RANGER Device Test Results #02
Random Number Generator Tester version 2.5 by Tony Patti
Since there is no such thing as a provably random sequence,
this program is intended only to give some statistical information
concerning a particular sequence. If you are testing a particular
random number generator, you should try multiple output streams.
This program is quite complicated and although believed to be accurate,
no responsibility can be taken for any errors. Source code has been
provided so that you can modify this program to suit your needs.
Input file is binary mode.
Number of values read from file "RANGER02.DAT" = 100000
Smallest value = 0 Largest value = 255
---------------- ---------
EQUIDISTRIBUTION (1 at a time)..............PASS
SERIAL2 test was not run due to largest value > 126
SERIAL3 test was not run due to largest value > 24
SERIAL4 test was not run due to largest value > 11
PARTITION-5 (5 at a time)...................PASS
PARTITION-6 (6 at a time)...................PASS
PARTITION-7 (7 at a time)...................PASS
PARTITION-8 (8 at a time)...................PASS
PARTITION-9 (9 at a time)...................PASS
PARTITION-10 (10 at a time).................PASS
PARTITION-16 (16 at a time).................PASS
PARTITION-32 (32 at a time).................PASS
PARTITION-64 (64 at a time).................PASS
PARTITION-128 (128 at a time)...............PASS
RUNS BELOW THE MEAN.........................PASS
RUNS ABOVE THE MEAN.........................PASS
LOWER QUARTILE..............................PASS
UPPER QUARTILE..............................PASS
GAPS BETWEEN ZEROS test was not run due to insufficient data
GAPS BETWEEN LARGEST VALUE test was not run due to insufficient data
GAPS BETWEEN MIDDLE VALUE test was not run due to insufficient data
Coupon test was not run due to largest value > 128
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Most recent update on 28-SEP-96.