Click here for Glassblowing School/Class/Studio/Artist Geographical Search with 32 Criteria! - Glass Art Society - Seattle, WA

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Company/School Name: Glass Art Society
Contact Person Name:
Address Line 1: 3131 Western Avenue, Suite 414
Address Line 2:
City: Seattle
State: WA
Zip: 98121
Country: USA
Phone: 206-382-1305
Fax: 206-382-2630
Additional Information:
The Glass Art Society is an international non-profit organization founded in 1971 whose purpose is to encourage excellence, to advance education, to promote the appreciation and development of the glass arts, and to support the worldwide community of
artists who work with glass. We hold an annual conference, publish the Glass of artists who work with glass. Art Society Journal, the Membership/Education Roster and the bi-monthly GASNews.
GAS strives to stimulate communication among artists, educators, students, collectors, gallery and museum personnel, art critics, manufacturers, and all others interested in and involved with the production, technology and aesthetics of glass.
We are dedicated to creating greater public awareness and appreciation of the glass arts.
Membership is open to anyone interested in glass art - artists, students, educators, collectors, gallery and museum personnel, writers, and critics.
Members are entitled to vote, hold office, and enjoy all other rights and privileges as determined by the Society's bylaws.
GAS is made up of a Board (elected annually by the full membership and comprised of at least 75% artist/educators and a student representative), a staff of five and a membership of over 2500 glass enthusiasts from 46 countries.
The Glass Art Society's members are glass artists, students, educators, collectors, gallery owners, museum personnel, writers and critics, manufacturers/suppliers - anyone interested in glass art.
All members are entitled to a link to their web site on the GAS website.

Glass Art Society Photographs: image for Glass Art Society

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