Click here for Glassblowing School/Class/Studio/Artist Geographical Search with 32 Criteria! - The Glass Furnace - Istanbul,

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Company/School Name: The Glass FurnaceMajor Classification: Hot Shop (Furnace Glassblowing)
Major Classification: Torchwork/Lampworking
Major Classification: Fusing/Slumping
Contact Person Name:
Offers PUBLIC Classes
Address Line 1: Koyici Cad. 72A
Address Line 2: 34829 Ogumce – Beykoz
City: Istanbul
Country: Turkey
Invite Public to Watch Work/Classes
Phone: 90 216 433 36 93
Fax: 90 216 433 30 21
Additional Information:
Glass Furnace accepts all student groups and welcomes school trips.
Students can walk through, watch glass making and join a brief workshop if they like to.
These trips involve a special project combining glass activities in Glass Furnace and school education.
Besides, a special museumologist who knows primary school curriculum well attends all the activities and she helped us to prepare a booklet.
What we aim here is providing students unite their experience here and what they learn in school.
Through this, glass will be a part of their education and life.
Explore the true nature and the potential of glass, and develop your skills.
The Glass Furnace provides an environment that allows and encourages creativity with education programs at all levels; for those who are new to the art of glass and those who have worked with glass before.
The programs cover instruction on theory, techniques, and materials.
Most courses offered are intensive two-week courses, however, there are also courses of longer durations.
Most classes provide introduction to various techniques. All of the classes are given by instructors with international teaching backgrounds.
The aim is to equip the students with basic skills necessary for working with glass, as well as to develop their aesthetic sensibilities.

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