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Warm Glass + Hot Glass = Unique Glass

This web page is dedicated to Tony Serviente of Serviente Glass Studios who was kind enough to talk to me about glass during a couple of the Rosen Shows in Philadelphia.

He makes beautiful fused and slumped kiln-formed glass like the dish shown at the right.

Yes, I am addicted to glass, and yes, Tony Serviente's glass had a magical quality which I had never seen from my "hot shop" perspective. I was very interested to see how I could adapt this kiln-formed woven glass technique to my hobby of hot glass, and you will find my odyssey below, which spanned more than two years...

Tony Serviente's kiln-formed glass is available for sale in many dozens of galleries, which are listed here.

I start from the premise of using Bullseye Round Rod, a product which I would never tried, were it not for Mark Wilson. This is not as pretty as the beautiful glass that Tony Serviente uses, but my goal was to understand how I could bend very rigid and unbendable glass. Chris Rogahn who is a warm glass AND hot glass artist explained that i needed to "pre-bend" the glass into peaks and valleys.

I purchased at the Home Depot hardware store a 4 foot long section of 1" right-angle steel (SKU# 030699420407 -- "1 inch x 1 inch x 4 feet angle steel" for $6.98), and cut it into seven sections (approximagely 7 inches long each), and then painted kiln wash on them (that I purchased from C & R Loo). FYI, I tried 3/4 inch angle-iron first, and it was not tall enough for the Bullseye Round Rod (which are 5 mm to 6mm in diameter = 0.20 inches to 0.25 inches in diameter). One of the things I really like about the angle iron is that when I lay it down on the shelf of my little kiln, it gives me a precise spacing, which I will need later, and it sits nicely on the two legs of the upside-down "V".

I then cut the Bullseye round rod into 9 inch sections.

Which I then place on the angle iron

I then run the kiln through this program (I have no idea if this is anything "official", its just what I ended up with, right or wrong:

Ramp #1Ramp Up at 600F per hour to 1100FHold zero minutes
Ramp #2Ramp Up at 9999F per hour to 1375F - 1385FHold for 20 - 25 minutes
Ramp #3Ramp Down at 9999F per hour to 960FHold for 15 minutes
Ramp #4Ramp Down at 420F per hour to 750FHold for zero minutes
Ramp #5Rampd Down at 1010F per hour to 90FHold for zero minutes

Which yields these slumped round rods:

When the glass comes out of the kiln, it looks like this:

I put straight red rods through the hills and valleys of the slumped black rods, and then glue with Elmer's glue as you can see here:

And then after slumping in the kiln one more time, I end up with a flatter piece of woven glass:

I then heated this woven glass sheet up to 1250F at school, and picked it up on a two-gather clear glass bubble, which I shaped into a vase.

Here is the finished vase showing especially the detail on the bottom of the vase:


Below is another example of taking the woven glass and this time wrapping it around the bottom of the glass bubble, to form the bottom of the bowl and wrap around to two sides:

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