Click here for Glassblowing School/Class/Studio/Artist Geographical Search with 32 Criteria! - Diving Cat Studio and Gallery - Phoenixville, PA

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Company/School Name: Diving Cat Studio and GalleryMajor Classification: Torchwork/Lampworking
Contact Person Name: Markels
Address Line 1: 246 Bridge Street
Address Line 2:
City: Phoenixville
State: PA
Zip: 19460
Country: USA
GALLERY where you display/sell glass art
Phone: 610-933-3901
Additional Information:
Over the years, while my artistic skills developed, I was introduced to glass as an expressive medium.
I became fascinated with the challenge of a whole new world; of lighting the torch and transforming the flame into my creative tool.
I have been extraordinarily successful in evolving this fascination into a full time career and establishing my studio with both clay and glass.
The portion of my studio dedicated to glass has two worktables with their distinctive torches.
One is dedicated to glass sculpture, using borosilicate and soda lime glass.
The other is for Italian glass from Murano (soda lime), from which I make glass beads and design my original line of jewelry.

Diving Cat Studio and Gallery Photographs: image for Diving Cat Studio and Gallery image for Diving Cat Studio and Gallery

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