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Company/School Name: Maurine Littleton Gallery
Contact Person Name: Maurine Littleton
Address Line 1: 1667 Wisconsin Ave NW
Address Line 2:
City: Washington
State: DC
Zip: 20007
Country: USA
GALLERY where you display/sell glass art
Phone: 202-333-9307
Additional Information:
Establised in 1984, the Maurine Littleton Gallery exhibits and represents leading contemporary artists in glass, metal, and ceramics.
If you have any questions regarding available work or commissioning a particular artist, please contact the gallery at (telephone) (202) 333-9307 or (email)
Artists represented include:
Gary Beecham, Dale Chihuly, Dale Chihuly Studio Editions, Fritz Dreisbach, Erwin Eisch, Drew Storm Graham, Michael Janis, Jun Kaneko, Susie Krasnican
Judith La Scola, Harvey K. Littleton, John Littleton and Kate Vogel, Lu Chi, Dante Marioni, Allegra Marquart, Richard Marquis, William Morris, Jay Musler, Joel Philip Myers
Albert Paley, Colin Reid, Don Reitz, Ginny Ruffner, Therman Statom, Hiroshi Yamano, Jeff Zimmer
Maurine Littleton, the daughter of Harvey K. Littleton, is the owner of the gallery. In 1984, shortly after the opening of her father’s retrospective exhibition at the Renwick Gallery of the Smithsonian Museum of American Art, Maurine established the
The gallery presents artist exhibitions and participates in events on a regular basis.
The gallery is open Tuesday through Saturday, 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM, and by appointment. You may telephone the gallery at (202) 333-9307 and email at

Maurine Littleton Gallery Photographs: image for Maurine Littleton Gallery

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