[PA-NJ Glassblowers] Emerge/Evolve 2016 at Pittsburgh Glass Center

Tony Patti gaffer at glassblower.info
Sun Jan 22 19:36:13 EST 2017

FYI and enjoy, Emerge/Evolve 2016 at Pittsburgh Glass Center is open from February 3 thru April 16, 2017

Tony Patti

gaffer at glassblower.info 

Emerge/Evolve '16 opens at Pittsburgh Glass Center on Friday, Feb. 3, 2017. 

 <http://us4.campaign-archive2.com/?u=9856e6c9bf7e2ff3c74c29bea&id=faee28c980&e=8623ea28ef> View this email in your browser 


A showcase of rising and evolving talents in kiln-glass organized by Portland-based Bullseye Glass Company

 Bullseye Glass Co. <https://gallery.mailchimp.com/9856e6c9bf7e2ff3c74c29bea/images/87234452-fca9-4130-bd78-9c56b6b686b3.jpg> 

Friday, February 3  |  6 - 9pm

Also featuring our monthly Hot Jam with live hot glass demos

Helen Lee:  Gold Award 
Marzena Krzemińska-Baluch:  Silver Award 
Alison Lowry:  Bronze Award 
Ashraf Hanna:  Crossover Award (For an entrant who first began working or taking classes in kilnformed glass since January 1, 2014) 
Kate Clements (Temple University):  Gold Academic 
Jeffrey Stenbom (Tulane University):  Silver Academic 
Nick Doran Adams (Australian National University):  Bronze Academic 
Ligia Bouton: Honorable Mention 
Cheryl Wilson Smith: Honorable Mention 
Kim Brill: Honorable Mention

Rei Chikaoka (Emerge 2010 and 2014)
Matthew Day Perez (Emerge 2008 and 2010)
Carmen Vetter (Emerge 2006 and 2008)

 <http://pittsburghglasscenter.us4.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=9856e6c9bf7e2ff3c74c29bea&id=d440630d91&e=8623ea28ef> Visit our website for more information about this exhibition

Pittsburgh Glass Center
5472 Penn Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15206 ( <http://pittsburghglasscenter.us4.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=9856e6c9bf7e2ff3c74c29bea&id=ab1f5680e8&e=8623ea28ef> map)

The exhibition is open through April 16, 2017.




 <http://pittsburghglasscenter.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9856e6c9bf7e2ff3c74c29bea&id=f0933f8773&e=8623ea28ef> Pittsburgh Glass Center

Pittsburgh Glass Center
5472 Penn Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
 <http://pittsburghglasscenter.us4.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=9856e6c9bf7e2ff3c74c29bea&id=01aa6a6937&e=8623ea28ef> www.pittsburghglasscenter.org
 <http://pittsburghglasscenter.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9856e6c9bf7e2ff3c74c29bea&id=6afe566ac5&e=8623ea28ef> Click here to donate!







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