Click here for Glassblowing School/Class/Studio/Artist Geographical Search with 32 Criteria! - Conway Glass Inc. - Conway, SC

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Company/School Name: Conway Glass Inc.Major Classification: Hot Shop (Furnace Glassblowing)
Major Classification: Stained-Glass
Contact Person Name:
Address Line 1: 209 Laurel Street
Address Line 2:
City: Conway
State: SC
Zip: 29526
Country: USA
Phone: 843-248-3558
Fax: 843-248-6644
Glass Artist
Additional Information:
Originally from Upstate New York, Ed Streeter moved to Myrtle Beach in 1968 when his father was stationed at Myrtle Beach Air Force Base.
n 1979, right out of high school, he got a job working with glass. He first learned to cut flat glass for window frames and doors and then apprenticed in the stained glass department for a Myrtle Beach glass company.
Barbara grew up in Southern New Jersey and she remembers being mesmerized by glass as a child.
Barbara and her grandmother would take walks and collect chunks of glass cullet on the dirt road behind their home leading to the ruins of the old Winslow Glassworks.
Barbara"s ancestors were glass blowers and her great-great grandfather had been a master
"Call it fate or some kind of genetic attraction, they just happened to meet in 1985 while Barbara was on vacation in Myrtle Beach.
They married in 1986 and opened a studio in downtown Conway that same year - just a block away from their current location
It is a partnership that has proven to be rewarding, both personally and professionally for over 28 years." Great Balls of Fire, by Connie Barnard, Sasee Magazine, January 2014

Conway Glass Inc. Photographs: image for Conway Glass Inc. image for Conway Glass Inc. image for Conway Glass Inc.

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