[PA-NJ Glassblowers] *URGENT* East Falls Glassworks August Shutdown

Jon Goldberg (East Falls Glassworks) jon at eastfallsglass.com
Wed Jul 31 16:57:45 EDT 2013

Recently a new management company took over the Sherman Mills, the home of East Falls Glassworks since we opened our doors in 2006. With the new owner is coming some changes, including repairs to the 100 plus year-old building that EFG inhabits. These are beneficial and much needed renovations and will make the space better for all, but they also require us to close up shop during construction. This is not permanent, though estimates for the work are between 1 and 2 months starting this week. So the bad news is that we will be closed for the summer. The good news is that we'll be ready to go when the weather starts cooling off again!

This is effective immediately, we were given very short notice of this work. So if anyone reading this email has items of value at EFG (tools, glass projects, color, work from events they have not picked up, etc.) please understand that it is extremely important to contact us ASAP to arrange pickup. We can only guarantee access to the building for the next 24 to 48 hours, so let us know if you need any assistance with obtaining your items or shipping.  Please call before coming to arrange a time and ensure that someone will be present when you arrive.

Thanks very much for your understanding and for bearing with us through this period. We are all looking forward very much to a grand reopening when all the dust settles!

Best wishes until next time! Stay tuned on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/pages/East-Falls-Glassworks/70516449266) for updates as we get more information and the building work progresses.  You can also contact either Jon (jon at eastfallsglass.com) or Nik (nik at eastfallsglass.com) if you have any questions or concerns.  Thanks.

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