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Company/School Name: Gerrit Rietveld Academie Glass ProgramMajor Classification: Hot Shop (Furnace Glassblowing)
Contact Person Name:
Address Line 1: Frederik Roeskestraat 96
Address Line 2:
City: Amsterdam
Zip: 1076 ED
Country: Netherlands
Phone: 020–5711600
Fax: 020–5711654
Website: www.gerritrietveldacademie.nlnlglas
Additional Information:
The Gerrit Rietveld Academy is a college of Art and Design.
We offer two bachelor and four master.
Within the Bachelor, you study it as a Bachelor of Fine Arts or Bachelor of Design.
Within these two bachelor's degrees have various specializations.
After a general first year, called the base year, students choose one of these majors.
Then follow three years of floor. The Rietveld Academy also offers a part-time training. Then we have that the base year and two years after three years of follow floor.
After earning your bachelor's degree can continue studying and obtain a Masters title. This can be done at the Sandberg Institute.
Currently we offer four masters to: Master of Fine Arts, Master of Applied Arts, Master of Graphic Design and a fourth Masters in Interior Design.
We also provide training for those who want to prepare for study at the Rietveld Academy:
The orientation year, which you 30 Saturdays a year of lessons at the Academy. Enough to build a good portfolio and to consider whether the Rietveld something for you.
Then there is the training. 3.5 session per week follow lesson. If you are training for the year well shut, you are automatically admitted to the base year.
The Major Glass is unique in the Netherlands.
A progressive, broad-based training, the students considerable freedom to manage their personal qualities and interests in an experimental way to discover and to develop.
During your studies you are cheered the limits of this field to search for and exceed. Technical knowledge is not required.
You are encouraged to individually within self-selected materials and techniques to develop your own visual language. After completing this specialization you may use the title Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) perform.
The glass material is characterized by its extreme diversity. The use of glass at the academy is not a philosophy or a certain direction.
Glass is a very specific medium, which finds application in many guises and it plays an important role in both the visual arts as well as in the (free) design and architecture.
The glass department encourages you to find and play a position that when your study theoretical, conceptual and technical underpinning.
These three aspects are therefore important in the curriculum and by teachers, guest lecturers and workshops in detail.
t's about a position within the field of glass to choose, but also within the world of the arts. Free or applied? Design or concept?
With or without color? You want, when you graduate, a good picture of where you want to move. Through an analytical and critical dialogue with your teachers and fellow students, you find out where you want to position.
Mutual assistance and exchange are essential. There is a high degree of responsibility and autonomy required to jointly maintain the glass studio, technical skills, while the challenge to ideas and concepts.

Gerrit Rietveld Academie Glass Program Photographs: image for Gerrit Rietveld Academie Glass Program

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