[PA-NJ Glassblowers] New Jersey gallery looking for regional glass artists

Tony Patti gaffer at glassblower.info
Sun Dec 18 10:59:22 EST 2011

The following *Hot Sand *Glassblowing Studio and Gallery announcement 
was posted as a "Call to Artists" on the Glass Art Society website 
www.glassart.org <http://www.glassart.org>
Hot Sand is located in Asbury Park, NJ and offers studio rental and many 
different MYO (Make Your Own) activities for anyone age 9+

Tony Patti
gaffer at glassblower.info

Hot Sand, a handblown glass gallery, is looking to develop relationships
with regional glass artists to participate in our line up of rotating

We are looking for jpg submissions of handmade glass of all varieties;
functional, lighting, sculptural, blown, fused and cast. Please include
your resume.

No phone calls, please.
Send emails tohotsandstudio at gmail.com

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