Click here for Glassblowing School/Class/Studio/Artist Geographical Search with 32 Criteria! - Palm Springs Art Museum Kaplan Ostergaard Glass Center - Palm Springs, CA

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Company/School Name: Palm Springs Art Museum Kaplan Ostergaard Glass CenterMajor Classification: Museum
Contact Person Name:
Address Line 1: 101 Museum Drive
Address Line 2:
City: Palm Springs
State: CA
Zip: 92262
Country: USA
Phone: 760-322-4800
Website: www.psmuseum.orgexhibitionscurrent_exhibition.php?id=2
Additional Information:
The Palm Springs Art Museum reopened the Kaplan/Ostergaard Glass Center for the 2011-2012 season and is featuring a dazzling array of contemporary glass works from a wide range of artists.
. The installation features works by significant artists known for their contributions to the international Studio Glass movement including Dale Chihuly, Karen LaMonte, Benjamin Moore, and Lino Tagliapietra
and are displayed alongside works made by artists who are traditionally not associated with the movement, such as Jim Dine, Lynda Benglis and Larry Bell, who are inspired to use glass in ways that integrate with other aesthetic and conceptual approac
Comprised of loans, gifts and objects from its permanent collection, the museum completely reorganized the popular glass exhibition to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the contemporary Studio Glass movement that emerged in the 1960s.
An important event in this history was artist Harvey Littleton’s early 1960s invention of the compact furnace, which allowed artists to create their works in their own studios rather than using furnaces in industrial settings.
This began a fertile period of experimentation for glassmakers, who often worked on a massive scale and employed a variety of techniques and materials from casting, fusing, slumping and lamp-working to glass blowing and other creative methods.
Artists were no longer bound by functional imperatives and embraced glass's potential for sculptural expression.
These artists experimented with the extreme versatility of glass—its possibilities for crystal-clear transparency or dark opacity and its variable nature in changing light conditions.

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