Click here for Glassblowing School/Class/Studio/Artist Geographical Search with 32 Criteria! - Bear Paw Studios - Landing, NJ

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Company/School Name: Bear Paw StudiosMajor Classification: Torchwork/Lampworking
Major Classification: Fusing/Slumping
Major Classification: Consultant
Contact Person Name: Brett Williams
Offers PUBLIC Classes
Offers PRIVATE Classes
Address Line 1: 150 Shippenport Road
Address Line 2: Unit I
City: Landing
State: NJ
Zip: 07850
Number of Fusing/Slumping Kilns: 6
Number of Torches: 17
Torch Types: Carlisle CC and Mini; Reseller of all Carlisle products; 1 GTT Delta Mag
Country: USA
Invite Public to Watch Work/Classes
GALLERY where you display/sell glass art
Phone: 862-803-9033
Fax: 863-803-9034
Glass Artist
Year Founded: 2014
Additional Information:
We are a new (Fall 2014) Glass Art Studio in Northwest New Jersey! We create custom glass art
pieces as well as teach classes, rent out studio equipment, and sell glass supplies and equipment.
Our studios surround our showroom and include a Torchwork studio area, Kiln work studio, and
cold working studio area (including sandblasting). We have 6 kilns from small table top to a 52"
clamshell kiln.
We feature Carlisle Machine Works equipment and torches, Bullseye Glass Co. products, and many other
tools and supplies you may need. If we don't have it - we will get it!
Artist Information
Brett Williams - Brett started his love of glass by taking a kiln working class in 2008 - and as most are -
he was hooked! Over the past year he has been expanding into the torch and cold working
realms and enjoys continuing to learn as well as teach basic skills to others.
He as taken classes at Corning Museum of Glass, Carlisle School of Glass Art, Aquila Glass
School, and even tried a few furnace attempts at Oregon Coast Glassworks and Wheaton Arts.

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