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I am indebted to my new friends Antonio Sanchez Chinchon and Andrew Wyer for their blogs about Harmonographs in both 2D and 3D, and in rotation,
and for the "R" program source code which creates these beautiful mathematical curves. These thumbnails are a small shadow of the beauty of the full curves, click on any to see full-size. I recommend viewing full-screen (F11) from Google Chrome Browser. I hope to write my own blog about my mathematical and "R" adventure of the last three days, but for now, let these curves speak for themselves! The full 1300x1300 animated GIF images average 35 MBytes, so please allow time for the full image to be downloaded and displayed. Generally, the curves display with a slow rotation while being downloaded, then once fully downloaded, rotate at normal fast speed. |
glassblowing web page at last modified: August 03 2024 |