SUBJECT: Ciphers--Dictionaries--French. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Dictionaries--French. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC NOTE: LC copy is item no. 181 of the George Fabyan Collection. DLC CITED IN: Galland, J. Cryptology, p. 28 LCCN NUMBER: 95-197274
ITEM 96 CALL NUMBER: Z104 .B67E23 1895OTHER COPY: Z104 .B 1895 Copy 2 Copy 2. OTHER COPY: Fabyan item no. 173, 2nd copy. AUTHOR: Boetzel, A. TITLE: Ecriture secrete : methode Boetzel & O'Keenan officiellement acceptee TITLE2: par la Commission d'examen des inventions interessant les armees de TITLE3: terre et de mer. PUBLISHED: Paris : A. Pitron & Cie, 1895. DESCRIPTION: 190 p. ; 19 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography. OTHER NAME: O'Keenan. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC NOTE: Signed in ms. by authors and publisher on t.p. verso. LC copy is item NOTE: no. 173 of the Fabyan Collection. DLC LCCN NUMBER: 95-196956
ITEM 97 CALL NUMBER: Z104.B67 E44 1898OTHER COPY: Z104.B67 E44 1898 Copy 2 OTHER COPY: Copy 2. With author's presentation inscription. Fabyan item no. 174, OTHER COPY: 2nd copy. Z104.B67 E44 1898 Copy 3 Copy 3. Fabyan item no. 174, 3rd copy. AUTHOR: Boetzel, A. TITLE: Elements de cryptotypographie et de correspondance postale, TITLE2: telegraphique et telephonique secrete / par A. Boetzel. PUBLISHED: Paris : Lib. Fischbacher, 1898. DESCRIPTION: iii, 91 p. ; 23 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC NOTE: LC copy has author's presentation inscription; NOTE: ITEM no. 174 of the Fabyan Collection. DLC LCCN NUMBER: 95-196899
ITEM 98 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A43 G66 1994 AUTHOR: Gollmann, Dieter. TITLE: Algorithmenentwurf in der Kryptographie / von Dieter Gollmann. PUBLISHED: Mannheim : BI-Wissenschaftsverlag, c1994. DESCRIPTION: viii, 158 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. SUBJECT: Computer algorithms. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Coding theory. SERIES: Aspekte komplexer Systeme ; Bd. 1 NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. [14]-156) and index. ISBN NUMBER: 3411166711 LCCN NUMBER: 95-124491
ITEM 99 CALL NUMBER: TK5105.59 .O77 1996 AUTHOR: Oppliger, Rolf. TITLE: Authentication systems for secure networks / Rolf Oppliger. PUBLISHED: Boston : Artech House, c1996. DESCRIPTION: xvii, 186 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Computer networks--Security measures. SUBJECT: Computers--Access control. SUBJECT: Authentication. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SERIES: The Artech House computer science library NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 177-180) and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0890065101 (alk. paper) LCCN NUMBER: 95-53773
ITEM 100 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A25 C844 1996 TITLE: Cryptography : policy and algorithms : international conference, TITLE2: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, July 3-5, 1995 : proceedings / TITLE3: Ed Dawson, Jovan Golic, eds. PUBLISHED: Berlin ; New York : Springer, c1996. DESCRIPTION: xi, 325 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Computer security--Congresses. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Congresses. OTHER NAME: Dawson, Ed (Edward) OTHER NAME: Golic, Jovan. SERIES: Lecture notes in computer science ; 1029 NOTE: Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN NUMBER: 3540607595 (softcover : alk. paper) LCCN NUMBER: 95-51353
ITEM 101 CALL NUMBER: NOT IN LC COLLECTION AUTHOR: Harris, Robert, 1957- TITLE: Enigma / Robert Harris. PUBLISHED: Rockland, MA : Wheeler Pub., c1995. DESCRIPTION: 445 p. (large print) ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Secret service--Great Britain--Fiction. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Cryptography--Fiction. SUBJECT: Large type books. SUBJECT: Historical fiction. gsafd SUBJECT: War stories. gsafd SUBJECT: Spy stories. gsafd SERIES: Wheeler large print book series ISBN NUMBER: 1568952759 LCCN NUMBER: 95-47628
ITEM 102 CALL NUMBER: QA268 .C76 1995 TITLE: Cryptography and coding : 5th IMA conference, Cirencester, UK, TITLE2: December 18-20, 1995, proceedings / Colin Boyd (ed.). PUBLISHED: Berlin ; New York : Springer, c1995. DESCRIPTION: ix, 291 p. : ill ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Coding theory--Congresses. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Congresses. OTHER NAME: Boyd, Colin. OTHER NAME: IMA Conference on Cryptography and Coding (5th : 1995 : Cirencester, England) SERIES: Lecture notes in computer science ; 1025 NOTE: Papers from the 5th IMA Conference on Cryptography and Coding. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references. ISBN NUMBER: 3540606939 (acid-free paper) LCCN NUMBER: 95-47128
ITEM 103 CALL NUMBER: CIP - NOT YET IN LC AUTHOR: EUROCRYPT '94 (1994 : Perugia, Italy) TITLE: Advances in cryptology--EUROCRYPT-94 : Workshop on the Theory and TITLE2: Application of Cryptographic Techniques, Perugia, Italy, TITLE3: May 1994 : proceedings / Alfredo De Santis, ed. PUBLISHED: Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag, c1995. EST PUB DATE: 1111 DESCRIPTION: p. cm. SUBJECT: Computer security. SUBJECT: Cryptography. OTHER NAME: De Santis, Alfredo. SERIES: Lecture notes in computer science ; 950 NOTE: Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN NUMBER: 3540601767 (alk. paper) LCCN NUMBER: 95-37558
ITEM 104 CALL NUMBER: TK5102.85 .Z56 1995 AUTHOR: Zimmermann, Philip (Philip R.) TITLE: The official PGP user's guide / Philip Zimmermann. PUBLISHED: Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c1995. DESCRIPTION: xviii, 127 p. ; 23 cm. SUBJECT: PGP (Computer file) SUBJECT: Telecommunication systems--Security measures--Dataprocessing. SUBJECT: Electronic mail systems--Security measures--Dataprocessing. SUBJECT: Cryptography. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0262740176 (pbk. : alk. paper) LCCN NUMBER: 95-13653
ITEM 105 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A25 S35 1996 AUTHOR: Schneier, Bruce, 1963- TITLE: Applied cryptography : protocols, algorithms, and source code in C / Bruce Schneier. EDITION: 2nd ed. PUBLISHED: New York : Wiley, c1996. DESCRIPTION: xxiii, 758 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Computer security. SUBJECT: Telecommunication--Security measures. SUBJECT: Cryptography. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 675-741) and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0471128457 (cloth : acid-free paper) 0471117099 (paper : acid-free paper) LCCN NUMBER: 95-12398
ITEM 106 CALL NUMBER: PR6058.A68854 E54 1995b AUTHOR: Harris, Robert, 1957- TITLE: Enigma / Robert Harris. EDITION: 1st U.S. ed. PUBLISHED: New York : Random House, c1995. DESCRIPTION: 320 p. ; 25 cm. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Secret service--Great Britain--Fiction. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Cryptography--Fiction. SUBJECT: Historical fiction. gsafd SUBJECT: War stories. gsafd SUBJECT: Spy stories. gsafd ISBN NUMBER: 0679428879 : $23.00 LCCN NUMBER: 95-11335 r95
ITEM 107 CALL NUMBER: QA268 .S75 1995 AUTHOR: Stinson, Douglas R. (Douglas Robert), 1956- TITLE: Cryptography : theory and practice / Douglas R. Stinson. PUBLISHED: Boca Raton : CRC Press, c1995. DESCRIPTION: 434 p. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Coding theory. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SERIES: Discrete mathematics and its applications NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 413-427) and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0849385210 LCCN NUMBER: 95-5237
ITEM 108 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A25 B85 1995 TITLE: Building in big brother : the cryptographic policy debate / edited by Lance J. Hoffman. PUBLISHED: New York : Springer-Verlag, c1995. DESCRIPTION: xvi, 560 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Computer security. SUBJECT: Cryptography. OTHER NAME: Hoffman, Lance J. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0387944419 (acid-free paper) LCCN NUMBER: 95-3758
ITEM 109 CALL NUMBER: Q57 .A532 d. 38 (ALTERNATE CLASS QA76.9.A25) TITLE: Cryptography and data protection : proceedings of a symposium at the TITLE2: Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences on 19th December TITLE3: 1990 / J.H. van Lint, R. Tijdeman, editors. PUBLISHED: Amsterdam ; New York : North-Holland, 1992. DESCRIPTION: vii, 104 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Computer security--Congresses. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Congresses. OTHER NAME: Tijdeman, R. OTHER NAME: Lint, Jacobus Henricus van, 1932- SERIES: Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afd. Natuurkunde. Erste reeks ; d. 38. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references. ISBN NUMBER: 044485746X LCCN NUMBER: 94-222862
ITEM 110 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A25 L335 1992 AUTHOR: Lai, Xuejia. TITLE: On the design and security of block ciphers / Xuejia Lai. EDITION: 1. Aufl. PUBLISHED: Konstanz : Hartung-Gorre Verlag, 1992. DESCRIPTION: xii, 108 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. SUBJECT: Computer security. SUBJECT: Ciphers. SUBJECT: Cryptography. OTHER NAME: Eidgenossisce Technische Hochschule Zurich. SERIES: ETH series in information processing, 0942-3044 ; v. 1 SERIES: Eidgenossischen Technischen Hochschule Zurich Diss. ; Nr.9752. NOTE: Abstract in English and German. "Nachdruck der Diss. ETH Nr. 9752"--T.p. verso. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 103-107) and index. ISBN NUMBER: 389191573X LCCN NUMBER: 94-220856
ITEM 111 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A25 C83 1992 TITLE: Cryptography and security / edited by Shigeo Tsujii. PUBLISHED: Switzerland ; [New York], USA : Gordon and Breach Publishers, [1992] DESCRIPTION: xi, 156 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. SUBJECT: Computer security. SUBJECT: Cryptography. OTHER NAME: Tsujii, Shigeo, 1933- SERIES: Japanese technology reviews ; vol. 1, no. 2. SERIES: Japanese technology reviews. Computers and communications. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 143-154) and index. ISBN NUMBER: 2881248691 LCCN NUMBER: 94-218271
ITEM 112 CALL NUMBER: NOT IN LC COLLECTION AUTHOR: Winton, John, 1931- TITLE: Ultra in the Pacific : how breaking Japanese codes & cyphers affected TITLE2: naval operations against Japan 1941-45 / by John Winton. PUBLISHED: London : Leo Cooper, 1993. DESCRIPTION: 247 p. : maps ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Cryptography. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Military intelligence--PacificArea. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Campaigns--Pacific Area. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Electronic intelligence--UnitedStates. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Secret service--United States. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Naval operations. NOTE: Includes bibliographical reference (p. 226-230) and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0850522773 : L17.50 LCCN NUMBER: 94-215376
ITEM 113 CALL NUMBER: KKT843.3 .M64 1994 AUTHOR: Molina Mateos, Jose Maria, 1949- TITLE: Seguridad, informacion y poder : una perspectiva conceptual y juridica de la criptologia / Jose Maria Molina Mateos. EDITION: 1a ed. PUBLISHED: Madrid : Incipit Editores, 1994. DESCRIPTION: 156 p. ; 19 cm. SUBJECT: Confidential communications--Spain. SUBJECT: Data protection--Spain. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Spain. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. [131]-138). ISBN NUMBER: 8487567738 LCCN NUMBER: 94-202828
ITEM 114 CALL NUMBER: Z103.4.R8 S63 1994 AUTHOR: Soboleva, T. A. (Tat'iana Alekseevna) TITLE: Tainopis' v istorii Rossii : istoriia kriptograficheskoi sluzhby Rossii, XVII-nachala XX v. / T.A. Soboleva. PUBLISHED: Moskva : "Mezhdunar. otnosheniia", 1994. DESCRIPTION: 382 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Russia--History. SERIES: Sekretnye missii NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 374-[380]). ISBN NUMBER: 5713304833 LCCN NUMBER: 94-195022
ITEM 115 CALL NUMBER: Z103.4.U6 W43 1993 AUTHOR: Weber, Ralph Edward. TITLE: Masked dispatches : cryptograms and cryptology in American history, 1775-1900 / Ralph E. Weber. PUBLISHED: Fort George G. Meade, MD : Center for Cryptologic History, National Security Agency, 1993. DESCRIPTION: vi, 236 p. : ill., ports. ; 28 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography--United States--History--To 1900. OTHER NAME: United States. National Security Agency/Central Security Service. Center for Cryptologic History. SERIES: United States cryptologic history. Series 1, Pre- World War I ; v. 1 NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 233-236). LCCN NUMBER: 94-143151
ITEM 116 CALL NUMBER: KF27 .F6465 1993d AUTHOR: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Subcommittee on Economic Policy, Trade, and Environment. TITLE: Export controls on mass market software : hearing before the Subcommittee on TITLE2: Economic Policy, Trade, and Environment of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of TITLE3: Representatives, One Hundred Third Congress, first session, October 12, 1993. PUBLISHED: Washington : U.S. G.P.O. : For sale by the U.S. G.P.O., Supt. of Docs., Congressional Sales Office, 1994. DESCRIPTION: iii, 139 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. SUBJECT: Export controls--United States. SUBJECT: Computer software--Marketing--Government policy--United States. SUBJECT: Computer software industry--United States. SUBJECT: Data protection--Government policy--United States. SUBJECT: Cryptography--United States. NOTE: Distributed to some depository libraries in microfiche. Shipping list no.: 94-0028-P. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references. GOV DOC NO: Y 4.F 76/1:EX 7/32 ISBN NUMBER: 0160433703 LCCN NUMBER: 94-139412
ITEM 117 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A25 A87 1992 AUTHOR: Workshop on the Theory and Application of Cryptographic Techniques (1992 : Gold Coast, Qld.) TITLE: Advances in cryptology--AUSCRYPT '92 : Workshop on the Theory and TITLE2: Application of Cryptographic Techniques, Gold Coast, Queensland, TITLE3: Australia, Decembe r 13-16, 1992 : proceedings / Jennifer Seberry, Yuliang Zheng, eds. PUBLISHED: Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag, c1993. DESCRIPTION: xiii, 542 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Computer security--Congresses. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Congresses. OTHER NAME: Seberry, Jennifer, 1944- OTHER NAME: Zheng, Yuliang. SERIES: Lecture notes in computer science ; 718 NOTE: Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN NUMBER: 3540572201 (Berlin : acid-free paper) 0387572201 (New York : acid-free paper) LCCN NUMBER: 94-135796 r97
ITEM 118 CALL NUMBER: D810.C88 M38 1994 AUTHOR: McClain, S. (Sally) TITLE: Navajo weapon / by S. McClain. EDITION: 1st ed. PUBLISHED: Boulder, Colo. : Books Beyond Borders,c 1994. DESCRIPTION: vi, 304 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: United States. Marine Corps--Indians. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Cryptography. SUBJECT: Navajo Indians--History--20th century. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Participation, Indian. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Communications. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Campaigns--Pacific Ocean. SUBJECT: Navajo language--Dictionaries. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 294-296) and index. ISBN NUMBER: 1883862078 LCCN NUMBER: 94-72306
ITEM 119 CALL NUMBER: Z103.3 .B33 1995 AUTHOR: Bailly, Sharon. TITLE: Pass it on] : all about notes, from secret codes and special inks to TITLE2: fancy folds and dead man's drops / by Sharon Bailly ; illustrations by Anne Canevari Green. PUBLISHED: Brookfield, Conn. : Millbrook Press, c1995. DESCRIPTION: 64 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 27 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Juvenile literature. SUBJECT: Writing--Juvenile literature. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Writing. OTHER NAME: Green, Anne Canevari, ill. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 61-62) and index. NOTE: Examines the history of writing and provides instructions for making NOTE: special inks, using various alphabets and codes, and creating NOTE: personal seals and private letter drops. ISBN NUMBER: 1562945882 LCCN NUMBER: 94-46949 AC
ITEM 120 CALL NUMBER: D810.S7 S367 1995 AUTHOR: Lee, Bruce. TITLE: Marching orders : the untold story of World War II / Bruce Lee. EDITION: 1st ed. PUBLISHED: New York : Crown Publishers, c1995. DESCRIPTION: xiv, 608 p. : ill., maps ; 25 cm. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Military intelligence--UnitedStates. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Cryptography. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Japan. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0517575760 (hc) : $30.00 ($42.00 Can.) LCCN NUMBER: 94-41998
ITEM 121 CALL NUMBER: D810.C88 D35 1995 AUTHOR: Daily, Robert. TITLE: The code talkers : American Indians in World War II / by Robert Daily. PUBLISHED: New York : F. Watts, c1995. DESCRIPTION: 63 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Cryptography--Juvenileliterature. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Participation, Indian--Juvenileliterature. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Participation, Indian. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Navajo Indians. SUBJECT: Indians of North America. SUBJECT: United States--Armed Forces--Indian troops--History--Juvenile literature. SERIES: A first book NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 60) and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0531201902 (lib. bdg.) LCCN NUMBER: 94-41766 AC
ITEM 122 CALL NUMBER: TK5102.85 .S73 1995 AUTHOR: Stallings, William. TITLE: Protect your privacy : the PGP user's guide / William Stallings ; [with a foreword by Phil Zimmermann]. PUBLISHED: Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice Hall PTR, c1995. DESCRIPTION: xvi, 302 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. SUBJECT: PGP (Computer file) SUBJECT: Telecommunication systems--Security measures--Dataprocessing. SUBJECT: Electronic mail systems--Security measures--Dataprocessing. SUBJECT: Cryptography. NOTE: Includes index. ISBN NUMBER: 0131855964 (paper cover : alk. paper) LCCN NUMBER: 94-41526
ITEM 123 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.D5 G74 1994 AUTHOR: Greenfield, Jonathan S., 1968- TITLE: Distributed programming paradigms with cryptography applications / Jonathan S. Greenfield. PUBLISHED: Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag, c1994. DESCRIPTION: xi, 182 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Electronic data processing--Distributed processing. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SERIES: Lecture notes in computer science ; 870 NOTE: Revision of the author's doctoral thesis, Syracuse University. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. [167]-173) and index. ISBN NUMBER: 038758496X (acid-free paper) LCCN NUMBER: 94-36101
ITEM 124 CALL NUMBER: D802.F82 P3743 1995 AUTHOR: Chevrillon, Claire, 1907- TITLE: Code name Christiane Clouet : a woman in the French Resistance / TITLE2: Claire Chevrillon ; translation by Jane Kielty Stott ; foreword by John F. Sweets. EDITION: 1st ed. PUBLISHED: College Station : Texas A & M University Press, c1995. DESCRIPTION: xvii, 221 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Chevrillon, Claire, 1907- SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Underground movements--France--Paris. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Cryptography. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Personal narratives, French. SUBJECT: Guerrillas--France--Paris--Biography. SUBJECT: Paris (France)--History. NOTE: Translation of an unpublished manuscript. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 203-214) and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0890966281 (alk. paper) 089096629X (pbk. : alk. paper) LCCN NUMBER: 94-33349 r95
ITEM 125 CALL NUMBER: D753 .C657 1994 AUTHOR: Costello, John. TITLE: Days of infamy : MacArthur, Roosevelt, Churchill, the shocking truth TITLE2: revealed : how their secret deals and strategic blunders caused TITLE3: disasters at Pearl Harbor and the Philippines / John Costello. PUBLISHED: New York : Pocket Books, c1994. DESCRIPTION: xi, 448 p., [8] p. of plates : ill. ; 25 cm. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Diplomatic history. SUBJECT: Strategy. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Cryptography. SUBJECT: United States--Foreign relations--Great Britain. SUBJECT: Great Britain--Foreign relations--United States. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 424-434) and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0671769855 : $24.00 ($33.00 Can.) LCCN NUMBER: 94-32498
ITEM 126 CALL NUMBER: Z103.3 .H83 1995 AUTHOR: Huckle, Helen. TITLE: The secret code book / Helen Huckle. EDITION: 1st ed. PUBLISHED: New York : Dial Books, c1995. DESCRIPTION: 57 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 20 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Juvenile literature. NOTE: Includes 1 page of code wheels. ISBN NUMBER: 0803717253 LCCN NUMBER: 94-30019
ITEM 127 CALL NUMBER: Z103.3 .P53 1995 AUTHOR: Pickering, Fran. TITLE: Super secret code book / Fran Pickering ; illustrated by John Pickering. PUBLISHED: New York : Sterling Pub. Co., c1995. DESCRIPTION: 64 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 21 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Juvenile literature. OTHER NAME: Pickering, John (John R. B.) ill. NOTE: Includes index. ISBN NUMBER: 0806908904 LCCN NUMBER: 94-23478 AC
ITEM 128 CALL NUMBER: D810.C88 P73 1995 AUTHOR: Prados, John. TITLE: Combined fleet decoded : the secret history of American intelligence and the Japanese Navy in World War II / John Prados. EDITION: 1st ed. PUBLISHED: New York : Random House, c1995. DESCRIPTION: xxvi, 832 p., [16] p. of plates : ill., maps ; 25 cm. SUBJECT: Japan. Kaigun--History--World War, 1939-1945. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Naval operations, Japanese. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Military intelligence--UnitedStates. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Cryptography. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. [767]-803) and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0679437010 (acid-free paper) : $37.00 LCCN NUMBER: 94-20784
ITEM 129 CALL NUMBER: TK5102.94 .C64 1994 TITLE: Communications and cryptography : two sides of one tapestry / edited by Richard E. Blahut ... [et al.]. PUBLISHED: Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1994. DESCRIPTION: xvi, 481 p. : ill. ; 27 cm. SUBJECT: Telecommunication systems--Congresses. SUBJECT: Coding theory--Congresses. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Congresses. OTHER NAME: Massey, James L. OTHER NAME: Blahut, Richard E. OTHER NAME: Symposium on :Communications, Coding, and Cryptography" (1994 : Centro Stefano Franscini) SERIES: The Kluwer international series in engineering and computer science. Communications and information theory NOTE: "Talks presented at the Symposium on 'Communications, Coding, and NOTE: Cryptography' in honor of James L. Massey on the occasion of his NOTE: 60th birthday, Centro Stefano Franscini, Ascona, Switzerland, NOTE: February 10-14, 1994"--P. vii. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0792394690 (acid-free paper) LCCN NUMBER: 94-20006
ITEM 130 CALL NUMBER: Z103 .N348 1994 AUTHOR: Nickels, Hamilton. TITLE: Secrets of making and breaking codes / Hamilton Nickels. EDITION: 1st Carol Pub. Group ed. PUBLISHED: New York, N.Y. : Carol Pub. Group, 1994. DESCRIPTION: viii, 136 p. ; 21 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography. NOTE: "A Citadel Press book." Includes index. ISBN NUMBER: 0806515635 LCCN NUMBER: 94-18198
ITEM 131 CALL NUMBER: Z103.3 .S66 1995 AUTHOR: Smoothey, Marion, 1943- TITLE: Codes and sequences / by Marion Smoothey ; illustrated by Ann Baum. PUBLISHED: New York : Marshall Cavendish, c1995. DESCRIPTION: 64 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Juvenile literature. SUBJECT: Cryptography. OTHER NAME: Baum, Ann, ill. SERIES: Smoothey, Marion, 1943- Let's investigate. NOTE: Includes index. ISBN NUMBER: 1854357743 1854357735 (set) (INVALID) 18545357735 (set : t.p. verso) LCCN NUMBER: 94-13134 AC
ITEM 132 CALL NUMBER: Z103.3 .P35 1994 AUTHOR: Pallas, Norvin. TITLE: Games with codes and ciphers / Norvin Pallas. PUBLISHED: New York : Dover Publications, 1994. DESCRIPTION: 111 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. SUBJECT: Ciphers--Juvenile literature. SUBJECT: Ciphers. SUBJECT: Cryptography. OTHER TITLE: Code games NOTE: Originally PUBLISHED: Code games. New York : Sterling Pub. Co., 1971. Includes index. ISBN NUMBER: 0486282090 : $3.95 LCCN NUMBER: 94-12569 AC
ITEM 133 CALL NUMBER: QA241 .K672 1994 AUTHOR: Koblitz, Neal, 1948- TITLE: A course in number theory and cryptography / Neal Koblitz. EDITION: 2nd ed. PUBLISHED: New York : Springer-Verlag, c1994. DESCRIPTION: x, 235 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. SUBJECT: Number theory. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SERIES: Graduate texts in mathematics ; 114 NOTE: Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0387942939 LCCN NUMBER: 94-11613
ITEM 134 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A25 R44 1994 AUTHOR: Rhee, Man Young. TITLE: Cryptography and secure communications / Man Young Rhee. PUBLISHED: Singapore ; New York : McGraw-Hill, c1994. DESCRIPTION: xxiii, 504 p. : ill. 24 cm. SUBJECT: Computer security. SUBJECT: Telecommunication systems--Security measures. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SERIES: McGraw-Hill series on computer communications NOTE: Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0071125027 LCCN NUMBER: 94-10752
ITEM 135 CALL NUMBER: Q350 .C36 1993 AUTHOR: Canadian Workshop on Information Theory (3rd : 1993 : Rockland, Ont.) TITLE: Information theory and applications : third Canadian workshop, TITLE2: Rockland, Ontario, Canada, May 30-June 2, 1993 : proceedings / TITLE3: T. Aaron Gulliver, Norman P. Secord, (eds.) PUBLISHED: Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag, c1994. DESCRIPTION: xi, 394 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Information theory--Congresses. SUBJECT: Coding theory--Congresses. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Congresses. OTHER NAME: Gulliver, T. Aaron, 1960- OTHER NAME: Secord, Norman P., 1961- SERIES: Lecture notes in computer science ; 793 NOTE: Includes bibliographical references. ISBN NUMBER: 3540579362 (Berlin : acid-free paper) 0387579362 (New York : acid-free paper) LCCN NUMBER: 94-10104
ITEM 136 CALL NUMBER: D810.C88 C63 1994 TITLE: Codebreakers : the inside story of Bletchley Park / edited by F.H. Hinsley, Alan Stripp. PUBLISHED: Oxford [England] ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1994. DESCRIPTION: xxi, 321 p., [8] p. of plates : ill. ; 19 cm. SUBJECT: Great Britain. Government Communications Headquarters--History. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Cryptography. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Secret service--Great Britain. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Electronic intelligence--GreatBritain. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Personal narratives, British. SUBJECT: Bletchley (Buckinghamshire, England)--History. OTHER NAME: Hinsley, F. H. (Francis Harry), 1918- OTHER NAME: Stripp, Alan, 1924- NOTE: Originally published in 1993. Includes indexes. ISBN NUMBER: 019285304X LCCN NUMBER: 94-882
ITEM 137 CALL NUMBER: Z115.2 .Z56 1991 AUTHOR: Zinov'ev, A. V. TITLE: Tainopis' kirillitsy : razgadka logiko-matematicheskoi sistemy TITLE2: slavianskoi azbuki / A. Zinov'ev. PUBLISHED: Vladimir : [A. Zinov'ev], 1991. DESCRIPTION: 136 p. ; 20 cm. SUBJECT: Cyrillic alphabet--History. SUBJECT: Cryptography. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 131-134). ISBN NUMBER: 5207000136 LCCN NUMBER: 93-239639
ITEM 138 CALL NUMBER: QA268 .B627 1992 AUTHOR: Bos, Jurjen Norbert Eelco. TITLE: Practical privacy / door Jurjen Norbert Eelco Bos. PUBLISHED: [Leiden] : J.N.E. Bos, [1992] DESCRIPTION: 122 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Coding theory. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Data encryption (Computer science) NOTE: Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN NUMBER: 9061964059 LCCN NUMBER: 93-221985
ITEM 139 CALL NUMBER: D810.C88 B59 1992 AUTHOR: Bixler, Margaret T. TITLE: Winds of freedom : the story of the Navajo Code Talkers of World War II / by Margaret T. Bixler. PUBLISHED: Darien, Conn. : Two Bytes Pub. Co., 1992. DESCRIPTION: xviii, 182 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Cryptography. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Participation, Indian. SUBJECT: Navajo language. SUBJECT: Navajo Indians. SUBJECT: United States--Armed Forces--Indian troops--History. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN NUMBER: 1881907007 (pbk.) LCCN NUMBER: 93-216117 r93
ITEM 140 CALL NUMBER: TK7874.75 .B66 1993 AUTHOR: Bonnenberg, Heinz, 1960- TITLE: Secure testing of VLSI cryptographic equipment / Heinz Bonnenberg. EDITION: 1. Aufl. PUBLISHED: Konstanz : Hartung-Gorre, 1993. DESCRIPTION: xvii, 123 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. SUBJECT: Integrated circuits--Very large scale integration--Testing. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SERIES: Series in microelectronics, 0936-5362 ; v. 25 NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 107-112). ISBN NUMBER: 3891916884 : DM88,- LCCN NUMBER: 93-215982
ITEM 141 CALL NUMBER: DC801.R42 B47 1991 AUTHOR: Bertaulet, Jos. TITLE: De verloren koning en de bronnen van de graallegende : speurtocht TITLE2: in Notre-Dame-de-Marceille, een geheim oord in de geschiedenis van TITLE3: Frankrijk / Jos Bertaulet. PUBLISHED: Gent : Stichting Mens en Kultuur, [1991] DESCRIPTION: 217 p. : ill. (some col.), maps ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Treasure-trove--France--Rennes-le-Chateau Region. SUBJECT: Cryptography--France--Rennes-le-Chateau Region. SUBJECT: Grail. SUBJECT: Merovingians. SUBJECT: Rennes-le-Chateau Region (France)--History. NOTE: Summary in English, French, and German. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 211-212). ISBN NUMBER: 9072931238 LCCN NUMBER: 93-207059
ITEM 142 CALL NUMBER: Z103 .A95 1900AUTHOR: August, Duke of Braunschweig-Luneburg, 1579-1666. TITLE: The cryptomenytics and cryptography of Gustavus Selenus : in nine TITLE2: books : wherein is also contained a most clear elucidation of the TITLE3: Steganographia, a book at one time composed in magic and enigmatic TITLE4: form by Johannes Trithemius ... PUBLISHED: [19--?] DESCRIPTION: 3 v. (572 leaves), bound ; 35 cm. SUBJECT: Trithemius, Johannes, 1462-1516. Steganographia. SUBJECT: Cryptography. OTHER NAME: Walden, John William Henry, b. 1864. OTHER NAME: George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) DLC OTHER TITLE: Cryptomenytices et cryptographiae libri IX. English OTHER TITLE: Complete system of cryptography. NOTE: Typescript (carbon copy) Translation by John William Henry Walden NOTE: of the 1624 ed., with photostats of the original t.p. and colophon. NOTE: Half-title: The complete system of cryptography. Item no. 12 of the Fabyan Collection. DLC LCCN NUMBER: 93-182579
ITEM 143 CALL NUMBER: KF27 .J862 1992c AUTHOR: United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee on Economic and Commercial Law. TITLE: The threat of foreign economic espionage to U.S. corporations : TITLE2: hearings before the Subcommittee on Economic and Commercial Law of TITLE3: the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One TITLE4: Hundred Second Congress, second session, April 29 and May 7, 1992. PUBLISHED: Washington : U.S. G.P.O. : For sale by the U.S. G.P.O., Supt. of Docs., Congressional Sales Office, 1992. DESCRIPTION: v, 385 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Business intelligence--United States. SUBJECT: Trade secrets--United States. SUBJECT: Data protection--United States. SUBJECT: Cryptography--United States. NOTE: Distributed to some depository libraries in microfiche. Shipping list no.: 93-0072-P. "Serial no. 65." NOTE: Includes bibliographical references. GOV DOC NO: Y 4.J 89/1:102/65 STD REPT NO: Serial no. 65 (United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary) ISBN NUMBER: 0160396018 LCCN NUMBER: 93-133678
ITEM 144 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A25 S56 1987 AUTHOR: Simposio nazionale su stato e prospettive della ricerca crittografica in Italia (1st : 1987 : Rome, Italy) TITLE: SPRCI '87, Primo Simposio nazionale su stato e prospettive della TITLE2: ricerca crittografica in Italia, Roma, 30-31 ottobre 1987 : atti. PUBLISHED: Roma : Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, [1988] DESCRIPTION: 202 p. : ill. ; 29 cm. SUBJECT: Computers--Access control--Congresses. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Congresses. OTHER NAME: Fondazione Ugo Bordoni. OTHER TITLE: Stato e prospettive della ricerca crittografica in Italia. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references and index. LCCN NUMBER: 93-115296
ITEM 145 CALL NUMBER: D810.C88 W58 1993 AUTHOR: Winton, John, 1931- TITLE: Ultra in the Pacific : how breaking Japanese codes & cyphers TITLE2: affected naval operations against Japan 1941-45 / by John Winton. PUBLISHED: Annapolis, Md. : Naval Institute Press, c1993. DESCRIPTION: 247 p. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Cryptography. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Military intelligence--PacificArea. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Campaigns--Pacific Area. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Electronic intelligence--UnitedStates. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Secret service--United States. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Naval operations. NOTE: Includes bibliographical reference and index. ISBN NUMBER: 1557508569 LCCN NUMBER: 93-85345
ITEM 146 CALL NUMBER: HD9696.C772 B87 1994 AUTHOR: Burke, Colin B., 1936- TITLE: Information and secrecy : Vannevar Bush, Ultra, and the other Memex / TITLE2: by Colin Burke ; with a foreword by Michael Buckland. PUBLISHED: Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow Press, 1994. DESCRIPTION: xxvi, 466 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. SUBJECT: Bush, Vannevar, 1890-1974. SUBJECT: Cryptography equipment industry--History. SUBJECT: Electronic analog computers--History. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Cryptography. SUBJECT: Information scientists--United States--Biography. SUBJECT: Information science--History. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 377-450) and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0810827832 (alk. paper) LCCN NUMBER: 93-39656 r96
ITEM 147 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A25 C79 1992 AUTHOR: CRYPTO '92 (1992 : University of California, Santa Barbara) TITLE: Advances in cryptology--CRYPTO '92 : 12th annual international TITLE2: cryptology conference, Santa Barbara, California, USA, August 16-20, TITLE3: 1992 : proceedings / Ernest F. Brickell (ed.). PUBLISHED: Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag, c1993. DESCRIPTION: x, 593 p. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Computer security--Congresses. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Congresses. OTHER NAME: Brickell, Ernest F., 1953- SERIES: Lecture notes in computer science ; 740 NOTE: Includes bibliographical references. ISBN NUMBER: 0387573402 (alk. paper : U.S.) : DM 104.00 LCCN NUMBER: 93-37164
ITEM 148 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A25 C6373 1993 TITLE: Computer security and industrial cryptography : state of the art and TITLE2: evolution : ESAT course, Leuven, B elgium, May 21-23, 1991 / Bart TITLE3: Preneel, Rene Govaerts, Joos Vandewalle, (eds.). PUBLISHED: Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag, c1993. DESCRIPTION: viii, 274 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Computer security. SUBJECT: Cryptography. OTHER NAME: Preneel, Bart, 1963- OTHER NAME: Govaerts, Rene. OTHER NAME: Vandewalle, J. (Joos), 1948- SERIES: Lecture notes in computer science ; 741 NOTE: Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0387573410 (alk. paper : U.S.) : DM58.00 LCCN NUMBER: 93-32467
ITEM 149 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A25 I555 1991 AUTHOR: International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology (1st : 1991 : Fujiyoshida- shi, Japan) TITLE: Advances in cryptology, ASIACRYPT '91 : International Conference on TITLE2: the Theory and Application of Cryptology, Fujiyoshida, Japan, TITLE3: November 11-14, 1991 : proceedings / Hideki Imai, Ronald L. Rivest, Tsutomu Matsumoto (eds.). PUBLISHED: Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag, c1993. DESCRIPTION: x, 498 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Computer security--Congresses. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Congresses. OTHER NAME: Imai, Hideki, 1943- OTHER NAME: Rivest, Ronald L. OTHER NAME: Matsumoto, Tsutomu. SERIES: Lecture notes in computer science ; 739 NOTE: Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0387573321 (U.S. : alk. paper) : DM96.00 LCCN NUMBER: 93-32465
ITEM 150 CALL NUMBER: QA268 .C75 1993 TITLE: Cryptography and coding III / edited by M.J. Ganley. PUBLISHED: Oxford : Clarendon Press ; Oxford ; New York : Qxford University Press, 1993. DESCRIPTION: xi, 377 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. SUBJECT: Coding theory--Congresses. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Congresses. OTHER NAME: Ganley, M. J. OTHER NAME: Institute of Mathematics and its Applications. OTHER TITLE: Cryptography and coding three. OTHER TITLE: Cryptography and coding 3. SERIES: Institute of Mathematics and its Applications conference series ; new ser., 45 NOTE: "Based on the proceedings of a conference organized by the Institute NOTE: of Mathematics and its Applications on cryptography and coding, NOTE: held at the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, in December 1991". NOTE: Includes bibliographical references. ISBN NUMBER: 0198536917 LCCN NUMBER: 93-31646
ITEM 151 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A25 M46 1993 AUTHOR: Menezes, A. J. (Alfred J.), 1965- TITLE: Elliptic curve public key cryptosystems / by Alfred Menezes ; foreword by Neal Koblitz. PUBLISHED: Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1993. DESCRIPTION: xii, 128 p. ; 25 cm. SUBJECT: Computers--Access control. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SERIES: Kluwer international series in engineering and computer science ; SECS 234. SERIES: Kluwer international series in engineering and computer science. SERIES: Communications and information theory. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 117-126) and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0792393686 (acid-free paper) LCCN NUMBER: 93-10961 r93
ITEM 152 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A25 S35 1994 AUTHOR: Schneier, Bruce, 1963- TITLE: Applied cryptography : protocols, algorithms, and source code in C / Bruce Schneier. PUBLISHED: New York : Wiley, c1994. DESCRIPTION: xviii, 618 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Computer security. SUBJECT: Telecommunication--Security measures. SUBJECT: Cryptography. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 571-604) and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0471597562 (paper : acid-free paper) : $44.95 LCCN NUMBER: 93-2139
ITEM 153 CALL NUMBER: D766.9 .M34 1991 AUTHOR: McKee, Alexander, 1918- TITLE: El Alamein : Ultra and the three battles / Alexander McKee. PUBLISHED: London : Souvenir Press, 1991. DESCRIPTION: 192 p., [24] p. of plates : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: El Alamein, Battle of, Egypt, 1942. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Cryptography. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Secret service--Great Britain. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. [184]-186) and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0285630253 LCCN NUMBER: 92-189778
ITEM 154 CALL NUMBER: D810.C88 B34 1991 AUTHOR: Ballard, Geoffrey St. Vincent. TITLE: On ULTRA active service : the story of Australia's signals intelligence operations in World War II / by Geoffrey St. Vincent Ballard. PUBLISHED: Richmond, Vic., Australia : Spectrum Publications, 1991. DESCRIPTION: 312 p. ; 31 cm. SUBJECT: Ballard, Geoffrey St. Vincent. SUBJECT: Australia. Australian Army--Biography. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Cryptography. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Electronic intelligence--Australia. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Personal narratives, Australian. SUBJECT: Intelligence officers--Australia--Biography. NOTE: Includes index. ISBN NUMBER: 0867862742 LCCN NUMBER: 92-180998
ITEM 155 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A25 S56 1989 AUTHOR: Simposio nazionale su stato e prospettive della ricerca crittogragica in Italia (2nd : 1989 : Rome, Italy) TITLE: Secondo Simposio su stato e prospettive della ricerca crittografica in Italia, Roma, 23-24 novembre 1989 : atti / SPRCI '89. PUBLISHED: Roma : Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, [1989] DESCRIPTION: 299 p. : ill. ; 30 cm. SUBJECT: Computers--Access control--Congresses. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Congresses. OTHER NAME: Fondazione Ugo Bordoni. OTHER TITLE: Stato e prospettive della ricerca crittografica in Italia. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references. LCCN NUMBER: 92-155860
ITEM 156 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A25 H43 1993AUTHOR: Held, Gilbert, 1943- TITLE: Top secret data encryption techniques / Gilbert Held. EDITION: 1st ed. PUBLISHED: Carmel, Ind. : Sams Pub., c1993. DESCRIPTION: 218 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. + 1 computer disk (3 1/2 in.) SUBJECT: Computers--Access control--Passwords. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Data protection. SUBJECT: Data encryption (Computer science) OTHER TITLE: Data encryption techniques. NOTE: System requirements for computer disk: IBM-compatible PC; DOS; NOTE: hard disk drive with 1.2MB free space. Includes index. ISBN NUMBER: 0672302934 : $24.95 ($31.95 Can.) LCCN NUMBER: 92-83921 r94
ITEM 157 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A25 B54 1993 AUTHOR: Biham, Eli. TITLE: Differential cryptanalysis of the data encryption standard / Eli Biham, Adi Shamir. PUBLISHED: New York : Springer-Verlag, c1993. DESCRIPTION: ix, 188 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Computers--Access control. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Data encryption (Computer science) OTHER NAME: Shamir, Adi. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. [183]-185) and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0387979301 (New York : acid-free paper) 3540979301 (Berlin : acid-free paper) LCCN NUMBER: 92-44581 r94
ITEM 158 CALL NUMBER: D810.S7 U7 1993 TITLE: U.S. Army Signals Intelligence in World War II : a documentary history / edited by James L. Gilbert and John P. Finnegan. PUBLISHED: Washington D.C. : Center of Military History, United States Army ; For sale by the U.S. Government Printing Office, 1993. DESCRIPTION: xii, 237 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. SUBJECT: United States. Signal Security Agency--History--Sources. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Military intelligence--UnitedStates--History--Sources. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Cryptography--History--Sources. OTHER NAME: Gilbert, James L. (James Leslie), 1943- OTHER NAME: Finnegan, John Patrick. OTHER TITLE: US Army Signals Intelligence in World War II. OTHER TITLE: United States Army Signals Intelligence in World War II. LCCN NUMBER: 92-43143
ITEM 159 CALL NUMBER: D810.C88 M46 1993 TITLE: Codebreakers : the inside story of Bletchley Park / edited by F.H. Hinsley, Alan Stripp. PUBLISHED: Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1993. DESCRIPTION: xxi, 321 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. SUBJECT: Great Britain. Government Communications Headquarters--History. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Cryptography. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Secret service--Great Britain. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Electronic intelligence--GreatBritain. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Personal narratives, British. SUBJECT: Bletchley (Buckinghamshire, England)--History. OTHER NAME: Hinsley, F. H. (Francis Harry), 1918- OTHER NAME: Stripp, Alan, 1924- NOTE: Includes bibliographical references and indexes. ISBN NUMBER: 0198203276 : L20.00 ($17.95/$19.95 U.S.) LCCN NUMBER: 92-42502
ITEM 160 CALL NUMBER: Z103.3 .A83 1993 AUTHOR: Ashton, Christina. TITLE: Codes & ciphers : hundreds of unusual and secret ways to send messages / Christina Ashton. EDITION: 1st ed. PUBLISHED: Cincinnati, Ohio : Betterway Books, c1993. DESCRIPTION: 110 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Juvenile literature. SUBJECT: Ciphers--Juvenile literature. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Ciphers. OTHER TITLE: Codes and ciphers. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 105) and index. NOTE: Provides the history behind codes and ciphers as used in spying and NOTE: explains how readers themselves can make and use their own secret codes. ISBN NUMBER: 155870292X : $7.95 LCCN NUMBER: 92-39008 AC
ITEM 161 CALL NUMBER: D810.C88 B69 1993 AUTHOR: Boyd, Carl. TITLE: Hitler's Japanese confidant : General Oshima Hiroshi and MAGIC intelligence, 1941-1945 / Carl Boyd ; foreword by Peter Paret. PUBLISHED: Lawrence, Kan. : University Press of Kansas, c1993. DESCRIPTION: xviii,271 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Oshima, Hiroshi, 1886- SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Cryptography. SUBJECT: Diplomats--Japan--Biography. SUBJECT: Japan--Foreign relations--Germany. SUBJECT: Germany--Foreign relations--Japan. SERIES: Modern war studies NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. [243]-261) and index. ISBN NUMBER: 070060569X : $25.00 LCCN NUMBER: 92-28142
ITEM 162 CALL NUMBER: D639.C75 B75 1992 TITLE: The British army and signals intelligence during the First World War / edited by John Ferris. PUBLISHED: Far Thrupp, Stroud, Gloucestershire : A. Sutton Pub. ; Wolfeboro Falls, N.H. : Published by Alan Sutton for the Army Records Society, 1992. DESCRIPTION: 359 p. ; 23 cm. SUBJECT: Great Britain. Army--History--World War, 1914-1918. SUBJECT: World War, 1914-1918--Cryptography. SUBJECT: Military intelligence--Great Britain--History--20thcentury. OTHER NAME: Ferris, John. OTHER NAME: Army Records Society (Great Britain) SERIES: Publications of the Army Records Society ; vol. 8 NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 349-354) and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0750902477 : L30.00 LCCN NUMBER: 92-27459
ITEM 163 CALL NUMBER: QA685 .D25 1993 AUTHOR: Davis, Donald M., 1945- TITLE: The nature and power of mathematics / Donald M. Davis. PUBLISHED: Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c1993. DESCRIPTION: xi, 389 p., [4] p. of plates : ill. (some col.), maps ; 25 cm. SUBJECT: Geometry, Non-Euclidian. SUBJECT: Number theory. SUBJECT: Fractals. SUBJECT: Cryptography. OTHER TITLE: Mathematics. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. [379]-382) and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0691087830 (alk. paper) :$49.50 0691025622 (pbk. : alk. paper) : $14.95 LCCN NUMBER: 92-26744
ITEM 164 CALL NUMBER: D810.C88 S65 1993 AUTHOR: Smith, Bradley F. TITLE: The ultra-magic deals and the most secret special relationship, 1940-1946 / Bradley F. Smith. PUBLISHED: Novato, CA : Presidio, c1993. DESCRIPTION: xii, 276 p. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Cryptography. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Electronic intelligence--UnitedStates. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Electronic intelligence--GreatBritain. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Secret service--United States. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Secret service--Great Britain. SUBJECT: United States--Foreign relations--Great Britain. SUBJECT: Great Britain--Foreign relations--United States. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 261-266) and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0891414835 : $24.95 LCCN NUMBER: 92-25749
ITEM 165 CALL NUMBER: D810.C88 A24 1992 AUTHOR: Aaseng, Nathan. TITLE: Navajo code talkers / Nathan Aaseng. PUBLISHED: New York : Walker, 1992. DESCRIPTION: 114 p. : ill., map ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Cryptography--Juvenileliterature. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Participation, Indian--Juvenileliterature. SUBJECT: Navajo Indians--Juvenile literature. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Participation, Indian. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Navajo Indians. SUBJECT: Indians of North America. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 109-110) and index. NOTE: Describes how the American military in World War II used a group of Navajo Indians to NOTE: create an indecipherable code based on their native language. ISBN NUMBER: 0802781829 (C) : 14.95 0802781837 (R) LCCN NUMBER: 92-11408 AC
ITEM 166 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A25 P83 1992 TITLE: Public-key cryptography : state of the art and future directions : E.I.S.S. workshop, TITLE2: Oberwolfach, Germany, July 3-6, 1991 : final report / Th. Beth, M. Frisch, G.J. Simmons, eds. PUBLISHED: Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag, c1992. DESCRIPTION: xi, 97 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. SUBJECT: Computers--Access control. SUBJECT: Cryptography. OTHER NAME: Beth, Thomas, 1949- OTHER NAME: Frisch, M. (Markus), 1965- OTHER NAME: Simmons, Gustavus J. OTHER NAME: European Institute for System Security. SERIES: Lecture notes in computer science ; 578 NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. [83]-97). ISBN NUMBER: 3540552154 (Berlin : acid-free paper) 0387552154 (New York : acid-free paper) LCCN NUMBER: 92-932
ITEM 167 CALL NUMBER: QC100 .U57 no. 800-2 (ALTERNATE CLASS QA76.9.A25) AUTHOR: Nechvatal, James. TITLE: Public-key cryptography : computer security / James Nechvatal. PUBLISHED: Gaithersburg, MD : U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology ; Washington, DC : For sale by the Supt. of Docs, U.S. G.P.O., [1991] DESCRIPTION: ix, 162 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. SUBJECT: Computer security. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SERIES: NIST special publication ; 800-2 NOTE: "April 1991." NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 147-162). LCCN NUMBER: 91-601007
ITEM 168 CALL NUMBER: Z103 .N67 1989 AUTHOR: Norman, Bruce. TITLE: Secret warfare : the battle of codes and cyphers / Bruce Norman. PUBLISHED: Newton Abbot, Devon : David & Charles Publishers ; New York, NY : Distributed in the U.S. by Sterling Pub. Co., c1989. DESCRIPTION: 187 p. : ill., maps ; 20 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography--History. SUBJECT: Military intelligence--History. SUBJECT: Ciphers--History. SERIES: A David & Charles military book SERIES: Battle standards (Newton Abbot, England) NOTE: Includes index. ISBN NUMBER: 0715394568 : $8.95 LCCN NUMBER: 91-125308
ITEM 169 CALL NUMBER: D810.C88 R67 1990 AUTHOR: Rosser, Silvia. TITLE: Eine Auswahl wichtiger Codenamen aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg / vorgelegt von Silvia Rosser. PUBLISHED: Bern : [Vereinigung Schweizerischer Bibliothekare], 1990. DESCRIPTION: 2 v. (798 p.) ; 30 cm. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Cryptography. SUBJECT: Code names. OTHER TITLE: Codenamen aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. NOTE: "Diplomarbeit der Vereinigung Schweizerischer Bibliothekare." "Sperrfrist NOTE: bis 30. November 1990"--Leaf preceding t.p., v. 1. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references and indexes. LCCN NUMBER: 91-124557
ITEM 170 CALL NUMBER: Z103.4.A75 A27 1978AUTHOR: Abrahamyan, A. G. (Ashot Garegini), 1902- TITLE: Haykakan tsatskagrut'yun / A.G. Abrahamyan. PUBLISHED: Erevan : Erevani Hamalsarani Hratarakch'ut'yun, 1978. DESCRIPTION: 313 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Armenia--History. OTHER TITLE: Armianskaia kriptografiia. NOTE: Title on added t.p.: Armianskaia kriptografiia. "Hratarkut'yan e nerkayats'rel hamalsarani NOTE: Hnagitut'yan ev Aghbyuragitut'yan Ambione"--Colophon. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references and indexes. LCCN NUMBER: 91-111253 NE
ITEM 171 CALL NUMBER: Z103 .B4813 1994 AUTHOR: Beutelspacher, Albrecht. TITLE: Cryptology : an introduction to the art and science of enciphering, encrypting, concealing, hiding, and safeguarding described TITLE2: without any arcane skullduggery but not without cunning waggery for the delectation TITLE3: and instruction of the general public / by Albrecht Beutelspacher ; transformation from TITLE4: German into English, succored and abetted by J. Chris Fisher. PUBLISHED: [Washington, DC] : Mathematical Association of America, c1994. DESCRIPTION: xvi, 156 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Data encryption (Computer science) SERIES: MAA spectrum. NOTE: "Cryptology was originally published in German by Vieweg. NOTE: This edition has been extensively revised"--P. [4] of cover. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 153-156). ISBN NUMBER: 0883855046 LCCN NUMBER: 91-62273
ITEM 172 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A25 C79 1991 AUTHOR: CRYPTO '91 (1991 : University of California, Santa Barbara) TITLE: Advances in cryptology--CRYPTO '91 : proceedings / J. Feigenbaum (ed.). PUBLISHED: Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag, c1992. DESCRIPTION: x, 484 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. SUBJECT: Computers--Access control--Congresses. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Congresses. OTHER NAME: Feigenbaum, Joan, 1958- SERIES: Lecture notes in computer science ; 576 NOTE: Conference held Aug. 11-15, 1991, at the University of California, NOTE: Santa Barbara. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0387551883 (U.S.A. : alk. paper) LCCN NUMBER: 91-48169
ITEM 173 CALL NUMBER: Z103.3 .W75 1992 AUTHOR: Wrixon, Fred B. TITLE: Codes and ciphers / Fred B. Wrixon. EDITION: 1st ed. PUBLISHED: New York : Prentice Hall, c1992. DESCRIPTION: xii, 260 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Juvenile literature. SUBJECT: Ciphers--Juvenile literature. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Dictionaries. SUBJECT: Ciphers--Dictionaries. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 243-252) and index. NOTE: An alphabetical exploration of the world of codes and ciphers and NOTE: significant individuals involved in that field. ISBN NUMBER: 0132770474 : $18.00 LCCN NUMBER: 91-42848 AC
ITEM 174 CALL NUMBER: CIP - NOT YET IN LC AUTHOR: Van Der Rhoer, Edward. TITLE: Deadly magic / Edward Van Der Rhoer. PUBLISHED: Alexandria, Va. : Time-Life Books, 1992. EST PUB DATE: 1111 DESCRIPTION: p. cm. SUBJECT: Van Der Rhoer, Edward. SUBJECT: United States. Office of Naval Communications--History. SUBJECT: United States. Navy--Biography. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Cryptography. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Personal narratives, American. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Campaigns--Pacific Area. SUBJECT: Sailors--United States--Biography. SERIES: Classics of World War II. Secret war. NOTE: Originally PUBLISHED: New York : Scribner, c1978. Includes index. ISBN NUMBER: 0809485958 (trade) 0809485966 (library) LCCN NUMBER: 91-36210
ITEM 175 CALL NUMBER: QA268 .C75 1992 TITLE: Cryptography and coding II / edited by Chris Mitchell. PUBLISHED: Oxford [England] : Clarendon Press ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1992. DESCRIPTION: xi, 301 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Coding theory--Congresses. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Congresses. OTHER NAME: Mitchell, Chris. OTHER NAME: Institute of Mathematics and its Applications. OTHER TITLE: Cryptography and coding 2. OTHER TITLE: Cryptography and coding two. SERIES: The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications conference series ; new ser., 33 NOTE: Based on the proceedings of a conference organized by the Institute NOTE: of Mathematics and its Applications on cryptography and coding, held NOTE: at the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, in December 1989." NOTE: Includes bibliographical references. ISBN NUMBER: 0198533934 : L40.00 ($60.00 U.S.) LCCN NUMBER: 91-33492
ITEM 176 CALL NUMBER: Z103.3 .G35 1991 AUTHOR: Garden, Nancy. TITLE: The kids' code and cipher book / Nancy Garden. PUBLISHED: Hamden, Conn. : Linnet Books, 1991. DESCRIPTION: xi, 163 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Juvenile literature. SUBJECT: Ciphers--Juvenile literature. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Codes. OTHER TITLE: Kids' code & cipher book. NOTE: Spine title: The kids' code & cipher book. NOTE: Originally PUBLISHED: New York : Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, c1981. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. [158]-159) and index. NOTE: Presents a variety of codes and ciphers and includes NOTE: messages to encode and decode, as part of a story. ISBN NUMBER: 0208023410 (alk. paper) LCCN NUMBER: 91-30453 AC
ITEM 177 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A25 C79 1990 AUTHOR: CRYPTO '90 (1990 : University of California, Santa Barbara) TITLE: Advances in cryptology--CRYPTO '90 : proceedings / A.J. Menezes, S.A. Vanstone (eds.). PUBLISHED: Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag, c1991. DESCRIPTION: xiii, 643 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. SUBJECT: Computers--Access control--Congresses. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Congresses. OTHER NAME: Menezes, A. J. (Alfred J.), 1965- OTHER NAME: Vanstone, Scott A. SERIES: Lecture notes in computer science ; 537 NOTE: Conference held Aug. 11-15, 1990, at the University of California, Santa Barbara. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN NUMBER: 3540545085 (Berlin : alk. paper) 0387545085 (New York : alk. paper) LCCN NUMBER: 91-29161
ITEM 178 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A25 C6678 1992 TITLE: Contemporary cryptology : the science of information integrity / edited by Gustavus J. Simmons. PUBLISHED: Piscataway, NJ : IEEE Press, c1992. DESCRIPTION: xv, 640 p. : ill. ; 27 cm. SUBJECT: Computer security. SUBJECT: Telecommunication systems--Security measures. SUBJECT: Cryptography. OTHER NAME: Simmons, Gustavus J. OTHER NAME: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. NOTE: "The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., NOTE: New York." "IEEE order number: PC0271-7"--T.p. verso. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0879422777 : $79.95 LCCN NUMBER: 91-19684
ITEM 179 CALL NUMBER: D767 .D66 1992 AUTHOR: Drea, Edward J., 1944- TITLE: MacArthur's ULTRA : codebreaking and the war against Japan, 1942-1945 / Edward J. Drea. PUBLISHED: Lawrence, Kan. : University Press of Kansas, c1992. DESCRIPTION: xv, 296 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: MacArthur, Douglas, 1880-1964--Military leadership. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Campaigns--Pacific Area. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Cryptography. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Military intelligence--PacificArea. SUBJECT: Pacific Area--History. SERIES: Modern war studies NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 275-282) and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0700605045 (alk. paper) LCCN NUMBER: 91-16842
ITEM 180 CALL NUMBER: D767.92 .R87 1991 AUTHOR: Rusbridger, James. TITLE: Betrayal at Pearl Harbor : how Churchill lured Roosevelt into World War II / James Rusbridger and Eric Nave. PUBLISHED: New York : Summit Books, c1991. DESCRIPTION: 302 p., [16] p. of plates : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Churchill, Winston, Sir, 1874-1965. SUBJECT: Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945. SUBJECT: Pearl Harbor (Hawaii), Attack on, 1941. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--United States. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Cryptography. SUBJECT: United States--History--1933-1945. OTHER NAME: Nave, Eric. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. [281]-284) and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0671708058 LCCN NUMBER: 91-696
ITEM 181 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A25 H69 1990 AUTHOR: Horster, Patrick. TITLE: Das Kryptosystem von McEliece : ein Public-Key-Kryptosystem auf der Basis von Goppa-Codes / Patrick Horster, Reinhard Sperling. PUBLISHED: Heidelberg : Huthig, c1990. DESCRIPTION: 157 p. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Computers--Access control. SUBJECT: Cryptography. OTHER NAME: Sperling, Reinhard. SERIES: Hochschultexte Informatik ; 15 NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 155-157). ISBN NUMBER: 3778518828 LCCN NUMBER: 90-230549
ITEM 182 CALL NUMBER: MLCS 92/17508 (Z) AUTHOR: Luger, Jack. TITLE: Code making and code breaking / Jack Luger. PUBLISHED: Port Townsend, Wash. : Loompanics Unlimited, c1990. DESCRIPTION: 121 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. SUBJECT: Ciphers. SUBJECT: Cryptography. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN NUMBER: 1559500344 LCCN NUMBER: 90-202759
ITEM 183 CALL NUMBER: Z103 .N85 1990 TITLE: Number theory and cryptography / edited by J.H. Loxton. PUBLISHED: Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1990. DESCRIPTION: xi, 235 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. SUBJECT: Number theory--Congresses. SUBJECT: Diophantine analysis--Congresses. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Mathematical models--Congresses. OTHER NAME: Loxton, J. H. SERIES: London Mathematical Society lecture note series ; 154 NOTE: "Papers presented at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Australian NOTE: Mathematical Society and at a Workshop on Number Theory and NOTE: Cryptography in Telecommunications held at Macquarie University NOTE: in Sydney from 29 June to 7 July 1989"--P. [ix]. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references. ISBN NUMBER: 0521398770 LCCN NUMBER: 90-176391
ITEM 184 CALL NUMBER: D810.C88 K38 1990 AUTHOR: Kawano, Kenji, 1949- TITLE: Warriors : Navajo code talkers / photographs by Kenji Kawano ; foreword by Carl Gorman ; introduction by Benis M. Frank. EDITION: 1st ed. PUBLISHED: Flagstaff, Ariz. : Northland Pub. Co., c1990. DESCRIPTION: xvii, 107 p. : chiefly ill. ; 23 cm. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Cryptography. SUBJECT: Navajo language. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Indians--Portraits. SUBJECT: Navajo Indians--Portraits. SUBJECT: United States--Armed Forces--Indians--Portraits. ISBN NUMBER: 0873585135 (pbk.) : $24.95 LCCN NUMBER: 90-53285 r95
ITEM 185 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.D5 D43 1989 AUTHOR: DIMACS Workshop in Distributed Computing and Cryptography (1989 : Princeton, N.J.) TITLE: Distributed computing and cryptography : proceedings of a DIMACS Workshop, October 4-6, 1989 / Joan Feigenbaum, Michael Merritt, editors. PUBLISHED: Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society ; Baltimore, Md. : Association for Computing Machinery, c1991. DESCRIPTION: ix, 262 p. : ill. ; 27 cm. SUBJECT: Electronic data processing--Distributed processing--Congresses. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Congresses. OTHER NAME: Feigenbaum, Joan, 1958- OTHER NAME: Merritt, Michael, 1957- SERIES: DIMACS series in discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science, 1052-1798 ; v. 2 NOTE: "The DIMACS Workshop in Distributed Computing and Cryptography"--T.p. verso. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references. ISBN NUMBER: 0821865900 (AMS : alk. paper) 0897913841 (ACM : alk. paper) LCCN NUMBER: 90-49828
ITEM 186 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A25 J32 1990b AUTHOR: Jackson, Keith M. TITLE: Secure information transfer : PC encryption : a practical guide / Keith M. Jackson. PUBLISHED: Boca Raton : CRC Press, c1990. DESCRIPTION: ix, 182 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Computer security. SUBJECT: Cryptography. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 165-167) and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0849377110 LCCN NUMBER: 90-43506
ITEM 187 CALL NUMBER: NOT IN LC COLLECTION AUTHOR: Parrish, Thomas (Thomas D.) TITLE: The American codebreakers : the U.S. role in Ultra / Thomas Parrish. EDITION: 1st Scarborough House pbk. ed. PUBLISHED: Chelsea, MI : Scarborough House, 1991. DESCRIPTION: 338 p., [16] p. of plates : ill. ; 23 cm. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Cryptography. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Electronic intelligence--UnitedStates. OTHER TITLE: Ultra Americans NOTE: Reprint. Originally PUBLISHED: The ultra Americans. New York : Stein and Day, 1986. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 313-323) and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0812885171 : $14.95 LCCN NUMBER: 90-41387
ITEM 188 CALL NUMBER: CIP - NOT YET IN LC AUTHOR: Jackson, Keith M. TITLE: Secure information transfer : PC encryption : a practical guide / Keith M. Jackson. PUBLISHED: Oxford ; Boston : Blackwell Scientific Publications ; Brookline Village, Mass. : [distributor], Publishers' Business Services, 1990. EST PUB DATE: 9007 DESCRIPTION: p. cm. SUBJECT: Microcomputers--Access control. SUBJECT: Cryptography. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references. ISBN NUMBER: 0632026642 LCCN NUMBER: 90-35250
ITEM 189 CALL NUMBER: D810.C88 K34 1991 AUTHOR: Kahn, David, 1930- TITLE: Seizing the enigma : the race to break the German U-boat codes, 1939-1943 / David Kahn. PUBLISHED: Boston : Houghton Mifflin Co., 1991. DESCRIPTION: xii, 336 p., [16] p. of plates : ill., maps ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Cryptography. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Naval operations, German. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Naval operations--Submarine. NOTE: "A Thomas Congdon book"--T.p. verso. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. [311]-326) and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0395427398 : $24.95 LCCN NUMBER: 90-25128
ITEM 190 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A25 A87 1990 AUTHOR: AUSCRYPT '90 (1990 : University of New South Wales) TITLE: Advances in cryptology--AUSCRYPT '90 : international conference on cryptology, Sydney, Australia, January 8-11, 1990 : proceedings / J. Seberry, J. Pieprzyk, eds. PUBLISHED: Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag, c1990. DESCRIPTION: ix, 462 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. SUBJECT: Computer security--Congresses. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Congresses. OTHER NAME: Seberry, Jennifer, 1944- OTHER NAME: Pieprzyk, Josef, 1949- OTHER NAME: International Association for Cryptologic Research. SERIES: Lecture notes in computer science ; 453 NOTE: Sponsored by the International Association for Cryptologic Research. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references. ISBN NUMBER: 3540530002 (Berlin : acid-free paper) : DM63 0387530002 (New York : acid-free paper) LCCN NUMBER: 90-10201
ITEM 191 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A25 S26 1990 AUTHOR: Salomaa, Arto. TITLE: Public-key cryptography / Arto Salomaa. PUBLISHED: Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag, c1990. DESCRIPTION: x, 245 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. SUBJECT: Computers--Access control. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SERIES: EATCS monographs on theoretical computer science ; v. 23 NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. [239]-241) and index. ISBN NUMBER: 3540528318 (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York) 0387528318 (Springer-Verlag New York Berlin Heidelberg) LCCN NUMBER: 90-10092
ITEM 192 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A25 C84 1990 TITLE: Cryptology and computational number theory / Carl Pomerance, editor ; [contributors] Shafi Goldwasser ... [et al.]. PUBLISHED: Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c1990. DESCRIPTION: xi, 171 p. ; 26 cm. SUBJECT: Computers--Access control--Congresses. SUBJECT: Number theory--Congresses. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Congresses. OTHER NAME: Pomerance, Carl. OTHER NAME: Goldwasser, S. (Shafi), 1958- SERIES: Proceedings of symposia in applied mathematics ; v.42. SERIES: Proceedings of symposia in applied mathematics. AMS short course lecture notes. NOTE: "Lecture notes prepared for the American Mathematical Society NOTE: short course, Cryptology and computational number theory, NOTE: held in Boulder, Colorado, August 6-7, 1989"--T.p. verso. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN NUMBER: 0821801554 (acid-free paper) LCCN NUMBER: 90-1248
ITEM 193 CALL NUMBER: Z103.4.A65 M37 1987AUTHOR: Marayati, Muhammad. TITLE: 'Ilm al-ta'miyah wa-istikhraj al-mu'amma 'inda al-'Arab / [dirasat wa-tahqiq] Muhammad Marayati, Yahya Mir 'Alam, Muhammad Hassan al-Tayyan ; taqdim Shakir al-Fahham. PUBLISHED: [Damascus] : Majma' al-Lughah al-'Arabiyah bi-Dimashq, [1987?- ] DESCRIPTION: v. <1 > : ill. ; 25 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Arab countries--History. OTHER NAME: Tayyan, Muhammad Hassan. OTHER NAME: Mir 'Alam, Yahya. OTHER TITLE: Origins of Arab cryptography and cryptanalysis. NOTE: Abstract in English. Title on added t.p.: Origins of Arab cryptography and cryptanalysis. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references. CONTENTS: al-juz' 1. Dirasat wa-tahqiq li-rasa'il al-Kindi wa-Ibn 'Adlan wa-Ibn al-Durayhim. LCCN NUMBER: 89-964108 NE
ITEM 194 CALL NUMBER: NOT IN LC COLLECTION AUTHOR: Winterbotham, F. W. (Frederick William), 1897- TITLE: The Ultra spy / F.W. Winterbotham. PUBLISHED: London : Macmillan, 1989. DESCRIPTION: 258 p., [8] p. of plates : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Winterbotham, F.W. (Frederick William), 1897- SUBJECT: Great Britain. Secret Intelligence Service--Biography. SUBJECT: Intelligence officers--Great Britain--Biography. SUBJECT: Espionage, British--History--20th century. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Cryptography. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Personal narratives, English. ISBN NUMBER: 0333514254 : L12.95 LCCN NUMBER: 89-214846
ITEM 195 CALL NUMBER: NOT IN LC COLLECTION AUTHOR: Bennett, Ralph Francis. TITLE: Ultra and Mediterranean strategy 1941-1945 / Ralph Bennett. PUBLISHED: London : H. Hamilton ; New York, N.Y., U.S.A. : Viking Penguin, 1989. DESCRIPTION: 496 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Campaigns--Mediterranean Region. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Secret service--Great Britain. SUBJECT: World War, 1939-1945--Cryptography. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 478-483). ISBN NUMBER: 0241126878 LCCN NUMBER: 89-201339
ITEM 196 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A25 H66 1989 AUTHOR: Horster, Patrick. TITLE: Approximative public-key-kryptosysteme / P. Horster, H. Isselhorst. PUBLISHED: Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag, c1989. DESCRIPTION: vii, 174 p. ; 25 cm. SUBJECT: Computers--Access control. SUBJECT: Cryptography. OTHER NAME: Isselhorst, H. (Hartmut) SERIES: Informatik-Fachberichte ; 206 ISBN NUMBER: 3540509046 (Berlin) 0387509046 (New York) LCCN NUMBER: 89-176871
ITEM 197 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A25 H68 1989 AUTHOR: Horster, Patrick. TITLE: Das Kryptosystem von Lu und Lee : ein Public-Key-Kryptosystem, Attacken und Modifikationen / Patrick Horster, Marion Schade. PUBLISHED: Heidelberg : A. Huthig, c1989. DESCRIPTION: viii, 113 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Computers--Access control. SUBJECT: Cryptography. OTHER NAME: Schade, Marion. SERIES: Hochschultexte Informatik ; 14 NOTE: Includes bibliographical references (p. 112-113). ISBN NUMBER: 3778518275 LCCN NUMBER: 89-161404
ITEM 198 CALL NUMBER: QA76.9.A25 P54 1989 AUTHOR: Pierce, Clayton C. TITLE: CryptoPrivacy / by Clayton C. Pierce. PUBLISHED: Ventura, CA : C.C. Pierce, c1989. DESCRIPTION: viii, 117 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Computers--Access control. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Data protection. OTHER TITLE: Crypto privacy. NOTE: "A cryptographer's manual." NOTE: Includes bibliographical references. ISBN NUMBER: 0960156445 (lib. bdg.) 0960156453 (pbk.) 0960156461 (loose-leaf) 0960156488 (self-cover) LCCN NUMBER: 89-91620
ITEM 199 CALL NUMBER: Z103.3 .G7 1989 AUTHOR: Grant, E. A. (Eleanor A.) TITLE: The kids' book of secret codes, signals, and ciphers / E.A. Grant. PUBLISHED: Philadelphia, Pa. : Running Press, c1989. DESCRIPTION: 80 p. : ill. ; 16 x 24 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography--Juvenile literature. SUBJECT: Ciphers--Juvenile literature. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Ciphers. NOTE: Cipher wheel inserted. Includes index. NOTE: Discusses the history and different varieties of codes and ciphers, NOTE: describing code machines, signals, sign language, picture languages, NOTE: and hidden messages. ISBN NUMBER: 0894717812 : $5.95 LCCN NUMBER: 89-43029 AC
ITEM 200 CALL NUMBER: Z103 .C75 1989 TITLE: Cryptology : machines, history, & methods / Cipher Deavours ... [et al.]. PUBLISHED: Norwood, MA : Artech House, c1989. DESCRIPTION: x, 508 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. SUBJECT: Cryptography. SUBJECT: Ciphers. OTHER NAME: Deavours, Cipher A. OTHER TITLE: Cryptologia. OTHER TITLE: Cryptology yesterday, today, and tomorrow. OTHER TITLE: Cryptology: machines, history, and methods. NOTE: Second vol. of articles selected from Crytologia. NOTE: Continues: Cryptology yesterday, today, and tomorrow. NOTE: Includes bibliographical references. ISBN NUMBER: 0890063990 LCCN NUMBER: 89-18065
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