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Glassblower.Info is dedicated to "Hot Glass" glassblowing (with a blowpipe).
This website contains a variety of information for the glassblower,
especially the beginner to intermediate student.

Currently contains (according to XenuLink):

Category Count Bytes
Photographs 26,265 22,429,116,377
Web Pages 3,810 62,035,208
Movies (MOV) 916 8,851,457,874
Movies (Flash) 83 1,435,826,348
External Links 5,404 n/a
Total 36,478 32,778,435,807

A Grand Total of over 31 Gigabytes of Glassblowing (and some other) Information!

"Glassblowing -- The EXTREME SPORT of the Art World!"

What is it about glassblowing that creates its "moth to a flame" appeal?
Certainly there is the danger, the extreme heat, the light, the constant ballet-like motion and rotation of the blowpipe.
But I think, for those who practice glassblowing, it is more than that...
I still remember seeing my first glassblowing demonstrations,
sitting in the bleachers at Wheaton Arts and made my first paperweight that day
To me, the idea about glassblowing is that each Gaffer approaches the same crucible of molten glass in the furnace,
what the Gaffer can make is limited only by his skill and imagination!
The Gaffer may decide one time to make a footed pitcher (with optic handle),
another time perhaps a paperweight with control bubbles or spirals, and perhaps another piece,
a large footed bowl which has been spun out using centrifugal force in the heat of the glory hole.
My Mom always told me not to play with fire, but I think an exception MUST be made for glassblowing...

Glass-blowing is mind-blowing
"Glassblowing is an intense art; a heady mix of heat, danger, skill and beauty."

Please use the menus at the top of each web page, and please don't miss
Glassblower.Info's Photographic Glossary of the Glassblower

Gaffer Glassblower Glassblowing License Plate

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