Click here for Glassblowing School/Class/Studio/Artist Geographical Search with 32 Criteria! |
Hi Tony, It was nice to hear from you, I enjoyed all of the pictures. It is always very pleasant to remember places where I did workshops. I'll be teaching Winter 2007 in Corning, if you know of a studio or school who may be interested in a workshop, please mention my name. Thank you, cordially, Maestro Elio Quarisa |
Subject: Thanks for your site!! Hi, My name is Marlietta. I have had glass blowing lessons at several studios but mainly at Pratt fine art center in Seattle Wa. Any way, I want to do a series of blown vessels that is relatively architectural in nature and looks similar to my wood work/lathe turned (I was previously a carpenter). Your site gave me the information I needed to proceed. Especially Mark Hall's new way of making fused cylinders. I was stumped until I came across your site. Combined with your dropped kiln method, and my experience with marquetry, these combined methods will give me the effect I am looking for to start on my journey. My point, being, Thank you so much for the time and effort you have gone through in putting your site together and helping us just starting out to achieve our goals through information posted on your site. kind regards, Marlietta |
What a truly Spectacular Site this is!!! Bravo!!! I wish we had this 20 years ago when I was in college. Thank you! Rebecca Zhukov Providence Art Glasswww.providenceartglass.com |
I love www.Glassblower.info! John Choi Glassblowing Studio Manager The Banana Factory Bethlehem, PAwww.bananafactory.org |
Your site is a pleasure to visit. You have done a great job with all the information that you have available. Peter Greenwood Greenwood Glass Blowing Studio & Gallerywww.petergreenwood.com |
Hi Tony! I just found your post about your fire bucket ornaments.... WAY cool!! I love it! I am (almost:-) dying to get my hands on something simular- a passion for fire:-) I do "blow" glass, boro & some sodalime, rods & tube, but want to use a glory hole. I really appreciate your tutorial- it was very informative & the pix were super! I have Glassblowers bible, etc., but your color pix are awesome! Anyway- thanks!!! Tammy Rhoades |
Dude, you are totally creative and awesome. Thanks for the eye opening information about glassblowing without the full furnace/gloryhole/annealer setup! -Lily |
GREAT Website! I'm sure I'll be returning to it, the abundance of resources in one place is impressive. Odette Perreault |
I have been to your web site may times, its very resourceful. Jeannine Sigafoos Tacoma Glassblowing Studiowww.tacomaglassblowing.com |
www.Glassblower.Info is a comprehensive resource for glass artists because of the frequent updates. Thanks for linking us all together! Katie Creyts kcreyts@yahoo.com |
Tony, I really enjoyed your web site. The photos of your work is fabulous! The photos & videos section is well done. Thanks for all your hard work on this site. Linda Storionewww.thermalshield.com |
I love your glass work! Brenda Morgan |
I keep coming back to this site and finding new things. An excellent resource! Thanks for putting it together. -- Doug Hardy |
Love the site, keep up the good work! -- Lucas |
Tony, You have an AWESOME site -- Thanks so much! I just can't thank you enough -- what a gift you've given to the glass world! Penny Rakov Goggleworkswww.goggleworks.org |
Tony, Super-Search is awesome! Thanks so much for your computer savy. I'll email my friends and tell them to check your site out! Deb DiMarco Blueheart Glasswww.blueheartglass.com |
I just had the delight of examining your page on blowing ornaments with a fire bucket. It was such a treat. Thank you for going through the time and effort to put the page up. I thoroughly enjoyed it!!! ~Heather |
I am a BA design student in the UK and have recently been set a brief to design a glass. I found across your wonderful site through a link from Wikipedia and I've enjoyed exchanging emails with you about my goblet design. - Adam |
Thanx for all the wonderful info posted over the years! -- Glazmon Earl"E" Flashglassart.com |
The firebucket ornaments are hot! Thanks for the info, and have a good holiday. Tim Cragg |
"Your site is really interesting! I love it!" -- Allie Dorn (RIT Student) |
I have read and frequented many, many hotglass sites on the internet and none have been so helpful to me as this one. A vast array of answers are immediately available as well as IMMEDIATE email responses to questions. This website is an invaluable glassworker's tool. Jampwork Lycos |
First of all, that firebucket ornament making is a great page! Lots of good info, but also some interesting ideas for doing your own stuff with stuff around the home. Cheese grater marver for holding cane? awesome! I was wondering if you could give me more information on the ornament tops you used. When i learned to make these in school we always did a glass bit into a loop. I like the fire polish and "real" top idea a lot better. Are they something you can pick up at a craft store? Are they tension held or did you epoxy them? Any additional details would be appreciated. Thanks, and nice job on the site! -Ray MacLaren |
Great website! It's always wonderful to see those who share my passion for educating the public about off-hand glass. Glass blowing, to me, is a form of dance. You need ryhthm, control and passion to be graceful and confident in your steps. Jeremie Draperwww.jdraperglass.com |
Hi Tony, Your website rocks! My Artist in Residence alerted me to it last spring and I've used it for reference while setting up our hotshop at the Mesa Arts Center. Regards, Laurie Nessel Lead Instructor Glass Studio Mesa Arts Centerwww.mesaarts.com/glassStudio.htm |
You have a wonderful website. Your pages are very informative and well done. I visit there quite often. It's a fun place to acquire glass related information. Jay Holden Glass Formationswww.glassformations.com/ |
To: Tony Patti From: Ed Christianson Subject: A welcome addition to the web !!! I have been looking for movies/videos on glassblowing for a while... Glassblower.Info is great! It really helps to see techniques in action. |
Hello! We are management students of the University of Malta and are doing research on glassblowing production. Your site is really great and very helpful! Thanks, your information has helped us a lot -- especially the explanations of various terms and techniques (because glassworkers often do things but can not explain what they are doing!) Best regards, Lyuba and the rest of the team Malta |
I visited your site, and I got unbelivable knowledge from your site I never heard which I seen at your site. I am eager to know more about glassblowing & etching technology. I am a students of Glassblowing Trade in india. Thanking you, Mahesh patel Star Scientific Glass Company India |
Dear Tony, I am writing from the Providence Art Club, a non-profit arts collaborative in Providence, Rhode Island. We are hosting a glass and photography juried exhibition, sponsored by Fidelity Investments this March. While looking for images of people blowing glass for the call for artists, we were pleased to find so many great pictures on glassblower.info. What a wonderful resource for the glass community and for those of us interested in the artists and process. We are using an image from the following page: http://www.glassblower.info/AngusPowers/AngusPowers.html. A picture of Guest Glass Artist Angus Powers at BCCC Glass Arts Society March 19, 2003, will be featured on our call for artists, available on our website: www.providenceartclub.org. We encourage all New England glass artists to enter and look forward to seeing your work, For more information please check www.providenceartclub.org or email galleries@providenceartclub.org. best, Sarah Powers Director of the Galleries Providence Art Clubwww.providenceartclub.org |
Dear Tony, Just want to thank you for such an incredible resource. Thanks for all your hard work putting this site together. I am a retired educator after 30 years of teaching elementary schools and also as an administrator in charge of all the technology in our school district. I have just fallen in love with glass blowing! I have some glass in my DNA, my greatgrandfather and his brother were in the glass business, H. C. Fry Glass Co. and with Morgantown Glass. They were in the glass business at the turn of the century on into the 30's. I just love working with hot glass and blowing and creating glass and playing with colors. Your site has been a wealth of information! Jim Fry |
Tony, You've created a rockin' website! George Chenwww.bridglandstudios.com |
Hi, I am going to be taking a glassblowing class. I have tried to do a little research to get an idea of what to expect. After reading about fire bucket ornaments... I at least have an idea... Thanks! Beth |
Really enjoyed your website! Your work is exquisite! Pip Cossette Two Lasses Glass Classes, Inc. www.twolassesglassclasses.com |
Hello, I am very new to glass blowing and am quickly becoming fascinated-- I love how you can do this in your garage and am very impressed with your ingenuity. Back to perusing the glassblower.info website! in admiration, Gretchen |
Hi, My name is Missy. I like your video. I am new to the glass blowing world and have just learned how to make ornaments. I have done them a little differently but I love being able to see youor step by step method of glass blowing. Thank you for helping to teach the newcomers! Missy Smitheal |
Hi - I'm Oz. We meet at Jeff Vanaman's New Fislerville Glass Studio in Clayton NJ on Saturday. I was very impressed by your skill, knowledge & explaination of the entire glassblowing process. You made it look so smooth. I hope to one day get to a fraction of your accomplishments. I was perusing your tool box. You made a padder which looked like thin slab of graphite w/a paint brush handle attached wth a hose clap. What a wonderful tool. Where did you get the graphite from? What are the overall dimensions? I appreciate any assistance you can provide me. Take care. |
Oz, you are quite observant, my graphite paddle is a slab of graphite I purchased on ebay, and used a paint-brush wood handle, and a hose clamp from Home Depot. This hose clamp trick I learned from another glassblower, Joel Bless. This tool has served me very well for multiple years, and I have a spare piece of graphite in my garage just in case this one breaks, but its fallen on the floor a number of times, and it has survived well. You can find quite a bit of graphite on ebay, and my paddle is 8" long x 4" wide x half an inch thick. With so many glassblowing tools being expensive (for example diamond shears), I think it's nice to save money whenever you can... p.s. I like the hose clamp - paint brush handle a lot -- I call it an "offset handle" (not in the same plane as the graphite) and it seems to work well, as it moves your hand a bit further away from the hot glass... - Tony Patti |
I thought www.glassblower.info is fantastic and very inspiring! My wife and I have recently gotten into glass blowing and we've already "got the bug". I've been trying to figure out an inexpensive (relatively speaking) way to work out of our home and the way you've set up your shop would work perfectly. I think we might get a larger glory hole but I love how inventive you were with the use of the marble tile and the cheese grater. Where did you get your bench? Thanks for sharing. Terry Kirby |
Terry, Many thanks for your email. I was lucky, and got my glassblowing bench via ebay, at a great price from a studio in NY that was closing. Fortunately, the metal parts were shippable by UPS, and I bought a new piece of wood anyway. The good news is that my bench is from Denver Glass Machinery I believe their benches are among the most reasonable available anywhere, and it's plenty sturdy.
Hi there! I'm just sending you this message because I love your site! It's an awesome resource of info and very useful for what I want do with my life. Check out my work on glassartists.com at http://www.glassartists.org/Gal32272_Ian_Milligan_s_Gallery.asp I'm currently in the 2nd year of the Crafts & Design program at Sheridan college in Oakville Ontario. Once again your site is awesome! Keep doing what you guys do! Peace, Ian Milligan |
I am a student at the University of Tennessee and for one of my classes I'm currently working in conjunction with the Knoxville Museum of Art to put together a gallery guide for classroom teachers and parents about the work of Josh Simpson. I completed hours of research and your website proved to be one of the most useful and comprehensive resources I found! You have some absolutely beautiful and unique glassblowing photographs, and I appreciate your giving permission to use your images of Josh working for the cover of my guide. These guides stay in the KMA and are made available (they can be "checked out") to area teachers, parents, home-school groups etc. for more in-depth information about the artist and exhibit. Each guide contains a biography of the artist, professional time-line, a breakdown of their concepts (The Big Idea), images, and a unit plan which includes two art lesson plans that follow Tennessee state curriculum standards. Thank you for helping make the Josh Simpson guide more dynamic! Sincerely, Elise Murphy University of Tennessee / Knoxville Museum of Art |
Subject: making ornaments with a fire bucket Wow, this really makes me want to get into this art form. Nice job! Isabel Suárez |
You are awesome!! I can't thank you enough for the timely response. I had hoped you could help me. My husband has been going on for months about going to the Renaissance fair. Every time it comes up, he remembers back to when he went on a field trip in elementary school and his amazement at the glass blowing. Lingering, to this day, on a girl who purchased a souvenir: it was a glass ball that, when held in your hand, the liquid in the ball rose, based on the warmth of your hand. The HAND BOILERS you found were EXACTLY what I was looking for. I can't wait to be able to give my husban this gift! It will be a great piece to keep on his desk at work, or in our living room (out of the reach of little fingers, of course). The glass blowing is truly an art form. Take care. Janet English |
Thanks! I loved the instructions on how to make ornaments with a fire bucket! The photos and descriptions were perfect!! Thanks for sharing. Mary W |
Thanks for your wonderful resource! Jonathan Daviswww.LocallyGrownArt.com |
Your fire bucket ornaments web page demonstrates a great way to hone skills without having to pay the $200+/day studio fee. Eric Covington |
Subject: Awesome! Hey..this is great! I am going to share this with everyone at the studio. Your directions are so clear and detailed! I have been wondering about those caps... Thanks, Lucinda I work at this incredible studio: Prodigy Glass Studio Oak Park, Il 60302 |
It is really neat of you to take the time to share your knowledge so freely online, Thank you!! - Beverly |
Thanks for making such an awesome and informative site! Keep up the good work! Michael Millswww.carlislemachine.com www.carlisleschoolofglassart.com |
glassblowing web page at last modified: August 03 2024 |