Click here for Glassblowing School/Class/Studio/Artist Geographical Search with 32 Criteria! |
Search for "lakesuperiorartglass" requested by performed at February 06, 2025 19:02
Company/School Name: | Lake Superior Art Glass | Major Classification: Torchwork/Lampworking |
Contact Person Name: | Dan Neff | Offers PUBLIC Classes Offers PRIVATE Classes Offers RENTALS |
Address Line 1: | 202 E. Superior St. | |
Address Line 2: | Sells RETAIL Sells WHOLESALE | |
City: | Duluth | |
State: | MN | Number of Annealers: 4 |
Zip: | 55802 | Number of Fusing/Slumping Kilns: 4 Number of Torches: 8 Torch Types: OxyPropane |
Country: | USA | Invite Public to Watch Work/Classes GALLERY where you display/sell glass art |
Phone: | 218-464-1799 | Distributor |
Fax: | Glass Artist | |
Email: | | Year Founded: 2012 |
Website: | | |
Additional Information: Lake Superior Art Glass is Minnesota's premiere glass art gallery and studio. Featuring a torch-work studio and a gallery representing all types of glass work. Live demos held daily. Check out our website for our class schedule. |